Created test class QuerySpecificationTest and started process of removing the xml_index from the QuerySpecification code. Reformatted some classes for readability.
This is a sample of a harvest document relocated from the metacat/lib directory
Added more debugging messgaes to the test in an attempt to find outwhat is wrong with the cookies.
Updated more tests on session reuse. Made the http calls set the sessionidexplicitly rather than relying on cookies being passed around statically.Still need to modify HttpMessage to get rid of the static cookie.
New versions of the Metacat client API that allow access to the sessionIdso that a session can be reused over several different instances.
Fixed the sessionId handling code to now properly return the sessionIdin the login response message. Updated junit tests to test this issue.
Modified metacat to now provide the session identifier in the responsexml message when a login is called. This has not been fully tested.I removed the HttpMessage class from metacat in favor of using the versionof that class that is found in the utilities module. This may cause some...
Revise this text file.
Add new test case to testing logout, user doesn't have permision to read, insert, update and delete documents. Add new test case to test inaccessible metacat.
Revise it.
Implemented the update and delete methods in the interface, along with tests.
New version of test document without illegal whitespace trailing the closingtag of the root element.
New test data for testing metacat client.
Updated test so that the query test works. Now all tests should pass, butstill having the cntl-m issue on one server.
New test code for metacat client. Auto-generate id. Query and read fromthe inserted document. Still having some problems with the tests.
Query.xml for testing MetacatClient.
Implemented the "insert()" method and wrote a test to test it. The new testdepends on the property "newdocid" be set to something unique in the build.xmlfile so that the insert will work properly. Probably need to fix this to besome kind of autoincrement counter or random number so that it can be run...
Refactored to use IOUtil routines. Reformatted for within-file consistency.
Add a test case for query method.
Implemented the 'read' API call. Some more to go...
Wrote the login() function, the first of the series of API calls forthe metacat client to be implemented. Also wrote a test class totest the API functionality.
Get this big testing file(3.3 M) to reduce the distribution package size.
Change from assert to assertTrue.
Change assert to assertTrue.
Change assert to assertTrue
A new class to testing subtree class.
Add a example of attribute query.
Merge cvs branch replication to cvs head.
Change the test case order.
Add this file from branch to head.
This is code for testing how many sql commands one connection can be executed.
Change some debug message.
Change package name of this class.
Change package name. Factor of docid change from 10000 to 100000.
Change package name and data file path. The factor for docid change from 10000 to 100000.
This is the data file for testing insert data file action.
This is a net test file for metacat.
Add to cvs
Add metacat test to cvs.
This script file can run serials queries and print out the running time.
In order to test query performance. We need add lots of documents to database. This script file can add couple documents to database by for loop.
tests made on Oracle and SQL Server.
Added results of running the query analysis.
Analysis code cleanup.
modified analysis to add query_method (index or nested) as afactor in the GLM.
Added data and statistical analysis code used for evaluation of thequery performance metrics for Metacat.
results from metacat testing
test results for 11thousands, 87thousands and 162 thousands nodes
play dtd pathquery files
script and data files for performance testing
removed old script and xml files
script to execute all queries
test queries for performance analysis