Modifying code so that nodedata is stored in xml_index table next to the paths.This helps in making the search faster.
Increase number of rows in harvest list from 300 to 1200.
Fixed a bug from previous commit
Some more modifications so that % search doesnt run a select on xml_nodes.
Modified code to fix bug # 1850
Add bat file and shell script for use with the distributable version of the Harvest List Editor.
Fixed as suggested in bug 1768
Add harvestListEditorDist target for building distributable versions of the Harvest List Editor tool.
Change default document type in Harvest List Editor to eml-2.0.1.
Remove DOS end-of-line carriage returns.Other minor formatting improvements to the code.
Modified code so that when a % search is done, a xml_nodes search is not done. This search is not required and hence saves time in doing a % search
Added code to check for NaN while converting String to double.
Added code to check for NaN valuse which converting string to double.
The guide on how to complete dr entries was updated to describe the current entryform.tmpl, and to fix bug 1302.
(Commit for Andrea Chadden by Saurabh Garg)
Fix for bug# 1344
Removed bugs in loading data when user wants to edit the data package
Fixed a bug in containsKey() function.
Modified database creation sql code so that in xml_nodes, nodedatanumerical coulmn is added.
Modified 'insert xml_nodes...' so that numerical data is added into numericalnodedata also.
Modified handling of greater-than and less-than so that comparison is done against nodedatanumerical column.
adding token for name of the database being used
Modified code to work with Postgresql also.
Adding new java code which upgrades the database for version 1.5
Added target and code for upgrading database to version 1.5
Fixed a bug in previous commit. Moved normalization function before the string size is counted so that size change due to normalization is taken into account.
I (Andrea) defined new styles in the .css files that are used in the entryForm.tmpl page.
(Committed for Andrea Chadden by Saurabh Garg)
I (Andrea) defined new styles in the .css files that are used in theentryForm.tmpl page.
I (Andrea) reformatted the file by changing the layout of tables, trs,and tds, and also by removing style info from the html in the file, anddefining styles in the associated .css files
Added code to fix bug 1323. % sign is replaced by its http equivalent now
Added code to check id document is passed as part of the params. This is done toprevent NullPointerException which results in sending null to the user.
Added code to fix bug# 1344. Response template is called when cancel delete is pressed
Added code to fix bug# 1344. Response template is called when cancel delete is pressed.
Fixed a bug in previous commit. Also removed ^M characters that were added in version 1.200
Integrating build.xml from webmdentry into metacat build file.
Integrating ldap templates into metacat CVS tree
Integrating ldapweb.cgi & into metacat CVS tree.
Integrating ldapweb.cfg code into metacat CVS tree.
Made changes to fix bug# 1538. Changed the code of the normalize function in Earlier code was not taking care of characters above 123.
In, added call to normalize function before text is written to db.
Add a new test case for testing get newest revision number.
Add a new method to get newest version of a given document.
Add a new method to get newest version for a given document.
Modified code to fix bug# 1551 by adding a conditional statement.
Fixed bug #1551 by adding a conditional statement.
Made changes to fix bug# 1310. Now while parsing old documents, the script checks for ACLs also.
Modify value of redirect to match the servlet-mapping URL values in web.xml. The old value used the servlet class name. This worked in Tomcat 4 but seems to break in Tomcat 5 on Windows. The new value uses the servlet-mapping URL value. This should work in both Tomcat 4 and Tomcat 5.
Modify property values of harvester registration servlets to match the servlet-mapping URL values in web.xml. The old values used the servlet class names. This worked in Tomcat 4 but seems to break in Tomcat 5 on Windows. The new values use the servlet-mapping URL values. This should work in both Tomcat 4 and Tomcat 5.
Minor enhancement to support multiple email addresses for harvester administrator and site contact. Each address is separated by a comma or semicolon.
Removed hardcoded path from EventLogTest.
Fixed a bug.
Thanks Jing, Fixed those code comments.
Adde a function to the metacat client to set access on an xml document in ametacat repository.
One last clarification to the install instructions regarding the sql scripts.
Modified build dist and distsrc targets to be sure the ant tokens arefiltered correctly in the documentation, otherwise the CSS styles do notshow up properly.
Modified the build to be smarter about making sure that the EML schemasand styles are in place (so manually running 'geteml' should no longerbe needed), and renamed the 'loaddtdschemas' target to 'register-schemas'.Reorganized and clarified installation instructions to make the order of...
Fixed some typos in the README, and rearranged a little.
Moved deletion of stylsheets from clean to fullclean target so that thestyles will be guaranteed to be in place in the released version even aftera clean build.
Added classpath to javadoc call so that we avoid javadoc errors thatcomplain about not being able to find the servlet classes.
Added dependency check for eml so that the schemas and dtds are notchecked out of CVS if they already exist in the lib directory. This isbased on checking for the key schema or dtd file from the 2.0.0beta6,2.0.0, and 2.0.1 releases, so if you've messed with this directory in...
Added dependency check to see if the httpclient.jar and utilities.jar arealready present in lib. If they are, building utilities is skipped. Thisallows us to ship a distribution with just the jar files rather than thesource from the utilities module and still have the compile work. Now...
Added sample eml 2.0.1 document for use in the tests.
Modified buildIndex() to now include an '@' sign in the path for ATTRIBUTEnodes. Removed a bunch of debugging information. Fixed the BuildIndexTestso that it would work on any machine (removed hardcoded paths).
Added code that changes the node column size
New README in preparation for the 1.4.0 release, and updated the propertiesfile with the new version number.
Added in servlet action 'buildindex' for building the XML_index table entriesfor either a set of documents (if one or more docid params are provided) orfor the whole set of documents in the xml_documents table. The buildindexaction is restricted to only be accessible by users who are listed in the...
Created a list of all of the servlet actions in the documentation and listedall reuired and optional parameters for each action. These need to bedocumented but at least the list is all in one place now.
Added new sections to the Metacat documentation describing the Metacatclient API and the Metacat 'getlog' servlet action for event reporting.
Updated metacat documentation with additional properties and fixed thedescription of several properties. We really need to clean out unusedproperties and generally clean up the configuration morass.
Added a property listing servlet administrators.
Changed to now use the new DocumentImpl.buildIndex() methodfor populating the xml_index table. The new method uses a jdbc ResultSetfor populating the index rather than doing it with the DBSAXNode, so it isfaster and can be run at any time on any document. This will allow us to...
Updated the build index test.
Compose the Metacat URL from the httpserver and the servletpath properties, replacing hard-coded references to servlet.
Send redirect to HarvesterRegistration, instead of using the full class name which works on Tomcat-only installations but not with Apache.
Change the date format to one that is standard on both Oracle and Postgres.
Revisions to Metacat Installation Instructions page. Most of the edits in this revision involve the file. A new HTML table was created to describe the properties and their values.
Whitespace changes that fix a few formatting problems after Jing's commit.
Replace relative path to harvester registration login servlet with context path generated through ant build
Add properties and filters for harvester registration servlets
Add new feature that delete can be broadcasted by force replication.
The new buildIndex() function now can write allof the appropriate index paths to the database for any given document. Next need to create a function to rebuild on demand, and modify to use the new buildIndex() function.
corrected wrong variable names in build file.
Added harvester servlets to the web.xml files.
Added test class for buildIndex() routine. Not completed yet.
Added changes to buildIndex() function. Now it is finding the right set ofpaths, just have to save these in a hash and then add them to the DB xml_indextable.
changed function parameters in accordance with changes in PermissionController
Modified inline data permission handling, so that access rules for old version of inline data can be checked correctly.
Added a function which returns inline data id with out the revision number.
Changed error text that is returned when an invalid eml is inserted.
Added another test to check if access is checked when an old version of inline data is read using action=readinlinedata
Changed the ESA nad LTSS skins to display all data from the KNB at the request ofOJ Reichman.
Add a code to load eml201 parser to fix the bug that couldn't generate access rule for eml201 doc.
Add a note that you should put full name as state name to generate a key. Otherwise, the trustkey will be not recongized.
Fixed some more bugs.
Added sql for counting packages.
fixed error in input param
Added code to send showWgList, showSiteList, showOrganization, lsite and usite for one tmpl to other.
Fixed a bug in creation of EML documents when coordinates from the site_list have to be used.
Added lines for updating xml_catalog in the upgrade script to point to thenew schema locations.
Fixed error in handling of multiple additional metadata tags...
Updated build.xml to use new sql scripts.
New schema changes, including upgrade scripts. Includes renamed postgresscripts.