Change the token from server to httpserver in case server is not set https ( server has the https port)
changed the set of stylesheets which will be used for displaying eml-2.0.0 documents
changed width of iframeheaderclass to 98 percent to prevent pages in FF from always being 10 pixels larger than the window
Added px to the css files.
Modified the index.html file to have a link for search.
Modified text, style and formating for the skins.
(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique)
Changes made by Veronique and Saurabh in the css for the skins.
Modified the text in the header files.
Changed the ESA nad LTSS skins to display all data from the KNB at the request ofOJ Reichman.
Updates to the config for the esa skin, and added an LTSS skin.