use java 1.6 for maven compiler
use the sharing code from the metacat-common.
use integration-test ("mvn verify") to test things that require Metacat to be running. These classes should end be named "*" and unit tests that do not require metacat to be running can be named "*" -
format before editing.
Excludes the slf4j-log4j12.jar for removing duplicated class.
The module will create a servlet class in a war file.
Make EmbeddedServer work. It is for solr 3.4 since the d1_cn_index_processor depends on that version.
Use the EmbeddedSolrServer to replace HttpSolrServer. Now it still has some issues.
Add junit test class to test the SolrIndex class.
Figured out to read beans from the configuration file.
Add the dependency of solr-solrj.
Add the repository and dependency of the d1_cn_index_processor.
add the metacat-index component. It has nothing right now.