Remove the directory which is not in the noaa.
Added a version of noaa to svn.Note: 1. gml311 and gml211 is from the standard version.2. the xlinks.xsd is base on the version of skye's. I added the simpleLink, extenededLink and et al.
Add a new version of this document from the svn trunk. The changes are all documentation.
Add the schemas for ISO-119139/isotc211.object.
Add a new version of the schema.
Add the data schema from dataone svn trunk. It maybe needs to be updated in future.
Merge changes in the 2.4 branch into the trunk for the ORNL Mercury schema support. References
This schema is maintained by Jim Green ( and Ranjeet Devarakonda ( The schema uses a subset of the FGDC 1998 CSDGM elements, along with custom elements specific to the Mercury Metadata web application. Support is included in Metacat for Coordinating Node operations in the DataONE network.
Add the three Darwin Core schemas required by the Dryad Metadata Profile (via imports).
Add cached versions of the DataONE, Dryad, Dublin core, and Darwin Core schemas to Metacat. Remove schemaLocation attributes so that we rely on the local catalog and don't use (potentially changing) URL endpoints.