add lookupname link to the login form.
Remove the words relative to knb.
Add a link for forgot password in the loginForm.Remove the words with specific knb.
Add a template to handle the success of looking up the username.
Add a tempalte for users to look up the forgotten username.
Add information about the activation email.
Add a new template to handle the success of the email verification.
Add a new template to handle the failure during the email verification.
replace the hard-coded organization list.
Remove the sentence which saied the failure reason is the uid has been used.
Display the recaptcha on the register stage.
Add the recaptcha protection.
[merge from branch] use #view and #share links for new metacatui deployment.
add change password option
how many go into 12?
include id attributes for the account management links
all registry actions are being pulled in via ajax and do not need headers/footers in the template material.
use text-error class for error messages
use h3 tags for the headers rather than embedded tr/td classes
move Login header to container, not the fluid span.
remove the actual href
enable listening to the "register another package" link
soften the failure page ("Whoops!")
remove note about reloading the guide page -- it ain't a page anymore!
switch where Registry Guide modal header is defined
convert all ? links to launch the modal window
use larger modal
add space to modal header to preserve vertical format
clean up guide header
clean up the modal guide - finally working. except for the section #anchors
move the modal div out of the containing sections to display properly
static loading of the guide
why cna't I load the guide?
does order matter?
grasping now
ad role="button" attribute
remove data-remote
use data-remote=true to load contents from url
rely on bootstrap to trigger the modal box
make remote=true for the modal dialog
more modal work...
try modal help window to load the guide section
remove the footer that (i swear) was hiding
do not load login.js since requirejs will do it for us
prep for ajax/metacatui use of login form
use hidden field for the dataWrong parameter
settle on yes/no confirm buttons
use RegistryView listeners for the form submission process
use consistent article id="RegistryXXX" patterns for css.
remove header/footer from registry response for ajax inclusion.
use event listening in the RegistryView to submit the form.
submit form via ajax
remove the header and footer so the registry form can be loaded via ajax into an existing dom.
do not squash on eml-physical.xsl definition of the template match="citation" by using a named template for fgdc.
For inline anchors, embed the anchor in the heading, which will help in selecting these in CSS for styling with a fixed navbar and header.
use correct anchor in guide for data upload section
add section for data file upload to the guide
use "span8" instead of "input-block-level" for textarea inputs
use 100% width table for methods paragraphs
missed a couple: use class="input-block-level" for large textarea inputs
use class="input-block-level" for large textarea inputs
add "addXXX" tr for sorting to work, or at least not throw an exception on submit()
add "addAssociatedParty" tr for sorting to work, or at least not throw an exception on submit()
add class="btn" to all buttons (bootstrap look and feel)
remove the comment about taxarow place holder -- DOM manipulation assumes there is none....
remove double quotes
syntax error?
use correct icon for taxon removal
use icons for all other list editing
use icons for associated party list editing
clean up delete data page with new style. Not sure if this is even accessible in the UI, but worth having it match the look and feel just in case.
use correct input name for "origZIP"
no ALL CAPS for abstract
use <h4> and not ALL CAPS for section headers
correct the instructions on the confirmation page
remove cellpadding="9" from nested tables
surround page contents in another row-fluid div
use text-info class instead of label for the confirmation page.
use <em> instead of <u>
get rid of the ALL CAPS section headers.
finish guide restyle.
restyle to data contact section.
restyle geo coverage section.
restyle keywords section.
restyle owner info section.
restyle basic info section.
use smaller span
restyle basic info
use a row for submitter section
try without tables for first guide entry
change class="label" to class="text-info"
apply matt's change to missing > in td element for geographic coverage.
close temporalCollapse div