1 |
These are the steps to install the workflow scheduler, workflow run engine and kepler.
2 |
At the time of this writing, the workflow scheduler is associated with a single instance
3 |
of metacat. The workflow run engine and kepler are installed on the same machine as the
4 |
workflow scheduler.
5 |
6 |
These instructions assume that you already have a working copy of apache and tomcat.
7 |
8 |
Build the workflow scheduler:
9 |
-- check out Metacat trunk code
10 |
-- in the root directory, run "ant clean war -f workflowscheduler.build.xml"
11 |
-- the workflowsheduler.war file will be in ./workflowscheduler.dist/
12 |
13 |
Deploy the workflow scheduler:
14 |
-- copy the workflowscheduler.war file to the tomcat webapp directory on the target
15 |
16 |
-- unjar the war file so you can modify the configuration
17 |
-- in the webapp dir, mkdir workflowscheduler
18 |
-- cd workflowscheduler
19 |
-- jar -xvf ../workflowscheduler.war
20 |
-- vi WEB-INF/workflowscheduler.properties
21 |
-- change the workflowScheduler.authServiceUrl and
22 |
workflowScheduler.authorizationServiceUrl to point to the instance of metacat
23 |
associated with the scheduler.
24 |
25 |
Create the database:
26 |
-- follow the instructions in the following file in this directory:
27 |
28 |
29 |
Configure Metacat:
30 |
-- on the instance of Metacat associated with this workflowscheduler, edit
31 |
32 |
-- change the workflowScheduler.url to point to the workflow scheduler server
33 |
34 |
35 |
-- Restart the tomcat instance for the scheduler and for metacat.
36 |
37 |
Install R
38 |
-- follow the instructions at: http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-admin.html
39 |
to download and install r
40 |
-- for rhel4, the following steps were applied
41 |
-- download source tar.gz at:
42 |
43 |
-- tar -xvzf R-2.10.0.tar.gz
44 |
-- install gcc: up2date gcc-g77
45 |
-- run configure with no x and no readline options
46 |
./configure --with-x=no --with-readline=no
47 |
-- run "make"
48 |
-- run "make install"
49 |
50 |
Install kepler:
51 |
-- mkdir /usr/kepler
52 |
-- cd /usr/kepler
53 |
-- svn co https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/trunk/modules/build-area
54 |
-- cd build-area
55 |
-- ant change-to -Dsuite=wrp
56 |
-- ant run
57 |
-- close kepler
58 |
-- ant startup-script
59 |
60 |
Install workflow run engine:
61 |
-- follow the steps listed in:
62 |