Revise the project module from beta6
Add a template to handle project part.
Revise variables.
Change the import module
Change the import modules.
Add some templates in it.
Fixed some bug.
Change the even column color.
Add new templates.
Add some import file.
Add a variable for data file size limit.
Get rid of http client and still using sun protocol handler. Because it can repicate 817 M big data file(which is bigger than local mem and swap)
Add http client jar.
Add a variable for replication error log file.
Add a itislib.jar file for metacat(morpho code using it)
Make morpho.jar is binary file tag in cvs.
Get eml2namespace from token
Add new varible httpserver.
Add entitydoctype, physicaldoctype and eml2namespace here.
accidentally overwrote the web.xml file with the tomcat4 web.xml file.
new eml.jar file that is binary
Add code to handle eml document
Add returndoctype and returnfield for eml2
Add replication servlet into this file.
Add a default contenttype in property file.
Change type from text to binary in cvs repository.
Change the jar file for text to bin in cvs.
Get rid of hard code there.
Add a login page which would not go to index.html
Add eml parser jar file.
Add configxml.jar for emlparser.
Add a varible inlinedatafilepath.
Xerces 2.3.0 have a problem(maybe bug) to handle set external schemalocation property. I already report this problem to xerces-dev. Change it back to 2.2.1
Updata xerces to 2.30
Add two varibles: schemaPath and schemaURL.
Using xercesImpl 2.2.1 to replace the xercesImple which shipped with xalan
xml-api.jar shipped from xalan 2.4.1
New version xalan of 2.4.1
New xerces jar file shipped with xalan 2.4.1 version.
Remove xerces version 1.4.
A interface to set a docid public readable.
Add a variable packagedoctypeset. It has all doctypes in datapackage.
Add a form to perform query.
a web.xml file for tomcat4
Added required license files.
Merge cvs branch replication to cvs head.
added mappings for new eml beta6 stylesheets
Change the maximum connection number from 10 to 25.
Add two variables here: one is runDBConnectionRecycleThread. If it set "on", the recycle connection tread will run periodically. The other is cycleTimeOfDBConnection. This is for the recycle periodical time in milli seconds.
Add some variables to control db connection.
Add a variable named junittesturl there.
Change datafilepath's value and it should equals the property value of datafilepath in build.xml.
Add two variables replicationsenddata and replicationacceptdata
Add a variable named debuglevel here. It control the differrent debug level message will be printed.
This jar file can be deleted.
This jar file will install in ant/lib.
In order to implementate junit, this jar file is needed.
In order to test MetacatServlet, we need use HttpMessage class, so add this jar file
Adding a variable "hub". If hub=super, the metacat can replicate the documents and data file which's home host is not itself.
Add a new variable datafileflag. This variable will indicate if a document is a data file in updated documents list in replication.
Add some new format.
changed .highlight style so font-size attribute is 1em instead of -1. Original -1 setting was not NN4 compatible
Change replication and replicationdata to be tokens
Add two variable: replication and replicationdata.If administrator set replication on, replication will work. Set it off, it stop.If administrator set both replication and replicationdata on, metacat will replicate both meta data and data. If replication is set on and replciationdata set off, metacat only replicate meta data.
Adding a variable "context " here.
Token for the server is changed to correct one.
Removed obsoleted marine files. See the new "marine" module forrelevant copies of these files.
New stylesheet that is specific to the KNB website.
replaced with server in the marine index file
Change every "http://server" in target to "systemidserver". It will looklike that:<targetpublicid="-//W3C//HTML//EN">systemidserver@style-path@/resultset.xsl</target>
fixed my tagging error
some small changes I had to make to get the QAENGINE demo to work right. this should be committing in a branch
In QBQuery class some classes - Triple and TripleCollection, which come from morpho package wereused. So morpho.jar was added to metacat libray. The reseaon to use these class is xml document need to be parsed and get docids' relationship.
Adding the style sheet of html file in zip data package for morpho to metacat.So the html summary file can have the same style in morpho and metacat zip package.
Adding a new doctype and its publicid="-//NCEAS//eml-generic//EN".It connects http://server@style-path@/generic-morpho.xsl.So the html files in zip data package have the same style sheet for both morpho and metacat.
xerces.jar was update to 1.4.4
Added qformat parameter for switching css stylesheets.
Fixed bug in login.xsl that was preventing a successful xslt transform. Nowsuccessful logins redirect correctly, unsuccessful ones redirect to thelogin page again.
Added new stylesheets for displaying the eml-attribute and eml-entity modules.
Changed the link urls in the eml-dataset display stylesheet to use thedefault style-set as set in the build file rather than hard-coding thevalue 'html'. This allows more flexibility in switching styles, for examplewhen setting up the marine, nrs, and obfs sites.
updated all of the returndoctypes so that emlbeta4 and emlbeta6 will show up in the resultset.
fixed error I introduced when I got postgres working
changed dtd dir
changed the datadir again
changed datadir variable from install-dir to installdir
we no longer need this jar file. all of its functionality was replaced by xalan.
jar files for xalan
fixed typo in web.xml file
updated the web.xml file. took out download servlet and marineservlet.
jar files needed for metacat.
made a ton of changes related to keeping oracle SQL code out of the main classes. fixed a bug where the timing of the index thread was off so when it went to index a document, the document was not already in xml_documents thus breaking the FK relation between xml_documents and xml_index. I think that bug might be the reason for the blank resultset screens in morpho. made the postgres implementation much more robust.
fixed a couple bugs with doctypes that I found while setting up a demo
made it so we can now use multiple accessfilestypes and packagdfiletypes in the file. Also fixed a bug introduced when the 'http://' was removed from behind the server name in the loaddtd.sql script and the knb.xml file
Updated properties to reflect the new EML version.
Added new dtd to style-set config file.
Updated documentation to reflect new installprocess.
Modified build.xml to properly copy the docs into the distribution, whichrequired some changes in the ant token filtering scheme.
Removed all of the redundant/obsolete copies of eml dtds from themetacat module. Now one must get the dtds from the mdstandards/emlmodule instead. This is doen to ensure that the DTDs installed are up todate.
Note that I am adding build support into the build.xml file for automatically...
updated for new eml release
Fix for bug #309 so that Metacat will now follow LDAP referrals. Previouslythe default was to ignore referrals. Now we explictly set the JNDIContext.REFERRAL value to the value in the metacat.propert "referral".The file has been modified to add the "referral" property,...
updated web.xml file for the download servlet