From 01/08/2002 to 02/06/2002
- 09:10 AM Revision 926 (metacat): took my password out of the build file
- 09:09 AM Revision 925 (metacat): integrated the postgres and oracle properties into one build file. now, if you want to switch between oracle and postgres, you just change the 'depends' attribute in the 'init' target. also, I fixed the path to the servlet.jar file to match up with where tomcat now stores it (lib/common/servlet.jar instead of lib/servlet.jar).
- 06:03 PM Revision 924 (metacat): Modified the build file to point at the proper eml directory so that the
- "getdtd" target can find the right files to be checked out.
- 11:31 AM Revision 923 (metacat): Committed changes to the build file so that it properly copies the Xalan
- jar files instead of the oracle xml parser which has been eliminated.
- 08:38 PM Revision 921 (metacat): Fixed bug in login.xsl that was preventing a successful xslt transform. Now
- successful logins redirect correctly, unsuccessful ones redirect to the
login page again. - 01:14 AM Revision 920 (metacat): Set the qformat parameter so the stylesheets can use it for conditional
- processing.
- 12:56 AM Revision 919 (metacat): Added new stylesheets for displaying the eml-attribute and eml-entity modules.
- 06:07 PM Revision 918 (metacat): Changed the link urls in the eml-dataset display stylesheet to use the
- default style-set as set in the build file rather than hard-coding the
value 'html'. This allows more flexibility in... - 03:28 PM Revision 917 (metacat): fixed error with dist target so that it now copies the source correctly
- 10:29 AM Revision 916 (metacat): updated all of the returndoctypes so that emlbeta4 and emlbeta6 will show up in the resultset.
- 10:15 AM Revision 915 (metacat): fixed error I introduced when I got postgres working
- 10:25 AM Revision 914 (metacat): changed dtd dir
- 10:02 AM Revision 913 (metacat): changed the datadir again
- 09:56 AM Revision 912 (metacat): changed datadir variable from install-dir to installdir
- 11:06 AM Revision 911 (metacat): removed old properties
- 11:02 AM Revision 910 (metacat): fixed minor error
- 07:56 AM Revision 909 (metacat): made postgres db name independent from my name
- 11:32 AM Revision 908 (metacat): we no longer need this jar file. all of its functionality was replaced by xalan.
- 11:31 AM Revision 907 (metacat): jar files for xalan
- 11:30 AM Revision 906 (metacat): updated metacat so that the xmlparserv2.jar file is no longer needed. replaced all of teh oracle xml processing with xalan and xerces.
- 02:43 PM Revision 905 (metacat): fixed typo in web.xml file
- 01:40 PM Revision 904 (metacat): updated the web.xml file. took out download servlet and marineservlet.
- 01:23 PM Revision 903 (metacat): jar files needed for metacat.
- 10:31 AM Revision 902 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 10:28 AM Revision 901 (metacat): created dummy versions of the oracle and postgres build files
- 10:26 AM Revision 900 (metacat): readded the oracle stuff to te build file
- 10:24 AM Revision 899 (metacat): made a ton of changes related to keeping oracle SQL code out of the main classes. fixed a bug where the timing of the index thread was off so when it went to index a document, the document was not already in xml_documents thus breaking the FK relation between xml_documents and xml_index. I think that bug might be the reason for the blank resultset screens in morpho. made the postgres implementation much more robust.
- 01:15 PM Revision 895 (metacat): updated for new release
- 08:46 AM Revision 894 (metacat): fixed bug with ampersands in the returned relations in the resultset.
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