documentation cleanup
minor modifications to fix problems introduced with AccessionNumber module
docid is varchar2(55)new table xml_acc_numbersclear out db trigger xml_documents_before_insert
docid is String
docid is Stringdocid is generated from AccessionNumber.generate() call
gen acc # in new connectionchanging to static methodsinclude action parameter
continued work on structured query -- now it reads the queryspec xml docuemnt and can digest its contents
continued work on developing structured query functionality using the QuerySpecification class -- incomplete still
minor changes to TextNode
added incomplete classes for structured query
added result-set filter to DBSimpleQuery to only return specified document type
changed getDocID() only to: return docid;
put checkURLConnection(systemId) beforeits register in db or using from the parser
rewrote DBSimpleQuery and associated classes to no longer use Oracle's hierarchichal query syntax -- now this should work with any JDBC compliant backend DB
assign rootnodeid, docid for every node in xml_nodes table by given document
to use single transaction
no message
new class for registering of Accession numbers into metacat db
renamed DBSAXWriter to DBWriter
reincorporated Title registration code for documents
updated stylesheet script to reflect new table structure
updated documentation
Renamed DBSAXElement to DBSAXNode
rearranged API for incrementing the node index within the parent node
code consolidation, cleanup, and documentation
improved error handling when docid not found
general module cleanup
renamed ReaderElement to ElementNode
renamed BasicElement to BasicNode
continuing work on changing to DOM Text node model
continued changing to DOM TEXT node model
added new DB SQL utility query
Modifying storage model to use DOM TEXT nodes
Modifying storage model to use DOM TEXT nodes -- update is incomplete and query code doesn not work for this checkin
changed case 4/ to be like case 3/ when no doctype specified
document root node, doctype changes
added utility files and queries
minor formatting and display update
updated servlet UI and added new intgrated document validity feature to servlet. Working on transformation feature.
debugging form submission
fixing transform bugs
fixed transformation bug, added test method
improved query result handling
fixed entity parsing bug
fixed transformation problems
clear xml_catalog table and rename xml_catalog_entities to xml_catalog
made changes about document doctypes
Update to handle retreival of datafile from server
updated handler to deal better with Public IDs
xsl stylesheet fix for resultset format
created XSL transformation module based on the internal database catalog
added XSL formatting to document display for metacat servlet
creating automatic transformation for XML docs retreived from catalog
changed location of catalog file to config parameter
created options file for MetaCatServlet
added catalog loading code
fixed DBSimpleQuery after doctype additions done by Jivka
Fixed package bugs in new Entity and comment handling code, updated Makefile
Included new features about writing XML documents into dbThis includes writing data into db XML Catalog, document data into xml_documents,comments into xml_nodes, added nodeindex for the order of elements by given parent element.
Catalog files from arbortext added
XMLValidate added to same package as MetaCatServlet
GenericXMLValidate added to same package as MetaCatServlet
MetaCatServlet Modifications for XML Validation;
added GenericXMLValidate
updated javadoc documentation for changes
further work on XML docuemnt loading facility in the MetaCatServlet
added xml doc loading to servlet actions
documentation changes
changed package name to edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.*
changed database connection code, added utility class
added document display function to servlet
continued work on interface to servlet
improvements to MetaCatServlet engine, added html access pages for catalog query
started servlet to do XML query and return result set
documentation updates
documentation additions
general cleanup and documentation
Finished modifications to to allow simple, free text searching on element and attribute content
added to illustrate a simple query strategy over the XML set in the database
completed basic DBReader functionality. Can now read XML from DB using DBReader
adding recursive build for ReaderElement
created code to read XML doc from db source and emit it as an XML stream
consolidated table structure to eliminate xml_attributes and xml_elements in favor of a single, unified xml_nodes table
added attribute persistence to DB code
Partially functional SAS DB loader.
Split XML SAX handler class into seperate file
Added code to write element to DB using SAX parser model
Creating database loading scripts that utilize the oracle SAX parser
new xml table structure
changed order of operations for table creates
constraint fixes to tables