



From 09/14/2003 to 10/13/2003


03:05 PM Bug #1186: query returning invalid UTF-8 sequence
This problem can be avoided with a Morpho fix that changes InputStream to a
Reader. It is not clear whether Metacat i...
Dan Higgins
11:12 AM Bug #1186 (Resolved): query returning invalid UTF-8 sequence
Currently, if one runs a "%" query on the default metacat server from Morpho,
Morpho reports the exception "(2.431) ...
Dan Higgins


05:39 PM Revision 1834 (metacat): Add a new method to find document from queryspecification.
Jing Tao


06:08 PM Revision 1833 (metacat): Revise code so it can be called directly.
Jing Tao


05:17 PM Revision 1832 (metacat): Revied the class.
Jing Tao
05:16 PM Revision 1831 (metacat): New class will be used in metacat ecogrid impl.
Jing Tao


01:04 AM Revision 1830 (metacat): *** empty log message ***


03:26 PM Revision 1829 (metacat): Added more debugging messgaes to the test in an attempt to find out
what is wrong with the cookies. Matt Jones
01:14 PM Revision 1828 (metacat): Updated more tests on session reuse. Made the http calls set the sessionid
explicitly rather than relying on cookies being passed around statically.
Still need to modify HttpMessage to get rid...
Matt Jones
11:43 AM Bug #188: provide a metacat client library with a standard API
I implemented a functional metacat client API that can be used on both the
client and server. The interface is defin...
Matt Jones


05:05 PM Revision 1827 (metacat): Renamed the upgrade sql files to more understandable names, updated the
build file to include some new targets for running these files, and
updated the installation docs to clarify which up...
Matt Jones
05:01 PM Revision 1826 (metacat): New versions of the Metacat client API that allow access to the sessionId
so that a session can be reused over several different instances. Matt Jones


06:32 PM Revision 1825 (metacat): Fixed the sessionId handling code to now properly return the sessionId
in the login response message. Updated junit tests to test this issue. Matt Jones
03:54 PM Revision 1824 (metacat): Add the code copy jdbc file to web-info/lib dir. Because the oracle jdbc.jar is not in our lib dir.
Jing Tao
01:31 PM Revision 1823 (metacat): Streamlined installation of jars in build file.
Matt Jones
12:42 PM Revision 1822 (metacat): Modified metacat to now provide the session identifier in the response
xml message when a login is called. This has not been fully tested.
I removed the HttpMessage class from metacat in ...
Matt Jones

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