From 03/24/2013 to 04/22/2013
- 06:08 PM Revision 7604 (metacat): Add code to get all doc ids in the solr server.
- 02:46 PM Revision 7603 (metacat): Add a remove(List) method in the class and an obsoletes list parameter in the update method.
- 02:23 PM Revision 7602 (metacat): Add the getSystemMetadata and getObsoletes methods.
- 05:52 PM Revision 7597 (metacat): change the solr end point to be the localhost.
- 05:51 PM Revision 7596 (metacat): Change the default solr endpoint to be the localhost.
- 05:47 PM Revision 7595 (metacat): Base the configuration to create either EmbeddedSolrServer or HttpSolrServer.
- 05:20 PM Revision 7594 (metacat): Add some new properties for the solr.
- 05:19 PM Revision 7593 (metacat): Read the solr configuration file name and collection name from the property file.
- 04:37 PM Revision 7592 (metacat): Print out the solr query result in the xml format.
- 01:03 PM Revision 7591 (metacat): naive version of SolrServerFactory - no reflection. It returns an EmbeddedSolrServer implementation based on the solr.homeDir set in Settings class.
- 12:43 PM Revision 7590 (metacat): simplify testing with embedded solr server locations -- no need to copy solr-home or set system properties. Still more to do (factory method) but this is getting cleaner.
- 11:38 AM Revision 7589 (metacat): add place-holder for using SolrServerFactory to get the correct SOlrServer impl during application init
- 11:24 AM Revision 7588 (metacat): clean up configuration initialization
- 11:15 AM Revision 7587 (metacat): clean up logging for hz config file error
- 10:25 AM Revision 7586 (metacat): rely on Settings loaded from test resources config rather than hardcoding the paths in code.
- 09:48 AM Revision 7585 (metacat): include test resource bundles to be loaded into Settings configuration during testing.
- 09:48 AM Revision 7584 (metacat): move hazelcast config file location code into the MetacatIndexServlet init method
- 09:08 AM Revision 7583 (metacat): do not skip tests during metacat-index package phase.
- 09:01 AM Revision 7582 (metacat): use integration-test ("mvn verify") to test things that require Metacat to be running. These classes should end be named "*" and unit tests that do not require metacat to be running can be named "*" -
- 05:35 PM Revision 7581 (metacat): format before editing.
- 01:14 PM Revision 7580 (metacat): Comment out the testRemove method temporarily.
- 01:10 PM Revision 7579 (metacat): Temporarily to comment out the remove test.
- 11:28 AM Revision 7578 (metacat): Add a test method to test the update method.
- 11:27 AM Revision 7577 (metacat): Add the update method.
- 11:26 AM Revision 7576 (metacat): Add documents for updating solr index.
- 05:07 PM Revision 7575 (metacat): Add a solr.homeDir property.
- 05:00 PM Revision 7574 (metacat): Get the solr home dir from the
- 04:01 PM Revision 7573 (metacat): Set the test solr home in the target directory.
- 03:53 PM Revision 7572 (metacat): Add the necessary files for the solr home.
- 01:36 PM Revision 7571 (metacat): Set the hazelcast.xml path for the test.
- 05:14 PM Revision 7569 (metacat): Add a query method in the test.
- 04:26 PM Revision 7568 (metacat): split the deployment of metacat-index.war copy into two different tasks so that the "install" target puts it in both the /dist and "deployment directory" whereas the "install-metacat-index" bypasses metacat building and kust rebuilds the metacat-index.war and puts it in the deply directory.
- 04:08 PM Revision 7567 (metacat): copy the metacat-index.war file to the app.deploy.dir rather than dist.dir.
- 04:08 PM Revision 7566 (metacat): correctly look up the context init parameter for the metacat properties file
- 03:44 PM Revision 7565 (metacat): Move this file to the solr home and rename it to the schema.xml.
- 03:42 PM Revision 7564 (metacat): Add the solr home directory.
- 03:34 PM Revision 7563 (metacat): include the objectPathMap name in the (used by metacat-index component)
- 03:34 PM Revision 7562 (metacat): lookup the hz client connection information from the hazelcast.xml file being used by metacat.
- 01:04 PM Revision 7561 (metacat): build metacat-index.war using maven and copy to the metacat /dist folder.
- 11:28 AM Revision 7560 (metacat): start the SystemMetadataListener for each solr index configured (expecting only one).
- 11:22 AM Revision 7559 (metacat): Remove this obsoleted file.
- 11:19 AM Revision 7558 (metacat): draft for sharing the with the metacat-index webapp.
- 10:18 AM Revision 7557 (metacat): add methods to set the SolrIndex instance and initialize the listener (includes overloaded constructor)
- 10:13 AM Revision 7556 (metacat): use SystemMetadata parameter for inserting into SolrIndex
- 10:04 AM Revision 7555 (metacat): Change one parameter type of the insert method from the InputStream to the SystemMetadata.
- 05:51 PM Revision 7554 (metacat): Add a file prefix to tell it is absolute path.
- 05:50 PM Revision 7553 (metacat): Excludes the slf4j-log4j12.jar for removing duplicated class.
- 05:04 PM Revision 7552 (metacat): The module will create a servlet class in a war file.
- 05:03 PM Revision 7551 (metacat): Add a web.xml file for the war.
- 04:50 PM Revision 7550 (metacat): add first pass at listening for SM events on HZ. Note that the configuration and even the call to solrIndex.insert() are not actually working.
- 05:30 PM Revision 7549 (metacat): Make EmbeddedServer work. It is for solr 3.4 since the d1_cn_index_processor depends on that version.
- 02:56 PM Revision 7548 (metacat): Use the EmbeddedSolrServer to replace HttpSolrServer. Now it still has some issues.
- 05:30 PM Revision 7546 (metacat): Add insert method for SolrIndex.
- 03:39 PM Revision 7545 (metacat): Remove the file generated by the wizard.
- 03:38 PM Revision 7544 (metacat): Remove the file generated by the wizard.
- 03:35 PM Revision 7543 (metacat): use updated EML stylesheet tag.
- 03:34 PM Revision 7542 (metacat): Figured out to read beans from the configuration file.
- 11:16 AM Revision 7541 (metacat): use more modern approach for web.xml: schema instead of dtd for web-app declaration.
- 11:14 AM Revision 7540 (metacat): Add the dependency of solr-solrj.
- 10:28 AM Revision 7539 (metacat): Add the repository and dependency of the d1_cn_index_processor.
- 03:54 PM Revision 7538 (metacat): add the metacat-index component. It has nothing right now.
- 03:43 PM Revision 7537 (metacat): remove explicit reference to KNB when Metacat may not be deployed as the KNB node. This has bothered my for a while, too.
- 03:21 PM Revision 7535 (metacat): Add a new class ApplicationController.
- 12:38 PM Revision 7534 (metacat): allow verification date to be updated for replicas (patch from Skye).
- 09:28 AM Revision 7533 (metacat): (generated image commit) add ObjectPathMap reference for an indication about how we might read the bytes of a science metadata file for generating the index events.
- 09:27 AM Revision 7532 (metacat): add ObjectPathMap reference for an indication about how we might read the bytes of a science metadata file for generating the index events.
- 05:08 PM Revision 7531 (metacat): add new Stand-alone indexer component that can utilize more of the cn-index-processor code (Spring configuration) as is. Include Hazelcast reference to illustrate listener mechanism for responding to events that affect the index.
- 11:56 AM Revision 7530 (metacat): Add an example of the solr index configuration file.
- 05:05 PM Revision 7529 (metacat): Change the name of the class SolrFieldParser to IDocumentSubprocessorFactory.
- 12:02 PM Revision 7528 (metacat): Add SolrDoc and SolrElementField class.
- 05:49 PM Revision 7527 (metacat): Add a new class SolrFieldParser and remove some classes like GenericIndex.
- 05:22 PM Revision 7525 (metacat): switch to non-snapshot EZID client jar.
- 11:57 AM Revision 7524 (metacat): use new, dedicated, LTER test account for LDAP referral test.
- 10:30 AM Revision 7522 (metacat): added more classes to the index diagram to reflect current state of the code - needs to be updated to include plan for implementation (e.g., DocType object is not what we want).
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