Add a variable.
Fixed bugs.
Add new templates.
Revised some bugs.
Fixed some bugs.
Revised some templates.
Revised the modules.
New module to handle view entity.
New module to handle storedprocedure entity.
New module to handle spatialvector entity.
New module to handle otherEntity.
Add new module to handle spatial raster entity.
Revise some templates.
Add new module for eml2.
Add reference handler for datset.
Change the setting for sytlepath.
Add entries for eml2.
Adding new format.
Revised the module.
updated xerces and xalan
Finished the module.
Revised the templates.
Revise some code.
Add some new tempaltes.
Revise the entity module.
Add new module to handle data table.
Revised some templates
Revise some templats.
Changed the url content.
Add templates in this module.
Fixed a bug for variable.
Add some variables.
Add new variables.
Revise the project module from beta6
Add a template to handle project part.
Revise variables.
Change the import module
Change the import modules.
Add some templates in it.
Fixed some bug.
Change the even column color.
Add some import file.
Add a variable for data file size limit.
Get rid of http client and still using sun protocol handler. Because it can repicate 817 M big data file(which is bigger than local mem and swap)
Add http client jar.
Add a variable for replication error log file.
Add a itislib.jar file for metacat(morpho code using it)
Make morpho.jar is binary file tag in cvs.
Get eml2namespace from token
Add new varible httpserver.
Add entitydoctype, physicaldoctype and eml2namespace here.
accidentally overwrote the web.xml file with the tomcat4 web.xml file.
new eml.jar file that is binary
Add code to handle eml document
Add returndoctype and returnfield for eml2
Add replication servlet into this file.
Add a default contenttype in property file.
Change type from text to binary in cvs repository.
Change the jar file for text to bin in cvs.
Get rid of hard code there.
Add a login page which would not go to index.html
Add eml parser jar file.
Add configxml.jar for emlparser.
Add a varible inlinedatafilepath.
Xerces 2.3.0 have a problem(maybe bug) to handle set external schemalocation property. I already report this problem to xerces-dev. Change it back to 2.2.1
Updata xerces to 2.30
Add two varibles: schemaPath and schemaURL.
Using xercesImpl 2.2.1 to replace the xercesImple which shipped with xalan
xml-api.jar shipped from xalan 2.4.1
New version xalan of 2.4.1
New xerces jar file shipped with xalan 2.4.1 version.
Remove xerces version 1.4.
A interface to set a docid public readable.
Add a variable packagedoctypeset. It has all doctypes in datapackage.
Add a form to perform query.
a web.xml file for tomcat4
Added required license files.
Merge cvs branch replication to cvs head.
added mappings for new eml beta6 stylesheets
Change the maximum connection number from 10 to 25.
Add two variables here: one is runDBConnectionRecycleThread. If it set "on", the recycle connection tread will run periodically. The other is cycleTimeOfDBConnection. This is for the recycle periodical time in milli seconds.
Add some variables to control db connection.
Add a variable named junittesturl there.
Change datafilepath's value and it should equals the property value of datafilepath in build.xml.
Add two variables replicationsenddata and replicationacceptdata
Add a variable named debuglevel here. It control the differrent debug level message will be printed.
This jar file can be deleted.
This jar file will install in ant/lib.
In order to implementate junit, this jar file is needed.
In order to test MetacatServlet, we need use HttpMessage class, so add this jar file
Adding a variable "hub". If hub=super, the metacat can replicate the documents and data file which's home host is not itself.
Add a new variable datafileflag. This variable will indicate if a document is a data file in updated documents list in replication.
Add some new format.