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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<schema targetNamespace="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified" version="3.2.0">
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<appinfo source="urn:ogc:specification:gml:schema-xsd:geometryBasic2d:3.2.0">geometryBasic2d.xsd</appinfo>
5 |
<documentation>See ISO/DIS 19136 Clause 10.</documentation>
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7 |
<include schemaLocation="geometryBasic0d1d.xsd"/>
8 |
<complexType name="AbstractSurfaceType" abstract="true">
9 |
10 |
<documentation>gml:AbstractSurfaceType is an abstraction of a surface to support the different levels of complexity. A surface is always a continuous region of a plane.</documentation>
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<extension base="gml:AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType"/>
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<element name="AbstractSurface" type="gml:AbstractSurfaceType" abstract="true" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractGeometricPrimitive">
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<documentation>The AbstractSurface element is the abstract head of the substitution group for all (continuous) surface elements.</documentation>
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<complexType name="SurfacePropertyType">
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<documentation>A property that has a surface as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.</documentation>
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<sequence minOccurs="0">
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<element ref="gml:AbstractSurface"/>
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<attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>
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<attributeGroup ref="gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup"/>
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<element name="surfaceProperty" type="gml:SurfacePropertyType">
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<documentation>This property element either references a surface via the XLink-attributes or contains the surface element. surfaceProperty is the predefined property which may be used by GML Application Schemas whenever a GML feature has a property with a value that is substitutable for AbstractSurface.</documentation>
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<complexType name="SurfaceArrayPropertyType">
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<documentation>gml:SurfaceArrayPropertyType is a container for an array of surfaces. The elements are always contained in the array property, referencing geometry elements or arrays of geometry elements via XLinks is not supported.</documentation>
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<sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
41 |
<element ref="gml:AbstractSurface"/>
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43 |
<attributeGroup ref="gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup"/>
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<element name="surfaceArrayProperty" type="gml:SurfaceArrayPropertyType">
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<documentation>This property element contains a list of surface elements. surfaceArrayProperty is the predefined property which may be used by GML Application Schemas whenever a GML feature has a property with a value that is substitutable for a list of AbstractSurfaces.</documentation>
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<complexType name="PolygonType">
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<extension base="gml:AbstractSurfaceType">
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<element ref="gml:exterior" minOccurs="0"/>
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<element ref="gml:interior" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
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<element name="Polygon" type="gml:PolygonType" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractSurface">
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<documentation>A Polygon is a special surface that is defined by a single surface patch (see D.3.6). The boundary of this patch is coplanar and the polygon uses planar interpolation in its interior.
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The elements exterior and interior describe the surface boundary of the polygon.</documentation>
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<element name="exterior" type="gml:AbstractRingPropertyType">
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<documentation>A boundary of a surface consists of a number of rings. In the normal 2D case, one of these rings is distinguished as being the exterior boundary. In a general manifold this is not always possible, in which case all boundaries shall be listed as interior boundaries, and the exterior will be empty.</documentation>
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<element name="interior" type="gml:AbstractRingPropertyType">
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<documentation>A boundary of a surface consists of a number of rings. The "interior" rings separate the surface / surface patch from the area enclosed by the rings.</documentation>
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<complexType name="AbstractRingType" abstract="true">
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<element name="AbstractRing" type="gml:AbstractRingType" abstract="true" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractObject">
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81 |
<documentation>An abstraction of a ring to support surface boundaries of different complexity.
82 |
The AbstractRing element is the abstract head of the substituition group for all closed boundaries of a surface patch.</documentation>
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85 |
<complexType name="AbstractRingPropertyType">
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<documentation>A property with the content model of gml:AbstractRingPropertyType encapsulates a ring to represent the surface boundary property of a surface.</documentation>
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<element ref="gml:AbstractRing"/>
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<complexType name="LinearRingType">
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<extension base="gml:AbstractRingType">
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<choice minOccurs="4" maxOccurs="unbounded">
99 |
<element ref="gml:pos"/>
100 |
<element ref="gml:pointProperty"/>
101 |
<element ref="gml:pointRep"/>
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<element ref="gml:posList"/>
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<element ref="gml:coordinates"/>
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<element name="LinearRing" type="gml:LinearRingType" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractRing">
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<documentation>A LinearRing is defined by four or more coordinate tuples, with linear interpolation between them; the first and last coordinates shall be coincident. The number of direct positions in the list shall be at least four.</documentation>
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<complexType name="LinearRingPropertyType">
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<documentation>A property with the content model of gml:LinearRingPropertyType encapsulates a linear ring to represent a component of a surface boundary.</documentation>
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<element ref="gml:LinearRing"/>
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