From 10/31/2015 to 11/29/2015
- 11:44 AM Revision 9425 (metacat): add checks on archived flag to avoid NPE.
- 08:44 AM Revision 9424 (metacat): only consult fields to merge if there was an existing referenced doc
- 09:56 PM Revision 9422 (metacat): remove "al" prefix from subquery since we are only querying one table and do not need to use a prefix.
- 09:12 PM Revision 9421 (metacat): added 4 new schema fields so need to account for them in the test case.
- 04:41 PM Revision 9420 (metacat): subclass AnnotatorSubprocessor for use in metacat-index (uses embedded solr server and solrj for retrieving/merging existing documents).
- 04:03 PM Revision 9419 (metacat): bump trunk to 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT and pull in d1 dependencies at 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT to continue trunk development.
- 11:26 AM Revision 9416 (metacat): merge from 2.5 branch
- 10:33 AM Revision 9411 (metacat): add fileName, mediaType and mediaTypeProperties to solr schema and v2 system metadata processor
- 04:51 PM Revision 9408 (metacat): Add more statement to debug the query performance.
- 02:24 PM Revision 9406 (metacat): refactor v2 context bean to use the v1 pattern used in metacat
- 02:21 PM Revision 9405 (metacat): include seriesId in solr schema and context file (v2 system metadata)
- 11:33 AM Revision 9404 (metacat): rollback to use entity/attribute id for the tab-pane (so it will work) and include new div id for the annotatable attribute section.
- 02:36 PM Revision 9391 (metacat): Use conditional method for retrieving server URL (http vs https). When metacat is configured to force SSL communication we get the https url, otherwise we get http. this allows us to use the DBTransform on localhosts that are not using SSL.
- 12:31 PM Revision 9390 (metacat): add section for CN vs MN endpoints for MetacatUI.
- 11:27 AM Revision 9389 (metacat): Fixed a bug that the publish method should throw an io exception.
- 11:22 AM Revision 9388 (metacat): use stable EZID 1.0.1 release tag for dependency.
- 04:44 PM Revision 9387 (metacat): Move the editScienceMetadata method to the MNodeService class - only update packageId in EML on publish()
- 02:34 PM Revision 9386 (metacat): update documentation to reference Tomcat 7, Java 7 and newer apache config file name conventions.
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