I've added the PARC CSS file, which uses colors and images found at the PARC website.
These are the index files for the PARC skin. The html file provides the standard redirect to the JSP. The JSP has been PARC branded, and the layout has changed slightly to work with the http://www.palmyraresearch.org website layout (e.g. some navigation links have been removed).
Here are the three javascript libraries associated with the PARC skin. The only real changes are in the search.js file, where metacat searches have absolute XPaths in the search criteria. The return fields remain as relative XPaths to be consistent with the rendering code for the skin.
I'm adding the parc.cfg configuration file, which is effectively a copy of the nceas.cfg file.
This is the PARC XML configuration file. I've removed the EML beta 4-6 doctype identifiers since this skin will only deal with EML 2.1.0 documents.
I'm adding the Metacat metadata properties file for the PARC installation.
I'm adding the properties file configured for the Palmyra Atoll Research Consortium's installation.
I'm adding in the parc directory, which will contain the skin for the Palmyra Atoll Research Consortium.