Fixed background color in NCEAS skin. Addition of new <td> in result set seperator may require tweaks on a per-skin basis.
Modified all header and footer calls to be skin specific: in the NCEAS skin, skip rendering the header and footer IFRAME elements, otherwise continue as normal.
Modified resultset to allow seperator <tr> to have an additional lead <td> element for styling NCEAS skin
Modified default.css to handle new result table HTML, should now correctly subdivide the results
Fixed form.
Further changes to the NCEAS skin to match the NCEAS L+F
This file should be in eml module.
no padding on the table header lefthand side
render multiple mattext elements if they exist...
return immediately if there is no resultset to displayuse getString() to display resultset for each column
download files icon
Made changes to to work with the vertical table.
style changes for Attribute info display, set width for first column that uses added highlightAttrib and empty column; changed shading in bordered, coleven and coloddchanged .bordered width to 350px for first column, added border-bottom to columns; innercolodd, innercoleven border removed...
changed nceas.xsl to correct path for images
add CSV download as an option for retrieving datasets.NOTE: depends on opencsv jar in the /first project...
include both assessments and questions in the results of a search (driven by option in search form)
use hidden input to pass desired form action rather than tying it to the button label.
Modified by removing name='action' attribute from jsp navigation button, since it was binding with the bean 'action' property.
Modified by removing name='action' attribute from jsp navigation button, since it was binding with the bean action property. Also changed Upload Message display toshow the more general messages returned by the call to clientRequest (doensn't exclude non-upload messages, such as general errors).
add ability to retrieve response data using datamanager lib (note that this requires both the datamanager.jar and firstMetacatIntegration.jar from /eml and /first modules respectively...)yes, this is more ajax...and still mostly Proof Of Concept-ish
organize css references
less emphasis on emphasis class (reduced font size)
included assessmentId in search results.TODO: search for both assessment and question doctypes in same query and have the result page display them intelligently (segregate by doc type).
organize the bulk of the stylesheets in their own xsl directory.note that these xsl files are being maintained in the "first" cvs module and should be copied from there.
get the ajax-specific first skins organized with some better naming.these essentially provide a pointer to custom resultset style sheets so that we can just use Ajax.Updater from prototype and inject the returned html.they do rely on the first skin (which makes it nice for changing the look and feel - not a bunch of css files lying around messing things up, etc...).
add very minimal skin for transforming ajax search resultset for 'first' skin
add latest stable prototype (ajax) release
use updated edml schema to get correct element/attribute for assessment
switch to updated sanparks boundaries file
Mokala is actually farther north than the garden route parks....
organize the various file action buttonsannotate table cells with classes defined in stylesheet (now they can be customized for each skin!)make the data labels (table cells) a bit more sleek (css)
Modified to accept (and display) parameters "publicRead" and "message". Modifications to allow users to change public access to package.
Some minor code cleanup.
use garden route park boundary box coordinates for the four "missing" areas (knysna, tsit, mokala, wilderness)
initial skin draft for FIRST project as metacat deployment.will require [much] more customization to be fully useful for project, but this is a start.
sych left nav list and map locations with the "Parks A-Z" listing.still missing spatial data for:Knysna National Lake AreaMokala National ParkTsitsikamma National ParkWilderness National Park
fix IE compatibility issue with iframe content documents
move the navstrip background to the iframe class so that it extends when displaying longer pages (eml docs, say)
crop to 112 height - removes bottom light green line
make css work in IE. found an errant quotation mark that was throwing IE off and making super-ugly pages.then it was smoothing out the details one by one...
explicitly set white background for main content.
add filler for title element so that rendering in IE is not compromised.use regtext class for paragraph
added national parks locations from shapefile(thank you shaun+postgis)
rearrange login validation javascript so that it actually works
added commented out reference to the all-in-one sanparks.xsl (resultset, eml, fgdc handling). this is for use with the no-iframe skin approach
keep the commented out lines incase we want to switch to no-iframes skin
changes used when experimenting with the no-iframe method of skinning (does not conflict with the previous method if skinning that uses iframes)
remove unused page import
Modifications to accomodate Downloads. Includes "Download" forms/buttons.
Modifications to accomodate Downloads.
clean up the commented out option listclose <form> tag
deleted a empty bulletin.
comment out annoying alert() debug statements
fixed the bug that clicking create new user link(and change password and reset password links) will just show the new page in a frame.
Minor fixes to improve the registry CSS to match the new NCEAS skin. Still reliant on iframes, so the overall L+F is broken.
Cleaned up regexes used in register-dataset.cgi to support arbitrary numbers of elements for keywords. Cleaned up regexes for state selection, to omit default values. Added debug as a GET parameter, so a page can be debugged by appending `&debug=1'. Committed latest changes to file processing, to allow files to be deleted after returning to the entry page from confirmation or processing errors. Seperated out entryForm.js from entryForm.tmpl to simplify debugging.
Changes in login processing to match new register-dataset.cgi workflow: user must login before seeing the form, to prevent data loss. New template login.xsl provides simple redirection back to register-dataset.cgi.
Moved images to images/ subfolder
NCEAS skin changes: moved images into subfolder for organization, moved search javascript into search.js to cut down on replication. Modifications to nceas.css and midnight.css to clean up integration of Drupal theme.
Get rid of the hard code kepler for web context.
use 'squery' searching so that both EML and FGDC can be searched based on location and an anyfield search string.changed 'All' to use empty string ("") value rather than "%" - plays better with QueryGroup
Replaced the reference to knp.js with a generalized call to the skins javascript, using the qformat's setting.
use INTERSECTION for query operator (aka AND) so that we actually limit by the park name...
added:-zoom on map with named locations for quick spatial searching based on selected park name (hooray javascript!)-narrow search by selected park name-cursor tracking in lat/lon-alpha sort for left nav-reference to fgdc in footer copy
Confirmation dialag, which displays a message. Initial checkin. Intended to be the destination JSP when an entire data package is deleted (i.e. deleting the metadata file). Placed in common folder, since it is not skin specific.
Moved location of file from skin to common, since it is independant of a single skin. Modified most of the internal code to allow redirecting request to an appropriate destination.
Modified form action URL's. Removed call to map. Used shorter version of JSP syntax in forms.
insert mapframe in included page, rather than index.jsp -columns layout correctly this way.
rearrange map controls to right side of image.remove extraneous style.css ref
do not use absolute positioning for mapFrame - goofs up the cursor bounding box dragging offset
do not render Kruger-specific layers in mapbuilder frame
include SANParks boundary layer in the geoserver for sanparks skin
use the sanparks giraffe image
Updated the NCEAS skin to reflect the new structure of the NCEAS web site. There is now a new nceas.xsl file that handles the XSLT transforms for both metacat resultsets and for EML documents. This file imports xsl templates from the style/common dir in order to render the results table and EML document within an HTML document that follows the style of the NCEAS website. This required refactoring the original resultset.xsl and eml.xsl files in style/common so that the use of iframes can be easily eliminated. ...
Added a refactored resultset stylesheet that allows skins to override the container format to not use iframes. The continaing skin can now import resulttable.xsl and call the result table template directly.
add some hierarchy to left nav organization list
minor formatting changes
removed panel head corners because they did not display correctly in I.E. on the Metacat build , adjusted option buttons.
I changed blue corners because of display problem with Internet Explorer on Metacat Build files.
Changed blue header corners because they did not work correctly on Internet Explorer. The production server displays okay but theMetacat build does not display correctly so I took the round corners off. Maybe there is some problem with the difference between tablehead corners in default.css
changed header style to accommodate the wide table display. Made the text for the tilte align=left and the table witdh="100%" for the Data Catalog Search part.
savepoint - sanparks skin looks good with new map, consistent L+F etc..only thing remaining is a tweak to get bounding box for map zooming adjusted to follow mouse click and drag (starts far to the right of pointer).
add world countries layer and refocus the bounding coordinates to include much of southern africa (perhaps too much)
remove unused js (from animation for show/hide)
remove show/hide bar from map
remove "name" attribute on search buttons to prevent their inclusion in metacat search terms
add all national parks and SAEON nodes as enumerated in juneau meeting (9/2007)
use jsp page includes rather than a content area iframe for the main content.this plays better with the left nav and also the default resultset xsl
images for left nav (sanparks css)
save point before refactoring iframes/index page
make header compatible with resultset xsl
footer link style specified
Added submission of data files to the registry. New parameter 'hasUpload' can be set on a per-skin basis to enable the uploading of data objects to be associated with a metadata document. NCEAS skin is using this by default, to be changed in the future for other skins....
use hidden fields for form action input rather than button label values
changed to new sanparks L+F.moved error/success msgs to top of screen
clean up login/logout screen modes