sort workflow results by:-date (desc)-tpc name (asc)
Add debug statement
Created new AuthStub class to always authenticate.
Beef up search. Change pdf report element name.
Beef up comments
Updates primarily for final workflow and run xml metadata design
Added tpc workflow search and browse capabilities
Further fixes to handle mixed-file uploads: - set the fileCount object based on upCount existing files - use ucount only if it exists; remove debugging' - the entry form javascript now correctly tracks the file numbers, and can be relied on instead of using upCount...
fix bug #3950, make additional uploads stick when modifying a document
Change confirm page text to make it seem less like a receipt of completed information, which has confused a few NCEAS participants. Lower the visual impact of the horizontal rules.
Update xml paths for 2.1.0 access structure. Added the 2.1.0 path for indexing. Changed from 2.0 to 2.1.0 for querying.
fix javascript image references with contextUrl
Kill more pesky ant tokens, replace URL references with fully qualified URL as this page is rendered into emails.
confirmData template changes for dealing with modified otherEntity data
Renamed MetaCatUtil to MetacatUtil
Replace usage of 'cgi-url' with 'cgi-prefix' in XSLT transformations, fix the ESA review process to accept the 'metacatUrl' parameter (#3687)
Add EML 2.0.x to EML 2.1.0 conversion XSLT. Originial location is Mopho CVS /xsl/, can be pulled from externals once migrated to SVN.
add comment to deleteFile
Fixed the "What's this?" links to use a class, improved styling on NCEAS skin to prevent strange underlining
Add eml 2.0.1 document return type
minor fix
Change references of baseUrl to contextUrl, fix parsing error in confirmData which was throwing errors due to invalid keyword counts
Further improvements to the registry to properly support the new properties. Removed all variables previously passed around between forms which should always be available canonically from the file and replaced with refences to properties value for the skin being used. Removed some cruft from both files, fixed mior issues mentioned in bug #3487.
Upgrade to MapBuilder 1.5rc2
Refactor templates for recent properties changes, round 2
Use qualified properties
Merge 1.9 changes into Head
updated the link the ITIS
Merge METACAT_1_8_1 to cvs head.
merge 1.8.1 to head
check into cvs headd. change skin from default to knb.
use the docid from the metadata rather than the parameter when operating on the metadata document (in cases when the docid w/o revision is not given).see bug #3389
use starts-with function for cases when the abbreviated docid is used to retrieve the metadatasee bug #3389
Merging Perl changes into detokenization branch. Removes usage of tokens from all Perl and Perl Template Toolkit files, instead using pure Java .property files to manage settings. Basic path for eliminating .cfg files from Perl, and skin.config files from Java side. Backported changes from 1.8.1RC1 release.
use consistent table attributes (100% width and 0 cell spacing) so that KNB skin looks better when displaying fgdc documents
Changes to remove ANT tokens for the turnkey install project
Parameterize FGDC update/delete functions with the "enableFGDCediting" parameter.Stylesheets that include fgdc-root.xsl must now set the edit parameter to "true" if they wish to have the editing widgets displayed (true for sanparks and saeon skins but not for nceas)
Include the contextURL as a parameter for the transformer. Remove leading / from resultset paths
use {$contextURL} and {$cgi-prefix} param for absolute paths (instead of relative paths)
use {$contextURL} param for absolute paths (instead of relative paths)note: this file seems not to be used in metacat now.
display the docid.also just display the publication date as is since the existing parsing made too many assumptions about how the date would be formatted
use $sessionid to determine if the edit boxes are shown
reuse the fgdc-root.xsl for both nceas and sanparks skins (it is included in different containing stylesheets)note: still need to pin down the switch that [dis]allows editing of the the files
use contextURL parameter so that the "shortform" url for looking at documents actually works and pulls in the correct js and css files
add support for FGDC doctype display
include the contextURL parameter that is now being passed in by the DBTransform class.pass this value to the javascript that assembles the iframes
check for a leading "/" in the path when prepending the server context url.we don't want to step on toes of people that are using "semi" relative paths (they leave out the server part, but provide the rest of the path)
add servletContextUrl to make absolute paths from relative paths when constructing skins from the js/iframe template
Turnkey installer modification: revised relative paths (which replaced ant tokens).
Turnkey installer modification: modified relative references.
add default value to 'cgi-url' param.
Turnkey installer modifications: add 'cgi-url' param via skin configs.
Turnkey installer modifications: replace cgi-prefix tokens with 'cgi-url' param.
Removed the use of String.contains() to make it java 1.4 compliant.
Revise relative referances to skin directory
Revise relative referance to resultset-table.xsl
Turnkey Installer modification: remove locale specific ant tokens with relative paths.
add SANParks and SAEON affiliations
Provide ldapweb.cgi links without skin reference, to prevent rendering issues temporarily. Long term fix needed, see Bug #3021
Added login status block. Reverted hardcoded path to proper tokens.
Fixed footer logos to use correct skin pathing (/nceas/images/).
Fixed Firefox display bug due to more mixed HTML 4.01 / XHTML content
Modified all header and footer calls to be skin specific: in the NCEAS skin, skip rendering the header and footer IFRAME elements, otherwise continue as normal.
Modified resultset to allow seperator <tr> to have an additional lead <td> element for styling NCEAS skin
This file should be in eml module.
style changes for Attribute info display, set width for first column that uses added highlightAttrib and empty column; changed shading in bordered, coleven and coloddchanged .bordered width to 350px for first column, added border-bottom to columns; innercolodd, innercoleven border removed...
add latest stable prototype (ajax) release
organize the various file action buttonsannotate table cells with classes defined in stylesheet (now they can be customized for each skin!)make the data labels (table cells) a bit more sleek (css)
Modified to accept (and display) parameters "publicRead" and "message". Modifications to allow users to change public access to package.
Some minor code cleanup.
Modifications to accomodate Downloads. Includes "Download" forms/buttons.
Modifications to accomodate Downloads.
Cleaned up regexes used in register-dataset.cgi to support arbitrary numbers of elements for keywords. Cleaned up regexes for state selection, to omit default values. Added debug as a GET parameter, so a page can be debugged by appending `&debug=1'. Committed latest changes to file processing, to allow files to be deleted after returning to the entry page from confirmation or processing errors. Seperated out entryForm.js from entryForm.tmpl to simplify debugging.
Changes in login processing to match new register-dataset.cgi workflow: user must login before seeing the form, to prevent data loss. New template login.xsl provides simple redirection back to register-dataset.cgi.
Replaced the reference to knp.js with a generalized call to the skins javascript, using the qformat's setting.
Confirmation dialag, which displays a message. Initial checkin. Intended to be the destination JSP when an entire data package is deleted (i.e. deleting the metadata file). Placed in common folder, since it is not skin specific.
Moved location of file from skin to common, since it is independant of a single skin. Modified most of the internal code to allow redirecting request to an appropriate destination.
Modified form action URL's. Removed call to map. Used shorter version of JSP syntax in forms.
Added a refactored resultset stylesheet that allows skins to override the container format to not use iframes. The continaing skin can now import resulttable.xsl and call the result table template directly.
Added submission of data files to the registry. New parameter 'hasUpload' can be set on a per-skin basis to enable the uploading of data objects to be associated with a metadata document. NCEAS skin is using this by default, to be changed in the future for other skins....
Added Delete buttons to the package update form. Also includes several html structural/aesthethic changes.
Modifications to allow for other types of usage, other than file updates, such as file deletes.
Provides a mechanism to access clientview classes from an XSLT-generated HTML document (within the skins framework).Serves as a servlet for "updating" files from XSLT-generated html multipart-forms.It simply forwards the multi-part request to the ClientViewHelper java class....
Added "Update" html forms functionality, and modified html appearance.
Initial checkin. Just a starting point for the FGDC Metadata xsl view.
This update includes tech support emails for LTER and UCNRS.
Updated broken LTER link in template (bug #648)
Changed the contacting information.
Add a new template for show the message ldap server is down.
Make world map the default for the common spatial template
Add lter and other institutes into option list.
Updated mapbuilder interface with some cosmetic changes, the demis world map wms layer, removed faulty scalebar, added named regions from morpho to the location dropdown.
Beta version of openalayers wms interface
Temporary fix for KML output; geoserver can only handle the points layer
Fixed up some hardcoded paths in html map templates.
initial import of changes to metacat source and config files to support spatial option
inital import of html templates for web mapping