Modified the build to be smarter about making sure that the EML schemasand styles are in place (so manually running 'geteml' should no longerbe needed), and renamed the 'loaddtdschemas' target to 'register-schemas'.Reorganized and clarified installation instructions to make the order of...
Created a list of all of the servlet actions in the documentation and listedall reuired and optional parameters for each action. These need to bedocumented but at least the list is all in one place now.
Added new sections to the Metacat documentation describing the Metacatclient API and the Metacat 'getlog' servlet action for event reporting.
Updated metacat documentation with additional properties and fixed thedescription of several properties. We really need to clean out unusedproperties and generally clean up the configuration morass.
Revisions to Metacat Installation Instructions page. Most of the edits in this revision involve the file. A new HTML table was created to describe the properties and their values.
Add a note that you should put full name as state name to generate a key. Otherwise, the trustkey will be not recongized.
Improve handling of default values.Call fileNew() if no default Harvest List file is specified.Improve documentation for default properties.
Add documentation for the Harvest List Editor.Display the Harvester Registration web form as a HTML table instead of as text.
Added utilities module dependency to the instructions.
New instructions, particularly regarding some of the problems I had onpostgres remembering how to set up the user access control and tcp connections.
Add a example how to setup key.
Improve Harvester registration login
Revise documentation after relocating Harvester properties to
Replace Harvester dbDriver property with database property
Add Harvester documentation to the Metacat Tour
Comments and notes on registry by Rick Reeves and Andrea Chadden. I have annotated it with bug #s and comments.
deleted versions 22 and r2a to avoid confusion and duplication.
Revisions to Harvester Class Diagram and Harvester Class Descriptions.
Resubmitted as binary. Modification of the Harvester database ER diagram. Includes foreign key added to the XML_DOCUMENTS table from the SITE_SCHEDULE table
Modification of the Harvester database ER diagram. Includes foreign key added to the XML_DOCUMENTS table from the SITE_SCHEDULE table
Update result set from relation to trip.
Harvester Class Diagram
Remove corrupted version
Revisions to the Harvester ERD diagram showing how I think the design canbe simplified to eliminate duplicate information. Needs further workbefore it is implementable.
Harvester Class Diagram, class descriptions, sequence of operations.
Relocated to metacat/docs/dev/harvester
Relocate to metacat/docs/dev/harvester
This is the metacat database schema with the additions for harvester.
Harvester UML activity diagram in jpeg format. This is a preliminary look at some "value added" or quality control componenets. Created initially in Oracle's JDeveloper
Harvester UML activity diagram in svg format. This is a preliminary look at some "value added" or quality control componenets. Created initially in Oracle's JDeveloper
Harvester UML activity diagram in jpeg format. Created initially in Oracle's JDeveloper
Harvester UML activity diagram in svg format. Created initially in Oracle's JDeveloper
Renamed the upgrade sql files to more understandable names, updated thebuild file to include some new targets for running these files, andupdated the installation docs to clarify which upgrade scripts need tobe run and when.
To make installation instruction clearer.
A note for set up replication between tomcat.
Revise some instruction
Change the documentation according our new feature in replication.
updated data directory note
Adding a note for user. The user should make a directory under 'webapps/context/'.The user should have write permission for this directory.
updated for 1.1.0
Update the install instruction.
fixed some things for release 1.1
Updated installation instructions to reflect the new procedures involvedwith the changes to build.xml.
More changes to build process. No longer need the instdtd targetbecause it is handled by the install target. Updated installationinstructions accordingly.
Updated documentation to reflect new installprocess.
Modified build.xml to properly copy the docs into the distribution, whichrequired some changes in the ant token filtering scheme.
updated documentation. removed a lot of typos and updated all of the new stuff for the new release
Updated the installation doc to reflect the new install procedure.
moving metacat docs to xmltodb
cleared the text under the figure; should go in the Word text
EPS files saved as AdobeIllustrator v7.0
EPS file for the IC paper