From 08/16/2001 to 09/14/2001
- 05:37 PM Revision 833 (metacat): Minor bug fixes following change in style handling. Fixed image locations,
- cleaned up main resultset stylesheet.
- 04:00 PM Revision 832 (metacat): Added support for multiple user interfaces by enabling style sheet
- transformations to be configured from within metacat rather than
from in the database. Now, metacat uses the qformat... - 11:59 AM Revision 831 (metacat): small fix to enable resolving external entities included in the DTD;
- external entities are now resolved successfully by DBEntityResolver using the specified system ids
and thus there no ...
- 10:28 PM Revision 830 (metacat): Removed the requirement that the relationship for ACL associations be
- "isRelatedTo". Now the relationship in the triple can be anything, like
"describes access control rules for". This ... - 07:26 PM Revision 829 (metacat): More fully completed the eml-dataset XSLT stylesheet for translating
- into HTML format. Now more of the relevant fields are completed, and
the coverages are shown. Still need to systema... - 04:22 PM Revision 828 (metacat): Added new filter for style-path
- 04:22 PM Revision 827 (metacat): Modified metacat stylesheets to now use a "style-path" filter for setting
- the path to XSL and CSS style sheets. this allows the style
location to be configured independently of the main web ...
- 02:49 PM Revision 826 (metacat): changes to store namespace prefixes separately from the local names of nodes (elements and attributes)
- in xml_nodes.nodeprefix column
- 02:46 PM Revision 825 (metacat): added nodeprefix column to xml_nodes table for storing of namespace prefixes per nodes
- 11:19 AM Revision 824 (metacat): Updated index page to launch proper initial query.
- 10:48 AM Revision 822 (metacat): Revised build.xml and to make it easier to
- install alternative stylesheets for metacat. In the process,
replaced the deprecated copydir and copyfile commands i...
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