From 09/13/2014 to 10/12/2014
- 04:56 PM Bug #6610 (Closed): Can't index resource in Metacat trunk
- metacat-index 20141010-16:51:45: [ERROR]: SolrIndex.update - could not update the solr index since Illegal character ...
- 03:04 PM Revision 8893 (metacat): when we remove a slor index of a resource map, we don't need to know the content of the resource map. Instead, we will search the solr index to get information.
- 02:58 PM Revision 8890 (metacat): Remove the byte array field.
- 02:16 PM Revision 8889 (metacat): Removed the method which had the byte array attribute.
- 02:10 PM Revision 8887 (metacat): Remove the system metadata for data objects.
- 02:01 PM Revision 8884 (metacat): change the way to delete the solr index of a resource map.
- 01:23 PM Revision 8883 (metacat): Backup the /etc/apache2/site-enabled directory.
- 04:40 PM Revision 8882 (metacat): Remove the code to stop/start ldap server.
- Change the script name to stop/start tomcat.
Also backup
- 10:32 PM Revision 8880 (metacat): Replace the operator "=~' by "eq" in comparing the two password fields.
- 05:42 PM Revision 8877 (metacat): dd a new routine to check if the uid has been taken already in the production space during the creation process.
- 09:46 PM Bug #6596: Data files were not indexed.
- If I use the upload a data file (no resource map and metadata files) by devtool.html (use a metacat api), the data f...
- 09:43 PM Bug #6596: Data files were not indexed.
- If a package (including resource map, metadata and data objects) are upload by morpho trunk (using dataone api), it w...
- 04:15 PM Revision 8871 (metacat): include resource="#xpointer(...)" attributes for sections that are potential targets for annotation. So far we have the various people (creator, contact, etc) and data table attributes.
- 04:41 PM Bug #6593 (Closed): Solr index hasn't been removed when the MN.delete method was called
- We add code to trigger the system be archived. The code was added to both the trunk and the 2.4 branch.
- 05:18 PM Revision 8866 (metacat): Add the code to handle the delete of the resource map.
- 05:07 PM Revision 8864 (metacat): Add the code to handle to remove the resource map index.
- 04:48 PM Revision 8862 (metacat): Add codes to handle remove a source map solr index.
- 04:36 PM Revision 8860 (metacat): Add a field to contain the content of resource map.
- 04:25 PM Bug #6596 (Closed): Data files were not indexed.
- When I submitted a data package to the metacat, the resource map and metadata were indexed. But the data file wasn't....
- 06:31 PM Revision 8859 (metacat): Add a util class to judge if a namespace is a resource map file.
- 02:36 PM Bug #6595 (Resolved): resourceMap field is not indexed
- This is referring to the triple model/graph name, which is sometimes a URI starting with http://. They are now create...
- 02:32 PM Revision 8857 (metacat): Create a valid URI by using all lowercase letters when creating a name for the triple model in the Rdf Xml Subprocessor. See bug:
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