Change the test since we added a new schema field.
Change the solr core to 3.6.2
Change the number of fields in the test
added 4 new schema fields so need to account for them in the test case.
Change the schema test according the change on the schema itself.
Change the number of the schema feilds.
Add a util class to judge if a namespace is a resource map file.
Adjust the number of schema fields since new ones were added.
update to use v2 types for indexing
up the field count to 111 to include the 9 geohash fields.
Unify solr indexing with an IndexTask that is added to the queue -- allows us to send more than just the systemMetadata to the indexer. Initially this is for READ event counts for each document.
Use the schema for the d1_cn_index_processor 1.2.0
move the solr-home from the metacat-index to the metacat-common.
Extends the test class for the base test class.
Use the exact number of the index fields for testing.
Add a junit test class.
Add a junit test.
Add a test query method.
Add a junit test file.
Add the test properties.
Use the ";" as the seperator for properties.
Use the new name of a method.
Remove the junit test for an obsoleted class.
Add a junit test class for EnabledQueryEngines.
Add a test base class.
Add a new module for sharing the between the metacat and metacat-index.