update skin to use new annotation schema - http://ecoinformatics.org/sms/annotation.1.0beta1
remove old spatial templateshttp://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2188
remove JPL NASA layer - no longer operational
remove sanparks boundaries from the default map, but allow them to be added as an additional layer from the saeon/sanparks skin.use css to style the spatial query search widget controlhttp://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2188
include title for the spatial query control widget (on hover)
add custom Pan/Zoom/Query control. http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2188
Using <xsl:value-of select="."/> to replace <xsl:value-of select="./"/>. Somehow, the latter is not valid anymore.
use the demis layer as default
use OpenLayers implementation for rendering map/spatial search - has it's own copy of locations and a different bound for the maphttp://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2188
use OpenLayers implementation for rendering map/spatial searchhttp://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2188
include name attribute for location selection widget
break the map generation into parts for easier re-use/customization in other skins
include standard list of named locations - zoom map to that location when selected
invoke spatial search when bounding box is drawn or click on map
Change the column width again.
change the column width of the workflow run table.
Fixed a bug that pdf file name can't be got.
geoserver upgrade:-remove embedded geoserver -include geotools api and update spatial harvesting-include simple template for using maps in skin (openlayers now, not mapbuilder)
Change unschedule to disable, reschedule to enable.
Change the column size according the text change.
Modify the column width to show the Delete link.
Add more parameters - workflowid, workflowname and karid to the unscheduleWorkflow, rescheduleWorkflow and delete actions.
Add more parameters such as sessionid, authenticationURL and authorizationURL for unscheduleWorkflow, rescheduleWorkflow and delete action.
this dir is empty now and should be removed
Fixed a syntax error.
Add more parameters to the servlet.
include 'value' translations when searching EML 2.1.1 (squery and query actions)
Add new selection - destination repository in tpc scheduler.
Use workflow id to replace kar xml lsid.
Add karid to the parameters when it search the existing schedules.
Add kar lsid to search the schedules.
Add kar-2.1.0 as the return doctype.
Add kar-2.1.0 as return doctype.
include change from morpho (unused div id formatting)
Add the util.xsl which will be reused by another xsl files.
handle search options:-remember the checked options when form is 'reset'-refresh the search results when options have changed (by checking/unchecking the boxes)
ui enhancements:-Remove all button for the cart-Add all button for the search results-use buttons for the add/remove cart actions-Remove all button for the search criteria-Add button for the search criteria now clears the tree selection after it saves the selected concepts
search criteria:-ensure search criteria ids are unique-add click listener to Remove button only
add login/logout page and links - only logged in users can use the data cart
comment out the Refresh button for the Cart - now loading it when the page loads and after every edit
load the cart when the page first loads
apply accordian listeners to cart and search results separately
show the number of records in the cart on the tab label, ie:Cart (3)
use post() method rather than load() when the div is not given - allows calling a metacat method without replacing any content on the page
-move saved search criteria to the ecp tab-create new tab for the cart
include "shopping cart" for search results
add/remove ECPM search criteria that have been defined using the tree browser - incrementally refines the search
merge "shared" and "common" EML stylesheets into single "common" directory that is retrieved from the EML repository when Metacat is built
use the eml/emlroot pattern for filenames before merging this into the eml repository
show Entity when including measurement information within EML rendering
Use "Data Object" instead of "Entity" when displaying tables, etc... so as not to confuse it with Annotation Entities
consolidate annotation and attribute summary into single table
use +/- for hiding and showing the extra metadata/annotation accordian section
use citation as the search result accordian item
-remove owner/org metadata but leave keywords-include labelWidth param for formatting the left hand labels
inclue shorter model summary for the attributes when displaying in the resultset stylesheet
make links more intuitive with () and formatting
remove old annotation details template
separate template for citation; padding for EML details
let subGroup_border (tables) maintain white background even when they are in a shaded container (results set)
use 100% table widths
include more details in the Citation section
refactor/modularize the templates for easier reuse
include annotation id in the xsl:key so that attribute-measurement mappings can be made for each annotation without confusing them across annotations.
remove the containing border - was too busy
include annotation ID in the data table display link so that the style sheet can effectively look up the additional semantic annotation for that data entity.
handle references and original attribute names the same when loading annotation measurements for the column
lookup the annotation details for each column in the data table
use span instead of p tag for showing the full uri of the classes
include template for rendering a single attribute
style the results for ajax stats call
include additional parameters added since sbclter modified these stylesheets.also remove the duplicate param that caused xslt processors to fail (sometimes)
include citation information at top of page
use the data package title in the header rather than just "Data Set Description"
comment out the "in XXX data catalog system"
handle i18n translation elements that are included in eml 2.1.1
include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query search, mostly)
do not use replace() XPath function - it is 2.0 (not in Xalan)
increase height of the iframe classes to accommodate content
catch error when jQuery is not included in the page, but do nothing
include loadStats() method in branding.js to be reused more widely (with qformat parameter)
move jquery and jquery plugins from semtools to common directory - reuse in default skin
add download count for data entities (online distribution)
use simple mode - just read events tallied
make call to load stats when displaying the data package information
include stats for annotation and data package
include jquery and loadStats() method (in search.js)
use contextURL parameter
add stats to semtools
add stylesheet for rendering simple stats for access log
Make resultset more data package centric
select the tree node when exact match is found
check for exact class match when typing into search term - if there is one, then select it as the chosen term
always open the top level node of the tree when it loads
do not show visual indication of "focused" tree - it looks random because it mostly is (at least when refeshing it with the current active domain - the calls are all asynchronous so we don't ever really know which one will be created last and therefore gain the focus)
load search results when page first loads (browsing - no query constraints)
remove special ">>" character from style sheetuse absolute path to the spinner animated gif
include busy spinner when loading search results
using div tags for the search results now (with some tables too)
commit before trying div-only resultset