Increased the serial version number before updating the system metadata.
Fixed a bug to increase the serial version
Increased the serial version during the test.
Increase serial version during the test of updateSystemMetadata method.
Restore the commented out tests.
Add more test to test the code to create branch obsolete chain.
Add a test method to test the update of the obsoletes and obsoletedBy fields.
Add the code to test a MN to call setReplicationStatus successfully.
Add the code to test that non-cn session can't call some methods like registerSystemMetadata, updateSystemMetadata and et al.
Use the getCNSession to replace the getTestSession which was a actual getCNSession.
Add the test to test new rules: cn and other client calling the method on the authoritative node can call the mn.update.
Add some thread sleeping time to make checking wait the process.
Deleted a unnecessary test class.
Make more cap for the testing.
Insert a document with different authoritative node id. So we can test querySystemMetadata by more cases.
Add a junit test to test the querySystemMetadata method.
Add a junit test class to test the insert of iso119139 object.
Add an iso text file.
Add a junit test case to test the write/read of new fields in the system metadata.
Add the test suite.
Add the code to test scenario that a user tries to update an archived object.
Fixed an null pointer issue in this class.
Add more scenario for check isAuthorized.
Get the node id from the instead of the hard coded one.
Remove the obsoleted test class.
Removed the obsoleted test class.
Now for the untrusted certificate, the client throws an exception rather than returning null.
Add a initial test.
Add a test in it. Otherwise it failed and said there is not tests found.
Change the test case base on the change on checking sid of the create method.
Add the junit test for testing the updateSystemMetadata method.
remove d1_annotator and tests from project -- should be used elsewhere.
Add a code to test the getLogRecord method handling SID.
Add the junit test method for listViews.
Add a test method to test v1.getFormat.
It is tricky to determine if the type works since v2.SystemMetadata extends from v1.SystemMetadata.We have to set true that the return object is v1.SystemMetadata, also set false that the return object is not v2.SystemMetadata.
Add the test code for v1 api.
Completed the 18 test cases.
Add more test cases for the method getHeadVersion.
Add test cases for the method getHeadPID.
Add a test case for testing sid chains.
Add the code to test only 512 characters can be written to db.
Add the code to make sure that the event, ip address, principal and userAgent were recorded.
Handle the IOException which was added to MockCNode constructor.
Change the constructor's signature since the super class - MultipartDCNode was changed.
Add the test case 18. Refer
Add two more test cases. Refer
Used the new concept - end to determine the head object of an SID chain.
Add the case 15 refrence the page
Add more test cases from the page
Added the more test cases to get the head version of a SID. See
Added a test case and fixed a bug.
Add the code to check a system metadata having the missing obsolescence field rather than to modify system metadata.
Implemented 4 rules to determine the head version of a sid chain.Add the test case 14 for testing.
Add a junit test for the converter.
Add the code to test series id in the archive, delete, isAuthorized and systemMetadataChanged method.
Add the code to test the create and update methods using invalid sid in the system metadata.
Add the code to test getChecksum.
Add the test code for getSystemMetadata(sid) and describe(sid).
Add two updates on the testGetSID method.
Add the code to test getting test series ids.
Change methods'name base on the change on the source code.
Add the code to test the methods of determining if a sid or guid exists.
Add a test method to the method to get head version of a sid.
Change the test method base on the change of throwing a new sql exception on the getLocalId method.
add Annotator Store implementation -- pass through to D1 API for the AnnotatorJS API
remove annotator service test -- this feature has been moved upstream
Overwrite the default node id (which value is metacat) from the Otherwise, the test will fail.
Add junit test method for saving a metadata document with unmatched xml encoding declaration.
Add a test file for unmatched xml encoding declaration.
look up annotations when reindexing a given pid. still very much a prototype in that we are looking up annotations from an external annotator-store. TODO: add pid filtering to query when supports it (pending upgrade on their site).
Remove an import.
Removed an import.
Added the junit tests to test the NotFoundException having the deleted information.
Add a test method to test the method determining if there is a delete event for the given id.
In InsertORETest: Set the format ID of the metadata object to an EML formatId so that it gets indexed correctly.
Add a test class that inserts an ORE with PROV relationships
use mock CN for testing metacat implementations
remove unused tests
Fix XML validation errors in the metacatui confirmData template for the registry. Add a test script that submits multiple datasets to the registry.
add support for v2 DataONE API.
handle login/logout when testing using metacat client (recent refactoring to use more standard http client code)
remove dependency on HttpMessage that was in the utilities project but is now removed in favor of newer (standard) http client library code.
take advantage of the ezidclient for multi-threaded/asynchronous DOI registration. This will be most useful for doing large batch updates and not so much for the one-at-a-time publish actions but works in either context.
use separate surName and givenNames to lookup ORCIDs.
Create a derived data and metadata in the OrePackageTest
all full-text queries for ORCID, but it isn't that great because we might have a"PISCO" creator that shows us in may different orcid profiles...false matches.
correct glaring erros -- still needs to be honed, but at least it runs without NPE and Jena/foresite errors
stub for testing ORE augmentation - this generates an ORE, adds a "wasDerivedFrom" triple and saves to Metacat MN for indexing.
adjust tests for production service -- more "real" information shows additional return values from the query.
switch to the production ORCID server for looking up orcid matches for our creators.add test to summarize how many creator matches we can actually find.
simplify lookup for classes and orcid. remove the "random" annotation code branches -- just too confusing to look at those bogus classes especially now that we have "real" generated annotations.
add 'test' for indexing annotations without actually storing the RDF of the generated annotation.
first pass at direct EML->semantic index method. Still produces an RDF model, but does not persist it in Metacat, only in the triplestore. Allows us to re-run without adding stale RDF to the MN store.
switch to use FIleUpload instead of O'Reilly COS library for handling chunked file uploads.
correct the ORE lookup query syntax and add junit assertion to check that it continues to function as expected.
include BioPortal lookup for Entity matches using the data table description. TODO: only associate measurements to the entity observation if they apply.
add "test" for generating annotations based on the entity/attribute details of a datapackage. This iterates through all current EML revisions and either updates or creates annotations based on what it finds. It does add content to your metacat deployment (RDF files) but it can be safely re-run when each time we change our annotation algorithm.