From 11/07/2015 to 12/06/2015
- 04:31 PM Revision 9435 (metacat): Reset the xml_catalog_id sequence value to the max value of the table.
- 11:44 AM Revision 9425 (metacat): add checks on archived flag to avoid NPE.
- 08:44 AM Revision 9424 (metacat): only consult fields to merge if there was an existing referenced doc
- 09:56 PM Revision 9422 (metacat): remove "al" prefix from subquery since we are only querying one table and do not need to use a prefix.
- 09:12 PM Revision 9421 (metacat): added 4 new schema fields so need to account for them in the test case.
- 04:41 PM Revision 9420 (metacat): subclass AnnotatorSubprocessor for use in metacat-index (uses embedded solr server and solrj for retrieving/merging existing documents).
- 04:03 PM Revision 9419 (metacat): bump trunk to 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT and pull in d1 dependencies at 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT to continue trunk development.
- 11:26 AM Revision 9416 (metacat): merge from 2.5 branch
- 10:33 AM Revision 9411 (metacat): add fileName, mediaType and mediaTypeProperties to solr schema and v2 system metadata processor
- 04:06 PM Feature #6558 (Rejected): Update the Metacat skins with the new CSS used in the EML project
- I think Lauren and I decided this was not an issue given that metacatUI is the preferred display for Metacat now.
- 03:41 PM Revision 9410 (metacat): merge from 2.5 branch: use subquery to do paging before joining to identifier table.
- 04:51 PM Revision 9408 (metacat): Add more statement to debug the query performance.
- 02:24 PM Revision 9406 (metacat): refactor v2 context bean to use the v1 pattern used in metacat
- 02:21 PM Revision 9405 (metacat): include seriesId in solr schema and context file (v2 system metadata)
- 11:33 AM Revision 9404 (metacat): rollback to use entity/attribute id for the tab-pane (so it will work) and include new div id for the annotatable attribute section.
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