


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
6407 09/11/2011 06:12 PM Chris Jones

Add in the Hazelcast Id generation namespace and an IdGenerator instance for task ids. Hazelcast will produce cluster-wide unique ids for the "task-ids" namespace, to be used when creating CNreplicationTask objects.

6401 09/11/2011 12:12 PM Chris Jones

Modify HazelcastService to read configuration information from an on-disk file (not from a jar file). Added init() to start up the service (was calling doRefresh() before. We still need to decide if this is a refreshable service.

6399 09/08/2011 02:23 PM ben leinfelder

move HazelcastService to D1 package

6395 09/06/2011 02:33 PM ben leinfelder

added HazelCast MapStore and MapLoader implementation for SystemMetadata