From 09/20/2003 to 10/19/2003
- 05:13 PM Revision 1836 (metacat): Added a browse stylesheet that indexes data sets by keyword, creator, and
- organization, all on one page. Use style=browse to access.
Some minor formatting improvements to keyword index, and ... - 09:30 AM Revision 1835 (metacat): Added a new stylesheet and style-set that allows one to display all of the
- keywords from a query on metacat in a sorted, unique list. Each keyword
is a link to a metacat query that returns al...
- 03:05 PM Bug #1186: query returning invalid UTF-8 sequence
- This problem can be avoided with a Morpho fix that changes InputStream to a
Reader. It is not clear whether Metacat i... - 11:12 AM Bug #1186 (Resolved): query returning invalid UTF-8 sequence
- Currently, if one runs a "%" query on the default metacat server from Morpho,
Morpho reports the exception "(2.431) ...
- 05:17 PM Revision 1832 (metacat): Revied the class.
- 05:16 PM Revision 1831 (metacat): New class will be used in metacat ecogrid impl.
- 03:26 PM Revision 1829 (metacat): Added more debugging messgaes to the test in an attempt to find out
- what is wrong with the cookies.
- 01:14 PM Revision 1828 (metacat): Updated more tests on session reuse. Made the http calls set the sessionid
- explicitly rather than relying on cookies being passed around statically.
Still need to modify HttpMessage to get rid... - 11:43 AM Bug #188: provide a metacat client library with a standard API
- I implemented a functional metacat client API that can be used on both the
client and server. The interface is defin...
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