Update installation docs for war install
removed disclaimer. Added version notes
Add release info property to provide a brief description of the release (release candidate info mostly)
Include moderators option in esa skin configuration, add anchor link within the properties document.
Make sure application.tempDir points to a location readable by apache, so we can write uploaded binary files to disk.
Added instructions for building Metacat on a local development environment.
Removed obsolete steps thanks to 1.9's new location of cgi-bin and the included Apache configuration
Add Tomcat ubuntu apt-get error to troubleshooting guide.
Update registry instructions style, initial steps.
Update metacat api documentation
Add link to troubleshooting guide
Added troubleshooting guide.
Combine two commands, one less step...
Change references to LDAP to be Auth
Updated these images with the non-ldap specific screens
replace ldap-config.png with auth-config.png
change generic authentication properties from ldap.* to auth.*
Add instructions for installing and updating the lsid service.
added replication.logdir description
Updated existing installation instructions to be more inline with binary install instructions.
fixed DatabaseConfigOverview spelling
Supporting images for configuration utility documentation.
Describe individual configuration utility sections
Rename geoserverconfigure.html to geoserver-manual-configure.html
Fix PostgreSQL spelling
ldap config screen shot
Add instructions for configuring metacat ldap.
Added quick install/update sections to metacat installation instructions.
Add emphasis to the fact that ldap admin account(s) must exist in configuration and in metacat.
adjusted location of common.css file
moved this from one directory up because the user docs install in the top level metacat directory on knb web
updated links in document list
renamed to testing-metacat.html
Added new development documentation files.
Had to move the common.css file into the users directory since that directory is deployed at the top level of the knb web server metacat docs.
Fix typo
Added reference to common stylesheet at ../common/common.css
moved some common elements into ../common/common.css
Documentation on how to run JUnit test against metacat
Index page for development documentation.
Factor out common elements between dev and user docs.
Add more detail to documentation
Added user documentation for sitemap registration.
Update replication documentation
Add new elements for replication.html updates
Add certificate information and update examples
Add application.tempDir to configuration form and documentation.
Add cpan install description for Config::Properties package
Add functionality to write and read metadata documents to and from the file system.
Add more properties documentation
Add index section
Update properties documentation
qualify xml and eml properties with an xml. prefix
Initial addition of file. Geoserver password configuration instructions
Add database properties with new format
add database.user property section
Rework properties descriptions
Merge 1.9 changes into Head
Updated registry instructions to fix typo, include full dependency list to fetch with apt-get for Debian-based systems
Add two files into cvs head.
Check into cvs head. Add a note there is no update sql needed to be run.
Add this file to cvs head.
Check into cvs head. Change the startup information from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1.
New version of KNB architecture diagram, in OmniGraffle and PNG formats, with subset diagrams for morpho, metacat and web in png formats.
Use plant to replace datos as search value in the query example.
remove an extra . and use metacat to replace database in upload method.
Iniital addition - doc describing ANT token replacement
Changes to remove ANT tokens for the turnkey install project
Modified the query example which will give user more sense.
remove duplicate CREATEDB step in instructions (pointed out by daigle, thanks!)
Add upload method into api.
Metacat installer: remove locale-specific ant tokens. Made links relative to the installation.
Metacat installer: remove locale-specific ant tokens.
Metacat installer: remove locale-specific ant tokens. Made relative to installation.
Added note about being able to use ant targets to do the database upgrades.
- fixed my mistake in last checkin with ant tokens- fixed broken links: changed server to httpserver in these files, and prefixed with http://
Add http:// into the link
Using httpserver to replace server in head link.
fixed broken links. needed a ../
Use httpserver to replace server to fix the borken download link.
Update a few references to metacat version numbers that were out of date.
spelling fix
Add a note to enable ecogrid in metacat installation.
Changed the size of subtitle and title.
Seperate the instructions of install and update.
Add table of contents.
Update documentation of build.properties and metacat.properties prior to the metacat 1.7.1 release.
The main goal here was to ensure that all previously undocumented properties are now present in these documents. Some minor edits were also made to a few of the already documented properties....
converted txt instructions to html.
reflect the change from 'intersection' to 'within' when performing spatial queries.a couple persnickety typo corrections.
Changed os X install instructions a bit, and conveted to html.
Moved 'supplemental os-specific' section up to the top on the main install page.
added paged resultset docs
got all of the next and back buttons working in order again
New flow chart file for metacat 1.8.0
Changed message to look for in tomcat log to verify metacat servlet has started ok.
Flow chat of query process
some hints about installing new shape files and/or adjusting styles etc.
Add installation instruction for enabling earthgrid.