use consistent table attributes (100% width and 0 cell spacing) so that KNB skin looks better when displaying fgdc documents
Parameterize FGDC update/delete functions with the "enableFGDCediting" parameter.Stylesheets that include fgdc-root.xsl must now set the edit parameter to "true" if they wish to have the editing widgets displayed (true for sanparks and saeon skins but not for nceas)
display the docid.also just display the publication date as is since the existing parsing made too many assumptions about how the date would be formatted
use $sessionid to determine if the edit boxes are shown
reuse the fgdc-root.xsl for both nceas and sanparks skins (it is included in different containing stylesheets)note: still need to pin down the switch that [dis]allows editing of the the files
use contextURL parameter so that the "shortform" url for looking at documents actually works and pulls in the correct js and css files
add support for FGDC doctype display
organize the various file action buttonsannotate table cells with classes defined in stylesheet (now they can be customized for each skin!)make the data labels (table cells) a bit more sleek (css)
Modified to accept (and display) parameters "publicRead" and "message". Modifications to allow users to change public access to package.
Modifications to accomodate Downloads. Includes "Download" forms/buttons.
Replaced the reference to knp.js with a generalized call to the skins javascript, using the qformat's setting.
Modified form action URL's. Removed call to map. Used shorter version of JSP syntax in forms.
Added Delete buttons to the package update form. Also includes several html structural/aesthethic changes.
Modifications to allow for other types of usage, other than file updates, such as file deletes.
Provides a mechanism to access clientview classes from an XSLT-generated HTML document (within the skins framework).Serves as a servlet for "updating" files from XSLT-generated html multipart-forms.It simply forwards the multi-part request to the ClientViewHelper java class....
Added "Update" html forms functionality, and modified html appearance.
Initial checkin. Just a starting point for the FGDC Metadata xsl view.
Experimental stylesheet for rendering NBII/FGDC documents in metacat.This is a modified version of a stylesheet created by the NPS.