Added required options for setting default public on documents, special flag for ESA documents
Fix workgroup description
remove skin.configs directory.migrate those properties to the style/skins/* properties filesdo not load them during Metacat init.
Upgrade to MapBuilder 1.5rc2
Bring the <skin>.properties file into sync with the old <skin>.cfg data. Modify metadata files so appropriate configuration information is shown for each skin.
Set default skin property values
Merge 1.9 changes into Head
merge 1.8.1 to head
Check into cvs head. Change CGI_PREFIX to CGI_URL
Added missing "/" from ascii-treeview.xsl path so documents can be viewed in treeview. (Ticket 3176)
use "placekey" (without additional leading xpath) because that is in the indexPaths of the build properties (and is used for other searches.should improve performance....
Changes to remove ANT tokens for the turnkey install project
-add FGDC specifc fields for indexPath searching-limit FGDC data returned for the NCEAS skin to those that have "placekey" fields containing "National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis"
add support for FGDC doctype display
-use jsp rather than html files so hat the server context can be looked up on the fly (as well as additional options from the MetacatUtil class).-incorporate the use of relative paths in the XML configuration (doctype=>stylesheet mapping)
Note: still using ant tokens in the .cfg file used for perl...not sure how to convert that.
correct a typo for "repository" bug #3082
Removed "Last Modified July 10, 2007" section because it is static and people may think that it means the data package was last modified then.
addmitional metadata style change
NCEAS skin fix for dataset map; cleanup in index.html
text alignment change
made changes so that the nceas skin would be centered and work with IE
made changes so that the nceas page would be centered
Updated the NCEAS skin for various fixes: Rewrote the login XSLT to work correctly. Added a login status button to the page headers. Modified the header image to disable the global site search used on the NCEAS homepage. Removed former IFRAME cruft.
adjustments for result set page
Fixed background color in NCEAS skin. Addition of new <td> in result set seperator may require tweaks on a per-skin basis.
Fixed form.
Further changes to the NCEAS skin to match the NCEAS L+F
changed nceas.xsl to correct path for images
Minor fixes to improve the registry CSS to match the new NCEAS skin. Still reliant on iframes, so the overall L+F is broken.
Moved images to images/ subfolder
NCEAS skin changes: moved images into subfolder for organization, moved search javascript into search.js to cut down on replication. Modifications to nceas.css and midnight.css to clean up integration of Drupal theme.
Updated the NCEAS skin to reflect the new structure of the NCEAS web site. There is now a new nceas.xsl file that handles the XSLT transforms for both metacat resultsets and for EML documents. This file imports xsl templates from the style/common dir in order to render the results table and EML document within an HTML document that follows the style of the NCEAS website. This required refactoring the original resultset.xsl and eml.xsl files in style/common so that the use of iframes can be easily eliminated. ...
Added submission of data files to the registry. New parameter 'hasUpload' can be set on a per-skin basis to enable the uploading of data objects to be associated with a metadata document. NCEAS skin is using this by default, to be changed in the future for other skins....
Change the SID to production db.
Change the token from server to httpserver in case https is not set (server has the https port). And also change the nceas_db name).
Changes to map layout and skins according to input from Callie and Matt
Initial import of interactive map components for the following skins: esa, knb2, knp, obfs, nceas, nrs
changed the set of stylesheets which will be used for displaying eml-2.0.0 documents
changed width of iframeheaderclass to 98 percent to prevent pages in FF from always being 10 pixels larger than the window
Added packageId to the faster search
changed paragrah style to "intro" for text not in the boxes
unbolded text in boxes and took out the background color for most of the box.
cleaned up formatting - need to test spacing around the table "boxes" , and the boxes alignment
few adjustments added discription of the Morpho software that Margret Conners suggested. trying to fix spacing and alignment problem with "boxes"
Updated NCEAS Data Repoitory changes - replaced text "auspices" with "as part of" got ride of the text about the data set being reviewed and implemented suggestion from Margret Conners.
Replaced with mailhost
Bugfix in the searches done from the skin webpages...
Change in nceas homepage so that search uses a radio button instead of check box
Bugfix in the query sent to metacat
Bugfix in the metacat query generated in javascript
Fixed javascript bugs
fixed the qformat.
Changes to the NCEAS index and header html code so that restricted search on name, title, abstract, keywords etc is done. action=squery is used for this instead of action=query.
Added px to the css files.
Modified the index.html file to have a link for search.
Changed "NCEAS Data Registry" to "NCEAS Data Repository" for sender. Veronique
(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique)
Modified text, style and formating for the skins.
Changes made by Veronique and Saurabh in the css for the skins.
Modified the text in the index files.
Modified the text in the header files.
I (Andrea) defined new styles in the .css files that are used in theentryForm.tmpl page.
(Committed for Andrea Chadden by Saurabh Garg)
Modifications to the registry to support the new ESA skin. Factored out some ofthe configuration-specific code into properties that are set in the variouscfg files in the skins. New properties in the cfg files are lsite, usite,showSiteList, showWgList, showOrganization. These now need to be set in every skin...
Changed path for eml.xsd stylesheet.
Added eml2.0.1 specific code in /style file
Fixed bug # 1298
Set new URL for the NCEAS registry home. I forgot to commit this earlier.
Fixed a small bug.
Fix enter for bug 1306.
Adjusted the text on the NCEAS repository page. Changed the project listso that it now displays short title but uses the long title in theentry. This was doen because the long titles were far too long to displaydecently in the list (the box scrolled way off the right of the page).
Modifications to add "Methods" collection to the data registry, and tomake the forms HTML 4.0.1 valid (in an attempt to figure out some ofthe rendering and layout oddities I'm seeing).
New formatting and text for the NCEAS data registry.
Configuration file for NCEAS registry.
Adding style files for the new NCEAS skin for metacat, which includesfiles needed for the NCEAS data repository.