



From 02/04/2011 to 03/05/2011


09:46 AM Bug #5316: Interactive map doesn't work with firefox
This is a known issue with the old MapBuilder interface used to render the spatial layers in Metacat 1.9.x.
The forth...
ben leinfelder


06:57 AM Bug #5316 (Resolved): Interactive map doesn't work with firefox
The interactive map, for example
doesn't work with ...
Eva-Maria Gerstner


02:48 PM Bug #5262: EML document owner can't read the document
Hrrm, it seems our code doesn't trim the username.
In AuthLdap.authenticateTLS:
I added a information line to displ...
Jing Tao
01:47 PM Bug #5262: EML document owner can't read the document
Hi, Matt:
Yes, the user name with extra space can login. The username field in EcogridWriter is used for login. The ...
Jing Tao
11:54 AM Bug #5262: EML document owner can't read the document
Trimming strings on input like this is always dangerous. My guess is that the bug arises because someone through a '... Matt Jones
11:42 AM Bug #5262: EML document owner can't read the document
Somehow, in EcogridWriter actor, author put an extra space after uid=kepler,o=unaffiliated,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org.
Jing Tao


10:46 AM Bug #5300: SchemaLocationResolver fails to download included xsd files
Add a new class XMLSchemaPaser which can extract the included schema information.
In XMLSchemaService class, add a ne...
Jing Tao


02:37 PM Bug #5300: SchemaLocationResolver fails to download included xsd files
Here is a way probably resolve this issue:
In edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.service.XMLSchemaService lcass, we will add two...
Jing Tao
01:40 PM Bug #5300 (Resolved): SchemaLocationResolver fails to download included xsd files
I am trying to insert an eml document with embedded sensorML into metacat.
But i get the error:
knb 20110209-11:20:...
Jing Tao
11:41 AM Bug #4307: Upgrade Geoserver to prevent Metacat crashes
Shape files were corrupted by the ant build (filtered copy treated them as text).
Configuration allows for bypass and...
ben leinfelder
11:37 AM Bug #2188: replace web client with OpenLayers
New OpenLayers implementation is now in trunk - old MapBuilder has been removed. ben leinfelder


11:30 AM Bug #2188: replace web client with OpenLayers
added new map control for metacat spatial query. now you can Pan/Zoom/Search depending on which control is selected ben leinfelder
10:25 AM Bug #5288: Metacat got "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" after new geoserver update
GeoServer recommends increasing your container's default settings:
ben leinfelder


11:44 AM Bug #5294: Enable Junit test on
It turns out that Metacat is using a customized properties file management system.It makes the properties file more r... Jing Tao


05:31 PM Bug #5294: Enable Junit test on
in above comment, can = can NOT :) Jing Tao
05:29 PM Bug #5294: Enable Junit test on
The first issue in above comment relates to the second one. When metacat initializes the db service, it can recognize... Jing Tao
04:54 PM Bug #5294: Enable Junit test on
I will add the target to check the database.
I added two targets into the build.xml. One will set configutil.* to be...
Jing Tao
04:13 PM Bug #5294: Enable Junit test on
This sounds good, Jing. One other issue is that the admin servlet runs SQL scripts to create/update databases, etc. ... Matt Jones
03:15 PM Bug #5294: Enable Junit test on
I just tested if we set:
Jing Tao
01:03 PM Bug #5294: Enable Junit test on
<matt> another possibility would be to create a new target in the build that sets those properties explicitly for the... Jing Tao
11:54 AM Bug #5294 (New): Enable Junit test on
Currently in hudson test, the build will run "ant clean war" to verify the new commitment code would not break the bu... Jing Tao

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