Changed to now use the new DocumentImpl.buildIndex() methodfor populating the xml_index table. The new method uses a jdbc ResultSetfor populating the index rather than doing it with the DBSAXNode, so it isfaster and can be run at any time on any document. This will allow us to...
Updated the build index test.
Compose the Metacat URL from the httpserver and the servletpath properties, replacing hard-coded references to servlet.
Send redirect to HarvesterRegistration, instead of using the full class name which works on Tomcat-only installations but not with Apache.
Change the date format to one that is standard on both Oracle and Postgres.
Revisions to Metacat Installation Instructions page. Most of the edits in this revision involve the file. A new HTML table was created to describe the properties and their values.
Whitespace changes that fix a few formatting problems after Jing's commit.
Replace relative path to harvester registration login servlet with context path generated through ant build
Add properties and filters for harvester registration servlets
Add new feature that delete can be broadcasted by force replication.
The new buildIndex() function now can write allof the appropriate index paths to the database for any given document. Next need to create a function to rebuild on demand, and modify to use the new buildIndex() function.
corrected wrong variable names in build file.
Added harvester servlets to the web.xml files.
Added test class for buildIndex() routine. Not completed yet.
Added changes to buildIndex() function. Now it is finding the right set ofpaths, just have to save these in a hash and then add them to the DB xml_indextable.
changed function parameters in accordance with changes in PermissionController
Modified inline data permission handling, so that access rules for old version of inline data can be checked correctly.
Added a function which returns inline data id with out the revision number.
Changed error text that is returned when an invalid eml is inserted.
Added another test to check if access is checked when an old version of inline data is read using action=readinlinedata
Changed the ESA nad LTSS skins to display all data from the KNB at the request ofOJ Reichman.
Add a code to load eml201 parser to fix the bug that couldn't generate access rule for eml201 doc.
Add a note that you should put full name as state name to generate a key. Otherwise, the trustkey will be not recongized.
Fixed some more bugs.
Added sql for counting packages.
fixed error in input param
Added code to send showWgList, showSiteList, showOrganization, lsite and usite for one tmpl to other.
Fixed a bug in creation of EML documents when coordinates from the site_list have to be used.
Added lines for updating xml_catalog in the upgrade script to point to thenew schema locations.
Fixed error in handling of multiple additional metadata tags...
Updated build.xml to use new sql scripts.
New schema changes, including upgrade scripts. Includes renamed postgresscripts.
Test added to insert eml 2.0.0 document and update it with eml 2.0.1 document.
Updates to the config for the esa skin, and added an LTSS skin.
removed errors being generated in handling of qformat when action=insert. If qformat is not specified, xml is assumed as default.
Changing 'Submit Entry' to 'Submit Dataset'
Fixed a bug in handling of associated parties.
Fixed the bug described in 1671. The bug came into picture, when no keyword type is suggested for a particular keyword. This resulted in ignoring of that row of data.
Beginning new method for building the xml_index table. This uses theJDBC resultset directly rather than DBSaxNode, and recurses through therecords of the table. The new function 'buildIndex()' would be called, butcurrently is not linked in to any code, so it shouldn't get in the way....
removed a bug which was pointed out by Bing and fixed by Jing.
Removed some unused code
Revisions to text for the ESA / LTSS registry.
Added a new method to check upload function when a data stream is passed.
Added new upload function which takes InputStream as input.
Adding which has tests regarding inline data access. Also updated
fixed some bugs in document update
Added method to metacat client for reading inline data - readInlineData()
Made changes in AccessControl and Online Data Access tests.
Fixed a bug in upload function. For online data updates, access was not checked.
Modifications to the registry to support the new ESA skin. Factored out some ofthe configuration-specific code into properties that are set in the variouscfg files in the skins. New properties in the cfg files are lsite, usite,showSiteList, showWgList, showOrganization. These now need to be set in every skin...
Changed properties to use the xml_index table by default.
Adding new file with tests regarding access controls related to online data... the tests which are failing are commented out for the time being .. once the bugs are fixed in metacat, they will removed.
Add additional comments to the test cases.
Remove obsolete comment.Fix broken URL in
Fixed handling of various docid formats.
Code added to handle errors resulting from following urls: - no action specified - no docid specified - no username specified...
Added check for null condition so that proper error text is returned to user.
Checked to be sure the instance has been initialized in the getDBCOnnectionstatic method call. Assuming it has been initialized could (and does)lead to NullPointerExceptions when used outside of the metacat servletif the conneciton pool isn't initialized properly.
Reformatted code for readability. It was crazy. Still has problems, but itsbetter. Will be working on some new methods on monday.
Fixed a bug in access handling when no access is specified.
Some changes and a bug fix
Added eml-2.0.1 tags for eml processing.
Also fixed a bug. The error returned in case of no revision number specified was just null. Now it says that revision number is required.
Merging in changes made in branch 'dataaccess' by Jing Tao.
Changed to include new tests
Changed to handle the exception that is thrown by now.
Added code to test the upload functionality in the client
Adding data files for testing as online data
Added upload functionality to metacat client for upload online data
Adding a new test file for testing the Access Controls in Metacat. Not complete or compilable yet.
Add warning if default harvest list file is not found on disk.
Change relative path to harvestList.xsd schema to allow harvest list editor to run standalone.
added target=_blank to generate UI links
pointed knb2 resutls page at production whippet on port 8080 of nebulous, instead of dev version on 8090
Changed path for eml xsd stylesheet
Changed path for eml.xsd stylesheet.
Updated tag names to be checked out of CVS for EML
Added README explaining directory.
A series of queries and commands being developed to improve metacatperformance. Very incomplete. WARNING: running some of these commmandsWILL DELETE DATA. Do not run these commands in a production environment.
Modified directory name for eml-2.0.x checkouts to match with that in build.xml
Changes directory names and paths of eml checkouts. Added eml-2.0.1 to the eml versions to be checked out.
Added eml2.0.1 specific code in /style file
Added eml2.0.1 in /common stylesheets
Removed some debugging code added in last commit
Added code to read EML2.0.1 into source code.
Made change in the registry so that new documents produced are of eml-2.0.1 standard.Also made changes in create-registry folder
Added code to make enteries for eml 2.0.1 into the database
Improvements to Harvester registration web form.
Changed index.jsp to fix bug 1232 so that it works on
Added code to add and remove cookie from the index.jsp when a person logs in or logs out.
Replaced EML2.0.0 checkout tag from EML_2_0_0_FOR_METACAT to EML_2_0_0_FOR_METACAT_WITH_BUGFIX
Modifications to make JS search functions work in the knb2 skin.
CHnaged CVSROOT to use $USER so it needn't be modified as much.
New URL for metacat in settings file.
New alternative KNB skin. Duplicates much of what is on the KNB site, butthis skin can work standalone with metacat (ie, you do not need the KNBweb site to be installed). Modified the resultset.xsl to do some thingsspecific to this skin.
Added images to install-skin target.
Add diagnostic output
Get rid of some useless code.
Improve handling of default values.Call fileNew() if no default Harvest List file is specified.Improve documentation for default properties.
Scripts for running the Harvest List Editor
Add documentation for the Harvest List Editor.Display the Harvester Registration web form as a HTML table instead of as text.