Jivka: resolved the problem with escape characters.<xsl:output method="html" encoding="iso-8859-1"/>encoding specifies the preferred character encodingthat the XSLT processor should use to encodesequences of characters.ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) includes characters like
corrected error within the xsl file
updated javadoc documentation for changes
further work on XML docuemnt loading facility in the MetaCatServlet
no message
added xml doc loading to servlet actions
changed package name to edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.*
changed database connection code, added utility class MetaCatUtil.java
added document display function to servlet
continued work on interface to servlet
improvements to MetaCatServlet engine, added html access pages for catalog query
fixed stylesheet issue with undefined nbsp entity by wrapping it in CDATA section
eliminated IE5 specific issues in eml-variable-display.xsl, modified format of display of eml-variable
creating display stylesheet for eml-variable
added files for displaying eml-variable metadata
added example files showing use of Oracle's XSQL utiltiy for metadata storage and retrieval