include SerialVersion in describe response d1 jars should be replaced once all schema changes are finalized and the generate d1_common code is committed to svn
ROLLBACK: check for non-public session in Metacat before showing the registry form
check for non-public session in Metacat before showing the registry form
include 'archived' system metadata element in backing DB store
add ; to end of update command
only update accessfileid for our new guid-based records
move latest postgres access upgrade statements to oracle script
include revision clause when updating the accessfileid on the xml_acccess table
remove docid column in favor of guid
If a member node cannot be found in the node list matching the targetNodeSubject given in isNodeAuthorized(), throw a ServiceFailure exception.
Minor reformatting for readability.
update with latest d1_common/d1_lib (includes latest schema changes)
only handle 100 (consecutive!) docId generations per millisecond, otherwise the generated docid part is bigger than Long.MAX_VALUE and Metacat cannot fully handle that.
check previous revision when attempting to update access control with EML 2.0.x docs
remove old access rules for a data object when they are being updated by rules contained in an EML document. Now the OnlineDataAccessTest EML 2.1.0 tests pass.
construct the proper previousDocId when checking for update permission
for now, look up SystemMetadata directly from the table otherwise we won't have the latest access information. Need to refresh the in-memory copy everytime we edit the access policy via Metacat (includes EML parser)
check previous revision for permissions to update (includes data described by EML)
use correct "rev" column in xml_revisions table
refactor Metacat access handling to be on a per-revision basis so that it more closely aligns with the DataONE approach
To avoid id generation conflicts happening at the same millisecond, append a 5 character random string to the end of the docid.
retry: add node name in the correct order for predicate navigation
add node name in the correct order for predicate navigation
handle queries with predicates correctly.when docids are used in the return field look up, we need to make sure they are included in the values in the correct order for their corresponding parameter place holders (?)
close prepared statement only if not null
fixed a bug that using a wrong table name - acces_log.
fixed a bug that using acces_log table name.
Use accessblock in setaccess method. So user can grant/revoke public readable access.
ensure that the revision list is ordered ascending in case someone changes the sql query without realizing that it matters...
set the byte size of the ORE map before adding it
set/update the obsoletes/obsoletedBy fields in system metadata so that we always have a complete revision history for each object.Note: ORE maps do not have revision history...yet(?)
order the revision list, ascending.
removing unused class -- can't find a reference to it and it's causing compilation errors for me.
for "all" permission, return a list of READ, WRITE, CHANGE_PERMISSION
generating ORE maps and creating/updating system metadata now. There are some Permission conversion issues to be worked out yet
look up access policy by guid or local idTODO: resolve the Metacat/EML "all" permission as it relates to DataONE (there is only READ, WRITE, CHANGE_PERMISSION). for now I am using CHANGE_PERMISSION when it is a Metacat "all"
make exception/error reporting clearer -- was getting lock messages when perhaps that was not the correct exception.
look up all docids is now a static method (ORE/SystemMetadata generation)
Add log statements for each call to ILock.unlock() for debugging.
evict the HazelCast SystemMetadata entry if we update the access control rules via Metacat's legacy API, otherwise stale SystemMetadata stays in memory instead of being looked up from the backing table store.
optionally include ORE generation/insertion into Metacat when generating SystemMetadata
Set a default HazelcastInstance after init() is called, and use this instance in getLock() to acquire a lock in the cluster.
no need to cast docInfo entries to String -- they are all strings
set revision history, the create/update dates and the owner/submitter (correctly)
use shared method for looking up "docInfo" map -- both in Metacat replication and in D1 system metadata generation
make default formatting a little bit easier to read
reformat code -- no changes
refactor SystemMetadata creation into separate class from the MetacatHandler -- this will be shared by upgrade code and normal metacat api.
include all document revisions when generating "missing" system metadataTODO: revision graph captured in obsoletes/obsoletedBy
When using ILock.lock(), get a lock on the string value of the Identifier, not the Identifier object itself. Hazelcast locking won't work otherwise.
Use the Hazelcast ILock mechanism to lock the system metadata identifier rather than using IMap.lock(pid).
simplify SystemMetadata generation -- will be done during Metacat upgrade for D1 features/support.
clean up populator; use IOUtils library to do string<->stream conversions
Set sessionid for clientVeiwBean when it handle a request.Always set the order type to "allowFirst".
verify checksum when retrieving replica from another member node.
make sure to get/put system metadata to the HZ map instead of using IdentifierManager directlyverified changes for:
match documentation for the MN.describe() header
configure synch schedule in the admin screen
look-up sych schedule from metacat properties instead of hardcoding them
when comparing D1 Subject objects, use the equals() method not direct string comparison
access nodeList list correctly
When read a FGDC document, Metacat will add a new parameter enableFGDCediting params for the xml transforming.
set the uploade file size -1.
allow unknown content sizes
run replicate() in a separate thread so that we don't wait for potentially large data objects to be moved around the system.
Call replicate() asynchronously.
Use status.toLowerCase() to deal with ReplicationStatus conversion issues. This needs to be reviewed.
Use Subject.equals() when comparing DNs rather than CertificateManager.equalsDN(). Don't lock the pid in isNodeAuthorized() to debug for timeout issues. Minor debugging changes.
give the Metacat admin users FULL permissions on all data/docs
replication control panel now fully implemented as an admin configuration screen
move replication configuration actions to the admin servlet and out of the replication servlet
save SystemMetadata when replicating data and metadata -- this way if/when the node decides to be a DataONE MN it already has the information needed for each object
Minor logging for isNodeAuthorized(), and compare subjects properly. Change this to Subject.compareTo() when it is vetted.
check for authenticated and verified user permissions
throw NotAuthorized when there is no session
Catch RuntimeExceptions thrown by Hazelcast as opposed to general Exceptions to we don't catch exceptions we're trying to throw.
get params from multipart params for systemMetadataChanged call
generalize exception handling -- add cause detail
remove DataONE schema reference in xml_catalog
Changes to setReplicationStatus and isNodeAuthorized(), working out minor bugs in replication.
include exception cause when throwing new exception (combine RuntimeException in Exception handling -- they are almst identical)
throw InvalidToken when session is null
correct typo
Send the correct node id (the target node) when calling setReplicationStatus()
get pid from normal params, not the URL -- the client should include them in the params -- and not as a serialized "object" since it is just a string value
check obsoletes and obsoletedBy PIDs when updating objects
delete system metadata when MN.delete() is called.
throw InvalidToken when there is no session (certificate) provided in update() and delete() methods.
Calls to setReplicationStatus() can only be made by a CN or the MN that is the target replica node. Implement this service restriction in CNodeService using CertificateManager's equalsDN() method.
The ReplicationStatus parameter is 'status', not 'replicationStatus', in the architecture documentation.
Although parameters for setReplicationStatus() are expected as multipart/form-data fields, they seem to be added to the HttpServletRequest as URL parameters during the proxy forwarding in d1_cn_rest_proxy. Test for their existence as multipart fields, but fall back to request params, otherwise, throw an InvalidRequest exception.
lookup stylesheet from for CN list objects and list formats. This is used in conjunction with the CN rest service deployment where the xslt is actually kept.
actually persist the MN id value to the properties file
set the newly assigned MN id after we call CN.register().
Added stack trace debugging for CNodeService.isNodeAuthorized() for tracking down replication issues.
DataONE MN registration/configuration is now its own configuration page in the admin interface.
Since we're using a multipart form to encode parameters, extract the params out of the multipart form prior to doing a get() from the multipartparams map in setReplicationStatus(). Likewise, do the same in updateReplicationMetadata() and setReplicationPolicy().
Use a session object that is set to null when calling CNode.setReplicationStatus()