From 10/05/2003 to 11/03/2003
- 11:16 AM Revision 1846 (metacat): Harvester UML activity diagram in jpeg format. This is a preliminary look at some "value added" or quality control componenets. Created initially in Oracle's JDeveloper
- 11:16 AM Revision 1845 (metacat): Harvester UML activity diagram in svg format. This is a preliminary look at some "value added" or quality control componenets. Created initially in Oracle's JDeveloper
- 11:11 AM Revision 1844 (metacat): Harvester UML activity diagram in jpeg format. Created initially in Oracle's JDeveloper
- 11:11 AM Revision 1843 (metacat): Harvester UML activity diagram in svg format. Created initially in Oracle's JDeveloper
- 10:29 AM Revision 1842 (metacat): new include files for metacat web pages - header and search box. Still need to remove hard-coded context uris
- 06:02 PM Revision 1841 (metacat): Add a checking for xml_nodes insert finished, then start build index table.
- 05:13 PM Revision 1836 (metacat): Added a browse stylesheet that indexes data sets by keyword, creator, and
- organization, all on one page. Use style=browse to access.
Some minor formatting improvements to keyword index, and ... - 09:30 AM Revision 1835 (metacat): Added a new stylesheet and style-set that allows one to display all of the
- keywords from a query on metacat in a sorted, unique list. Each keyword
is a link to a metacat query that returns al...
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