Fix backup file pathing issues. Modify checkAndSetProperty to get skin specific values from request.
implement getPropertiesByGroup() method
Implement form submittal processing.
use to determine script suffixes
replace <script>.sql files with <script>-oracle.sql files since the base files are implicitly oracle scripts
Change default-style property to application.default-style
Add addProperty and addPropertyNoPersist for new properties
Backup properties should use addProperty, not setProperty
Add GeneralPropertyException to property setters
Merge 1.9 changes into Head
fixed bug 3403
Merge METACAT_1_8_1 to cvs head.
added support to upload an xml document using multipart encoding. the enables better support for web interfaces that wish to use multipart to upload xml documents. the action is 'insertmultipart'
made it so that the error and success messages from a multipart upload can be transformed using xslt. also added upload functionality to the sms skin
Check into cvs head. Comment out an obsoleted code.
Check into CVS head. Add code to handle that referral server is down.
Check into cvs head. Remove "nodedata='document'" in xml_nodes and xml_nodes_revisions deleting query.
Check into cvs head. Modify the query of deleting xml_nodes_revisions table.
Check into cvs head. Add a debug statement for printing out eml document
Check into cvs head. In handle replication list method, parser will be intialized every time when it handles a list from another server.
Check into head. Add a new method to get server name.
Check in to cvs head. Don't close db connection before returning the connection pool.
Add to cvs headd. Add code to correct invalidated eml 201 doucments.
Add to cvs head. Change the run method signature.
Checkin to head. Remove this class from Runnable and add sql to delete extral nodes in xml_nodes_revision table.
Modify the delete xml_index table query.
Add code to execute sql command and finish the task.
A class to correct invalid eml201 documents. Metacat 1.8.0 and ealier version points incorrect eml-resource.xsd. We need fix eml documents.Haven't done yet.
Add a new class will build query result able in advance. It has been done yet.
Fixed a bug pathexpr was modified if pathexpr is an attribute.
Changes to remove ANT tokens for the turnkey install project
Enable file naming when returning a zip file of the requested documents.File names for each docid are provided as additional parameters named by the actual docid value that they are providing a name for. An example query string might look like:
Fixed bug that lsid couldn't be shown up in result page of kepler skin. The bug is that in extended query, lsid attribute was treated as a element, but it is attribute.I also optimized the query by deleting xml_documents table from query. The table is not needed.
Fixed bug that kepler skin wouldn't return actor name in query. The reason is there was no separate vector to store returnfield with "]". So those fields with or without "]" are handledtogether (which shouldn't). When seperate those return fields, the bug was fixed.
Include the contextURL as a parameter for the transformer. Remove leading / from resultset paths
Add a new string buffer to store normalized query xml itself.
Fixes to record sies of ecogrid files, and to flag html files.
Don't transfer character which is greater than 128 or less thank 32 to numerical entity symbol.
Modified the normalize subroutine - don't use 26 (url encoding) to replace x%x
Using reponse.getOutputStream to replace reponse.getWriter in query and read method. So metacat can send correct special character back.
Modify normolize method by adding code to handle < > ' and "
Remove an obsolete class.
Remove an obsolete private method getPartNodeRecordList.
Add new code for xml_nodes table.
Some script to generate text search vector.
Add timeout parameter for searching user name. If some exception happens, it wouldnot throw it, just print it out.
if there is no clientViewBean in the session, insert a new one - saves us from nullPointerException when using this in skins that may not be aware of the bean uses.
ignore commented out DOCTYPE declarations (don't force validation on them)
add debug statements so it's clear what transformer parameters are being passed
Use dev=1 replace dev like '1'. since postgres 8.3 doesn't support it.
include contextURL and cgi-prefix as parameters in all the transforms (initially used for nceas skin to remove ant tokens in the XSL files....but will be used by other skins as they are converted away from at tokens)
Add debug info for special charater.
Remove the relation query.
Add server url to system id.
Skeleton for data insertion script. Also added documentation to Metacatlibrary.
MOdified query passing, and default cache location.
Initial script for downloading and caching data entities associatedwith an EML document that is stored in Metacat.
Improved the javadoc documentation for the upload() methods to clarify what upload() does and contrast it to insert() and update().
prevent null pointer exception when there are no nodes found (just an empty list)
Modification for changes to the field "MetacatUtil.skinconfigs" (bug 3057 fix).Also changes reading skin.configs properties/files (bug 3058 fix).
Modification for changes to the field "MetacatUtil.skinconfigs".
Changes to the field "skinconfigs":1) Made it private2) Created setter and getter methods3) Created a 'hasSkinConfig' method
fix mistake where there is an attempt to select nodetype column from table xml_path_index table (it's not there!)
changes for fix to bug #2999 (only one attribute of an element is returned in resultset doc)-added merging for large TEXT nodes when they have been broken up.-allow multiple attributes to be returned in the resultset doc (uses newly-available field type to determine text vs attribute node).
add retrieval of field type for each node (TEXT, ATTRIBUTE, etc).this is to support a fix for bug#2999
Workaround for a bizzare submission issue stemming from the debug sub. Modified the NCEAS project list to be robust and rely on the presence of the AdminDB module and a working connection to the DB for listing projects.
Fixed a couple of bugs: 1) Threw an error when updating a packages public access (lost the data files doc id's) and 2) returns a message after access is changed.Both were fixed by not attempting to get a child text node from a text node.
This file was renamed from upgrade-db-to-1.7.1.sql
Rename this file to upgrade-db-to-1.8.sql
A file rename from 1.7.1 since we decide to release 1.8 rather than 1.7.1
Rename this file to upgrade-db-to-1.8-postgres.sql
Changed confirm.jspx to confirm.jsp
Modified redirect URL to navigate to a skin-specific confirmation page, rather than a common one.
Updated the ResponsibleParty object creation to be more robust. Now handles N MetadataProvider elements as expected.
Fixed bug that should throw an exception in upload method.
Fixed bug with file updating (lost qformat value). Also fixed bug with message.
Change the debug level for Metacat initialization message.
Converted some java 1.5 code to java 1.4 code. Removed usages of "String.contains()", "Node.getTextContent()" and "Node.setTextContent.
Converted some java 1.5 code to java 1.4 code. Removed usages of "String.contains()", "Node.getTextContent()" and "Node.setTextContent.Wrote two new methods: 1) getTextContent, and 2) setTextContent, to emulate the org.w3c.dom implementation that ships with java 1.5.
Seperated web API code, from plain java code, by creating seperate constructors and handling Http stuff in just two methods: "clientRequest" and "handleDownloadResponse".Results in using HttpServlet code in an isolated/thin layer, making it easier to test and reuse all other methods.
Added new functionality for action="Set Access". Includes methods handleChangeAccess, setPublicAccess and getNodeTextStack. Also, cleaned up some code as a result.
Modified string constant "SUB_DOCS_PATH" to be static and public accessible.
Added param to indicate if public has read access or not, in the method "readFromMetacat". It only does this if reading a metadata document, for a skin-format,and the user is not public. This is useful to the skin's metadata display/editing form, for indicating public accessiblity (or inaccessibility)....
Fixed bug where the Permission Order was always being set to 'allowFirst'.It was comparing against the constant AccessControlInterface.DENYFIRST with the variable name surrounded by quotes. Removed the quotes and updated comments.
Modified a sql command from "like" to "=". It dramatically improves the peformance of build index.
Add two indexes to improve delete and update speed.
Add two indexes to improve delete and upgrade performance.
Add two indexes to improve deleting and update speed.
Add two indexes to improve peformance of deleting and update
Grant the public read access to the data files, if it was done for the metadata file. Also cleaned-up some debug statements.
Find out if the document is a Member of an EML package, and if that's not the case, than skip the test to see if access is set through EML metadata.
use "within" rather than "intersects" as the spatial search criteria for dataset location.(see bugzilla #2972)
Fixed 3 bugs:1) If there is a call to this class without an "action" (i.e. the initial time the login form is loaded) a null pointer exception would be thrown.2) If the user logged out, and then tried to query, the server would send an error (invalidated session)...
Created method "private void download(ClientView bean, HttpServletResponse response)", along with several other additions to support downloading.Includes functionality for FGDC-related package downloads (zip file) and individual data file downloads, with original filenames.
Created new XPath constants for FGDC queries.
Created method "synchronized public InputStream sendParameters(Properties args) throws Exception".Sends a request to Metacat. An alternative to the sentData method. Allows for sending multiple parameters with the same name, different names, or any combo.
refactored <access> and <allow> element creation. Added logic to give both owner and skin admin privilages to access uploaded data objects.
Cleaned up regexes used in register-dataset.cgi to support arbitrary numbers of elements for keywords. Cleaned up regexes for state selection, to omit default values. Added debug as a GET parameter, so a page can be debugged by appending `&debug=1'. Committed latest changes to file processing, to allow files to be deleted after returning to the entry page from confirmation or processing errors. Seperated out entryForm.js from entryForm.tmpl to simplify debugging.
Add debug information.