document root node, doctype changes
added utility files and queries
updated javadoc documentation
removed files that are no longer needed
minor formatting and display update
added servlet interface images
updated servlet UI and added new intgrated document validity feature to servlet. Working on transformation feature.
debugging form submission
updated resultset display
fixing transform bugs
fixed transformation bug, added test method
improved query result handling
fixed entity parsing bug
updated style sheet locations
fixed transformation problems
clear xml_catalog table and rename xml_catalog_entities to xml_catalog
made changes about document doctypes
Update to handle retreival of datafile from server
updated handler to deal better with Public IDs
update example query in html pages
xsl stylesheet fix for resultset format
created XSL transformation module based on the internal database catalog
added XSL formatting to document display for metacat servlet
creating automatic transformation for XML docs retreived from catalog
added dtds to catalog list
changed location of catalog file to config parameter
created options file for MetaCatServlet
no message
added catalog loading code
added catalog text file
added example to HTML page
added validation code + changes
fixed DBSimpleQuery after doctype additions done by Jivka
Fixed package bugs in new Entity and comment handling code, updated Makefile
fixed nbsp formatting problem
Included new features about writing XML documents into dbThis includes writing data into db XML Catalog, document data into xml_documents,comments into xml_nodes, added nodeindex for the order of elements by given parent element.
Catalog files from arbortext added
XMLValidate added to same package as MetaCatServlet
GenericXMLValidate added to same package as MetaCatServlet
MetaCatServlet Modifications for XML Validation;
modified make to add xml validation code
added GenericXMLValidate
corrected the problem with added encoding for <xsl:output/> like <xsl:output method="html" encoding="iso-8859-1"/>
corrected the problem with
Jivka: resolved the problem with escape characters.<xsl:output method="html" encoding="iso-8859-1"/>encoding specifies the preferred character encodingthat the XSLT processor should use to encodesequences of characters.ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) includes characters like
corrected error within the xsl file
updated javadoc documentation for changes
further work on XML docuemnt loading facility in the MetaCatServlet
added xml doc loading to servlet actions
adding javadoc changes
documentation changes
updated documentation
changed package name to edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.*
changed database connection code, added utility class
added document display function to servlet
continued work on interface to servlet
improvements to MetaCatServlet engine, added html access pages for catalog query
started servlet to do XML query and return result set
fixed link error in contents
changed body style
fixed stylesheet issue with undefined nbsp entity by wrapping it in CDATA section
eliminated IE5 specific issues in eml-variable-display.xsl, modified format of display of eml-variable
creating display stylesheet for eml-variable
added files for displaying eml-variable metadata
fixed parameter passing bug
updated paths to work as web demo
documentation updates
added example files showing use of Oracle's XSQL utiltiy for metadata storage and retrieval
removed sql code for example table
added sql code for example table
documentation additions
general cleanup and documentation
Finished modifications to to allow simple, free text searching on element and attribute content
added to illustrate a simple query strategy over the XML set in the database
cleanup for DBReader
completed basic DBReader functionality. Can now read XML from DB using DBReader
adding recursive build for ReaderElement
created code to read XML doc from db source and emit it as an XML stream
consolidated table structure to eliminate xml_attributes and xml_elements in favor of a single, unified xml_nodes table
added attribute persistence to DB code
Partially functional SAS DB loader.
Split XML SAX handler class into seperate file
Added code to write element to DB using SAX parser model
Creating database loading scripts that utilize the oracle SAX parser
added Ron Bourret's xmldbms package for loading xml documents into databases
added attribute saving to DB
added Text insertion to database
added foreign key to parentnodeid
new xml table structure
code cleanup for pw handling