use newer SBC-ish style for the default skin
include css classes for skins (like default and semtools) that use the "subGroup" class
correctly set the map location based on organizationScope
correctly set the organizationScope from the request value - filters the search results by location
use <p> consistently when providing a tooltip for the full class URI
number of changes:-list measurements across the screen under their observation-use title attributes for full ontology class URI, only show full URI for the entity class since there is horizontal room-make the annotation box more compact and intuitive for both screens (details and search results)
make DP title bold in result set
nest annotation groupings nicely for each obs/meas
include nesting borders
integrate Annotation in resultset better
place annotation information in the same cell as the data package title/id
include content in a wrapper div for margins
comment out debugging alert()
do not make hyperlinks extra bold
reduce white space
include some gray in the paragraphs
use "Myriad..." fonts, then cascade down to Arial, sans... Lifted from BioPortal L+F
only show that an annotation exists in the resultset, not the full details
make the header hyperlinks bold
reduce header font sizes
wrap content in div for marginsadd bottom margin on header
include clearer font [size]add leaf at right
use light grey for backgroundsdark grey for links
don't use green for links
include new graphic header for semtools skin.adjust css to fit better
only surround main dataset with border to avoid a weird border artifact when displaying sub-groups of the eml package
include header/footer like in the old JS-based template
do away with the "eml-common.xsl" - it's not really worth it in terms of being able to customize for each skin
use sbclter css
use shared style sheets for rendering eml. this is sbclter/pisco-like
consolidate shared stylesheets - no differences between 2.0.1 and 2.1.0 directories
remove duplicate "attributeindex" parameter
removing unused search pages (leftover from 'default' skin copy)
separate the class and the ontology from the the URI for easier reading. putting them in a table also helps
include links from annotation to the data package metadata
include stylesheet to display annotation document on it's own (in addition to within a resultset)
include the column name that the measurement is mapped to
list the currently registered ontologies (in case someone wants to unregister them?)
rearrange the ontology registration page - bioportal-hosted ontologies come first
include dropdown of all bioportal ontologies - you can choose to register or unregister them with metacat for annotation-based searching. perhaps not the most elegant workflow, but better than having to manually collect the URIs and URLs.
include annotation display in the search results - NOTE using XPath 2.0 function for accessing the ontology URIs that are included as namespaces in the annotation. adding Saxon jar for this.
include a page for [un]registering ontologies with the ontology manager in the semtools plugin
basic query can be issued and includes:-match any/all-from same observation-for Entity, Characteristic, Standard, Protocol, Measurement
include bioportal widgets, at least for an example.oboe-sbc and oboe are both registered as tests.
map the eml 2.1.0 documents to be rendered by the correct (existing) stylesheet.
Merge 1.9.3 branch to the trunk.
merge 1.9.3 change to include karxml 2.1 documents in search/rendering
remove "indus" urls
adding dataone to the login org choice for the dev skin
starting point for semtools skin. augmenting default skin with Annotation documents.not yet semantically enhanced search capabilities, but you can see a listing of both EML and Annotations on the server.
Commit the change for Madhusudan Gujral from url = new;to url = new;
Fixed bug the download link didn't work.
Add a mapping between kar xml namespace and karxml.xsl.
Add a style sheet to transform kar xml document.
Change the search query according to the karxml change.
Change the return type from kar to the namespace.
Merge 1.9.2 changes back into the trunk
Populate esa home links with skin property value
change dropdown select event to work on IE.
Fix main cross browser gui compatibility issues in sanparks tpc skin.
Remove commas from the end of lists because they break IE
remove the "optional" tip since it is not currently optional
use @class attribute for path queries rather than @name
add parc-moderators to config.username
I've added the PARC and PISCO organizations to the delete and confirm form templates for the data registry application.
remove registry.config.username value
I've removed the value for the PARC property since it isn't appropriate to this skin, and causes the registry CGI to produce two organization creator elements with the same value.
hard code parc home url
Redirect to parc skin
I've added the PARC organization to the login form template.
I've replaced hard-coded URL strings in the PARC skin files with their appropriate variables in JSP, TT2, and XSL.
This updates the Registry login form to handle PARC logins. I've changed the template to load the PARC header and footer if the cfg = parc.
I'm adding two PARC-specific templates to the CGI templates directory. This is a temporary addition, since these templates should reside in the PARC skin. However, the NCEAS skin has templates in this location as well, and all four files will be relocated once bug #4573 has been resolved where the register and ldapweb CGIs change.
I'm adding the spatial support files for the PARC skin. At the moment, the spatial option in the skin is not being used, but these files have been modified slightly from the NCEAS skin version in branding only.
I've added in the XSL stylesheets for the PARC skin. The parc, parc-eml, parc-common and login stylesheets have been changed slightly for PARC branding.
I'm adding the settings and map JSPs. These are placeholder files since the map is not used in the PARC skin, and the settings file merely import common settings for the skin, but doesn't modify any of the interface settings.
These are the minimal images used in the PARC skin layout. The research banner comes from the research section of the PARC website.
I've added the PARC CSS file, which uses colors and images found at the PARC website.
These are the index files for the PARC skin. The html file provides the standard redirect to the JSP. The JSP has been PARC branded, and the layout has changed slightly to work with the website layout (e.g. some navigation links have been removed).
Here are the three javascript libraries associated with the PARC skin. The only real changes are in the search.js file, where metacat searches have absolute XPaths in the search criteria. The return fields remain as relative XPaths to be consistent with the rendering code for the skin.
I'm adding the parc.cfg configuration file, which is effectively a copy of the nceas.cfg file.
This is the PARC XML configuration file. I've removed the EML beta 4-6 doctype identifiers since this skin will only deal with EML 2.1.0 documents.
I'm adding the Metacat metadata properties file for the PARC installation.
I'm adding the properties file configured for the Palmyra Atoll Research Consortium's installation.
I'm adding in the parc directory, which will contain the skin for the Palmyra Atoll Research Consortium.
Start to fix I.E. gui issues
check for IE6 and show warning if they are using it
Remove seconds and minutes values from workflow scheduler and add weeks and months.
Include kar id in delete url parameters so resultset will render after delete
add id attributes for form elements (in case IE6 needed them) but it appears they are not required
add the "value" attribute for metadata tag downloads
add code block (commented out) to use in case "?column?" headers become an issue.
handle repeating "?column?" headers - somewhat naively, but consistent
Change access section in getaccesscontrol and getdocumentinfo apis to be more eml 2.1.0 compliant. Add a block access option to setaccess api.
Create workflow access pages
correct the metadata matrix for "transposed" data download