



From 01/25/2016 to 02/23/2016


11:39 AM Revision 9532 (metacat): Fix a couple of syntax issues.
refs Chris Jones
11:13 AM Revision 9531 (metacat): Don't forget to set the token variable from the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION environment variable.
refs Chris Jones
10:19 AM Revision 9530 (metacat): Add a setAuthToken() method. when the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION environment variable is set, set the value as the `auth_token_header` instance variable in the Metacat instance passed in. This requires that the Apache installation includes an HTTP rewrite rule to pass the header on to an CGI processing the request. Call this method whenever we instantiate a Metacat object.
Also, add two methods that will be used for parsing the JWT authentication token: getSigningCertificate() and getToke... Chris Jones
10:07 AM Revision 9529 (metacat): Modify the sendData() method to include the Authorization HTTP header when it's available as an instance variable.
refs Chris Jones


05:25 PM Revision 9528 (metacat): Add a new chechsum for the new solr schema.
Jing Tao
03:41 PM Revision 9527 (metacat): Add beans for the iso index.
Jing Tao
03:40 PM Revision 9526 (metacat): Add a bean file for the iso index.
Jing Tao
03:39 PM Revision 9525 (metacat): Add a bean file for the iso index.
Jing Tao
03:34 PM Revision 9524 (metacat): Add more fields for the iso index.
Jing Tao
12:32 PM Revision 9523 (metacat): In the isScienceMetacata method, the ServiceFailure exception shouldn't be caught anymore, since the code doesn't throw it.
Jing Tao
12:04 PM Revision 9522 (metacat): Change its mime type from binary to text.
Jing Tao


08:41 AM Revision 9521 (metacat): In order to access the JWT authentication token, we need to configure the Apache installation to pass the Authorization header on to CGI scripts. Do this with mod_rewrite.
refs Chris Jones


05:14 PM Revision 9520 (metacat): allow Metacat API calls to be made by clients providing their identity with a DataONE auth token.
ben leinfelder


11:54 AM Revision 9518 (metacat): comment out (duplicate) EML download link since it does not apply in the CN context and the same functionality exists elsewhere in the MetacatUI rendering.
ben leinfelder


02:04 PM Revision 9515 (metacat): Removed the sepcified path for the ldap ca file.
Jing Tao
09:55 AM Revision 9514 (metacat): If the user doesn's specify the ldap ca file path on the, it will use the default one.
Jing Tao


05:14 PM Revision 9513 (metacat): Remove the bypass button.
Jing Tao
05:13 PM Revision 9512 (metacat): Update the ezid configuration screenshot.
Jing Tao
03:39 PM Revision 9510 (metacat): Add the help icons on the page.
Jing Tao
03:37 PM Revision 9509 (metacat): Use a new screenshot with the help icon.
Jing Tao
11:38 AM Revision 9507 (metacat): Fixed a typo.
Jing Tao
11:31 AM Revision 9506 (metacat): Add the ezid section.
Jing Tao
11:28 AM Revision 9505 (metacat): Add the section for ezid.
Jing Tao


04:24 PM Revision 9504 (metacat): Updated the screenshot for the configuration pages.
Jing Tao


03:06 PM Revision 9503 (metacat): Add the items for the ezid backup.
Jing Tao
03:05 PM Revision 9502 (metacat): Change the label.
Jing Tao

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