From 08/30/2000 to 09/28/2000
- 02:37 PM Revision 475 (metacat): removed system.out.printlns
- 01:12 PM Revision 474 (metacat): added a "server" parameter which tells the system the path to the server on which metacat is running. This is used for metacat:// urls.
- 01:11 PM Revision 473 (metacat): added support for urls of the form "metacat://"
- 01:10 PM Revision 472 (metacat): added package and resource data and structures
- 04:02 PM Revision 471 (metacat): Separate thread used for writing into xml_index table.
- This cut the time of the response on insert almost in half.
The tread is started afterwards
(on end of document parsi... - 03:09 PM Revision 470 (metacat): added new fields
- 03:09 PM Revision 469 (metacat): added support for returndoc handling.
- 03:08 PM Revision 468 (metacat): added a packagedoctype parameter so that the servlet knows what kind of doctype a package
- 03:08 PM Revision 467 (metacat): updated for returndoc field
- 03:07 PM Revision 466 (metacat): This class syncronously indexes any package file that is loaded into the database.r
- 03:06 PM Revision 465 (metacat): Added backtrack functionality. Backtracking works by passing a returndoc parameter. There can be more than one. If a document that is hit by a query is not of type returndoc then it searches the database for a related file of type returndoc. If one is found it is displayed, if no relation is found, the original is displayed.
- Support was also added for an index of relations. the table xml_relation handles the all of the relation indexing.
- 01:03 PM Revision 464 (metacat): included new method getPoolSize()
- 02:50 PM Revision 463 (metacat): added extra timing information to the main() driver method.
- 01:25 PM Revision 462 (metacat): fix the small bug with output like:
- Fatal processing error
<?xml version=1.0?>
on hadleInsertOrUpdateAction() - 01:22 PM Revision 461 (metacat): writeDocID() not needed any more
- throw SAXException from everywhere
- 01:21 PM Revision 460 (metacat): on character(cbuf, start, len) included:
- if currentNode.getTagName().equals("title")
instead of using:
currentDocument.setTit... - 01:15 PM Revision 459 (metacat): change Assession# generation to use the same db connection
- 10:58 AM Revision 458 (metacat): Updated the download data function. the download data function now pulls a document from the database, zips it up and sends the zip stream to the client. It also zips up any related files. a relation parameter is used to pass related files to the servlet. If only one document should be zipped and sent, a single docid in the param hashtable is sufficient.
- 05:40 PM Revision 457 (metacat): changes related to decrease the time of INSERT of document.
- With these changes I inserted 200KB file for 3 minutes, 50KB for 50sec.
This is mainly simplifing the DBSAXNode class... - 03:16 PM Revision 456 (metacat): updated this style sheet to display only resource documents and their related files. Also added hidden input params to the images on the left so that the related document info is sent back to the servlet when documentation or an abstract is requested.
- 12:53 PM Revision 455 (metacat): this stylesheet now processes relation information.
- 12:53 PM Revision 454 (metacat): This allows for the easy handling of metacat:// urls. The documentation in the source code explains the specification for the url in detail.
- 12:52 PM Revision 453 (metacat): Added functionality for package specifications. metacatservlet now contains a new action called getrelateddocument that handles retrieving related documents using the metacatURL specification ( DBQuery contains new code in runQuery that embeds relation tags in the returned hashtable describing the documents related to each docid. querySpecification contains a new method which prints the sql that does the relation query.
- 03:03 PM Revision 451 (metacat): fix bug in toXML() about getting output of XML document like:
- <paragraph</paragraph>>
- 01:59 PM Revision 450 (metacat): added parentnodeid to xml_index table
- 01:57 PM Revision 449 (metacat): added parentnodeid to xml_index
- 01:09 PM Revision 447 (metacat): fix for "Document not found" err message on "getdocument" action
- 01:07 PM Revision 446 (metacat): fix for "public" authentication
- 01:38 PM Revision 445 (metacat): xml_documents.public_access modified to be
ie all documents to have public access by default - 12:42 PM Revision 444 (metacat): removed print statments
- 12:28 PM Revision 443 (metacat): fixed xml tag error in squer
- 11:24 AM Revision 442 (metacat): fixed bug in handleSQuery that returned the <?xml?> tag in the <query> tag of a resultset.
- BugID:
Submitted by:
Reviewed by: - 10:37 AM Revision 441 (metacat): added check from "read" permission on "query" and "squery" actions
- for connected user or for "public" connection
- 01:36 PM Revision 440 (metacat): 3 indexes added on:
- xml_nodes (rootnodeid)
xml_nodes (parentnodeid)
xml_documents (docid, doctype)
- 02:01 PM Revision 438 (metacat): added documentation and cleaned up the markup.
- 01:51 PM Revision 437 (metacat): added support for getabstract action
- 01:50 PM Revision 436 (metacat): Added a method called getNodeContent which retrieves the content of a node in a document. If there are more than one nodes with the same name returned, it returns an array with all of the data.
- 01:49 PM Revision 435 (metacat): Added support for viewabstract
- 08:46 AM Revision 434 (metacat): added resource.xsl to the catalog
- 08:45 AM Revision 433 (metacat): no message
- 08:43 AM Revision 432 (metacat): style sheet for resource documents
- 05:37 PM Revision 431 (metacat): Modified MetaCatServlet to use the new DocumentImpl.toXml() method for
- efficiency of reading documents. See bugzilla bug #111 for an explanation.
- 05:24 PM Revision 430 (metacat): Updated the test.xml file to use more XML features for testing insert,
- update, and read functions of DocumentImpl. Now the document contains
comments and processing instructions. - 05:14 PM Revision 429 (metacat): Fixed document reading bug (bugzilla bug #111) so that reading documents
- is no longer a power function of the number of nodes in the document
(which used to be the case). Now, reading a doc... - 01:47 PM Revision 428 (metacat): change the 2 executions in archiveDocRevision()
- with 1 statement:
"insert into xml_revisions
select ... from xml_documents where docid = ..." - 12:04 PM Revision 427 (metacat): small changes on hasWritePermission()
- 05:08 PM Revision 426 (metacat): get rid of the FK in xml_acess table that points to xm_documents.docid
- since xml_access.docid(s) point to current and revised documents
(ie xml_documents.docid and xml_revisions.docid) - 05:01 PM Revision 425 (metacat): storing user_owner and user_updated where needed
- new function in DocumentImpl checking for "write" perm on UPDATE or DELETE
added delete from xml_index of the old ver... - 02:43 PM Revision 424 (metacat): this file is no longer used.
- 02:20 PM Revision 423 (metacat): changed xslf for new returnfield scheme. the returnfields are now returned as <param name="<returnfield>"> tags.
- hThe sql for the returnfield query was redone to fix a previous problem with slow queries
- 02:18 PM Revision 422 (metacat): changed xslf for new resultfield scheme
- 11:19 AM Revision 421 (metacat): cleared static methods in AccessionNumber classes for fixing bug found
- when multiple requests to the servlet at a time.
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