In order to access the JWT authentication token, we need to configure the Apache installation to pass the Authorization header on to CGI scripts. Do this with mod_rewrite.
update documentation to reference Tomcat 7, Java 7 and newer apache config file name conventions.
For sample Apache config, disable SSLv2 and SSLv3 in favor of TLS.
add JkOptions directive and encoded slash options for dataone and solr query support in the URLs that metacat can get (they were in the -ssl version of this file already)
include SSLVerify* directives for client certificates and a pointer for getting the DataONE chain files.
add sample SSLCertificateChainFile directive to DataONE section.
Refer to metacat.war deployments since those are now the default.
include certificate export SSL options as an example (used heavily for DataONE and Metacat Replication)
Added the following values to the HTTPD site configuration: JkOptions +ForwardURICompatUnparsed AllowEncodedSlashes On AcceptPathInfo On
include SSL settings for client certificate-based replication
remove reference to tomcat5.5 in favor of tomcat6. including the "custom" start up script that used the sun jdk -- this can be configured rather than coded into the script.
Merge 1.9.2 changes back into the trunk
Add a new line for NameVirtualHost. Otherwise, the host will fail.
Add ssl virtualhost. Change non-ssl to work with ssl.
distribute perl autosplit.ix file with metacat. change tomcat startup script output to echos.
update with more standard ajp13 worker name (not used until apt-get install project)
Scripts to support a debian package build