escape reserved XML characters when constructing a pathquery from user input (&).
include 'value' translations when searching EML 2.1.1 (squery and query actions)
include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query search, mostly)
Add eml 2.0.1 document return type
based on what jing found with the sanparks search performance issue, his comment for sanparks applies for this saeon file too:"Changing search field from idinfo/keywords/theme/placekey to placekey"
limit searching to "common" fields that are indexed.include checkbox to search all fields.see bug #3174
handle special case for searching both SANParks and SAEON (but not all of KNB)
initial commit of skin for SAEON look and feel. looks pretty good, but there are still a few things that need tweaking (colors).also want to add a standalone login page to match with the header line (perhaps).tracked in bugzilla #3007