From 09/20/2014 to 10/19/2014
- 06:15 PM Revision 8912 (metacat): Add the code to modify the file.
- 05:13 PM Revision 8911 (metacat): Fixed typo.
- 05:02 PM Revision 8910 (metacat): use spec for conformsTo property. use the full xpath for EML dataTable and attribute selectors
- 04:49 PM Revision 8909 (metacat): Add a script to install openjdk 7 and tomcat 7.
- It also configures java, javac,keytools and tomcat7.
- 04:56 PM Revision 8908 (metacat): Remove an import.
- 04:56 PM Revision 8907 (metacat): Removed an import.
- 04:49 PM Revision 8906 (metacat): Added the junit tests to test the NotFoundException having the deleted information.
- 04:49 PM Revision 8905 (metacat): Added the junit tests to test the NotFoundException having the deleted information.
- 04:34 PM Revision 8903 (metacat): Added the code to inform users the pid was deleted in the NotFound exception.
- 06:11 PM Revision 8901 (metacat): Added the code to check if a not-found object was deleted in the isAuthorized method.
- 06:01 PM Revision 8899 (metacat): Move the code to get the object in front of the method to get the system metadata.
- 01:45 PM Revision 8897 (metacat): Add a test method to test the method determining if there is a delete event for the given id.
- 01:44 PM Revision 8896 (metacat): Add a utility method for determine if there is a delete event for a given id.
- 03:04 PM Revision 8893 (metacat): when we remove a slor index of a resource map, we don't need to know the content of the resource map. Instead, we will search the solr index to get information.
- 02:58 PM Revision 8890 (metacat): Remove the byte array field.
- 02:16 PM Revision 8889 (metacat): Removed the method which had the byte array attribute.
- 02:10 PM Revision 8887 (metacat): Remove the system metadata for data objects.
- 02:01 PM Revision 8884 (metacat): change the way to delete the solr index of a resource map.
- 01:23 PM Revision 8883 (metacat): Backup the /etc/apache2/site-enabled directory.
- 04:40 PM Revision 8882 (metacat): Remove the code to stop/start ldap server.
- Change the script name to stop/start tomcat.
Also backup
- 10:32 PM Revision 8880 (metacat): Replace the operator "=~' by "eq" in comparing the two password fields.
- 05:42 PM Revision 8877 (metacat): dd a new routine to check if the uid has been taken already in the production space during the creation process.
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