Add more debug info.
Using join query for more efficiency.
Add class as parent class add method.
Add method as parent class adding method.
Add method as parent class adding a method.
Add a method to get doc list query.
Fixed bug to get docid list.
Add new command to create no-password key.
Add more info transfer.
Modified the WARNing message
Fix for bug in the previous commit
Modified the debug levels of debug statements
Add code to handle replication document in xml_document table.
Modification in algo:
1. Find if the root element has prefix (e.g. <eml:eml>). If found, go to step 2, otheriwse go to step 3.
2. Look for xmlns:prefix element to find the ns (e.g.:xmlns:eml="eml://") 2.a If not found go to step 4...
Bugfix for 2091. Removed the function needValidation(). Added function getPrefix which returns the prefix. And use the following steps to find out the namespace
1. Find if the root element has prefix (e.g. <eml:eml>). If found, go to step2, otheriwse go to step 3....
Faster script for upgrading oracle database
Updated list of coordinates for OBFS sites
(Commit for Veronique Connolly by Saurabh Garg)
Bugfix in the searches done from the skin webpages...
Updated list of coordinates for UCNRS sites
Change in obfs homepage so that search uses a radio button instead of check box
Change in nrs homepage so that search uses a radio button instead of check box
Change in nceas homepage so that search uses a radio button instead of check box
Add code to handle catalog is null when inserting xml_revisions table.
Add code to handle write record into xml_documents when catalog id is null.
Bugfix to the code which sets parentnodeid in xml_path_index. (Use setInt instead of setFloat)
Added some documentation and did a little cleanup.
Continued work -- now the user can get info on all layers servered by the wms, including the metacat docs.
Removed sql syntax not acceptable by Oracle.
Changed the filter and ldapbase values in getUserInfo so that it works for both NCEAS and LTER ldap
Bugfix in the query sent to metacat
Bugfix in the metacat query generated in javascript
Bug fix in the changes made in previous commit
changed old link for Long-Term Studies Section to current link
this file is used in Fireworks to make the header and the slices
Added warning to be displayed in the log when document is not inserted.
1. useSiteCoord option is made avaiable again2. contact email address can be made required.
Interim checkin -- getting the postgis database setup
Added lter to list of orgs.
New changes in the esa skin so that includes the moderator functionality and login/logout functionality
These are all header updates to include the login and logout for the ESA Header links. I left the original Header and named it headerOld.html and saved the Slices that go with it too. (the ESAHomeLogo.gif file might be overwritten) The code for the header to work with the Logout slice and roll over is in the file headerLogout.htm. <td><a href="#" target="_top" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore();" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('ESALogout','','ESAHeaderSlices/RollOvers/ESALogoutR.gif',1);"><img name="ESALogout" src="ESAHeaderSlices/ESALogout.gif" width="57" height="17" border="0" alt="Logout"></a></td> The code for the login slice and rollover is in the header.htm file <td><a href="#" target="_top" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore();" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('ESALogin','','ESAHeaderSlices/RollOvers/ESALoginR.gif',1);"><img name="ESALogin" src="ESAHeaderSlices/ESALogin.gif" width="57" height="17" border="0" alt="Login"></a></td>
Modified the login method in the perl metacat client so that status of the user logging is also returnedEarlier if login info was not valid, 0 was returned. And 1 is sent back if login info was valid.
Now, if valid then following values are returned to indicate user status...
Added support in the metacat client for the new function added to MetaCatServlet
Added a new action - getloggedinuserinfo - which returns information about the user in the following format.
<user><username>uid=sgarg,o=NCEAS,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org</username><name>Saurabh Garg</name><isAdministrator/><isMOderator/></user>
Removed code entered in previous commit as it is no longer needed
Also in the previous commit, the successful message changed. Now in addtion to the sessionid tag, the following tags also included: <name>[name of the user]</name>, <isModerator> (if is moderator) and <isAdministrator> (if is Administrator)
Added a new function - getUserInfo to AuthInterface and AuthLdapThe function returns a string array for a given username. the array contains the name, organization name and email address of the user. In case of ldap, it is cn, o and mail attributes for ldapbase=username...
Got the metacat datapackage selection (single point) working.
Fixed a bug in QueryGroup which prevented QueryGroup from appending itself to the sql query when no queryTerm is present.
Further work -- added additional layers, added the ability to query AOI. Almost have the js parseing thecorrect metacat url, and sme style changes.
Removed unused subroutines that were for testing.
Adding the utility for failover montitoring. Fromthe README:
This program is designed to run as a script under the Hobbit systemmonitoring program ( When Hobbit isconfigured properly, this script will be called to make changes to the...
Remove debugging.
Added some more layers
Fixed the mapbuilder getfeatureinfo function and modified the config. Now the metacat url addresses are available from the rendering.
The index page for the mapbuilder rendering -- running off the geoserverwms/wfs server.
These are the config files for the mapbuilder rendering app that connects togeoserver to access the metacat spatial data. The display works but the abilityto get the url to the metacat document is not yet working. This code waswritten against the mapbuilder 0.2.0.xx and it is recommended that it be run...
Changes in log levels of some commands mentioned in the previos commit.
Made logging configuration and format changes in
Replacing MetaCatUtil.debugMessage or MetaCatUtil.logMetacat call with logMetacat (private Logger object) call
Commited the wrong file last time. Making the changes again.
1. Replacing MetaCatUtil.debugMessage or MetaCatUtil.logMetacat call with logMetacat (private Logger object) call 2. Commented out debugMessage() 3. Removed getLog() and earlier old log4j code...
1. Replacing MetaCatUtil.debugMessage or MetaCatUtil.logMetacat call with logMetacat (private Logger object) call2. Commented out debugMessage()3. Removed getLog() and earlier old log4j code4. Removed formattedDebugMessage
Add a new sql file to alter control file which from knb backup for new file location
Copy the code to generate xml_path_index from xmltables.sql. xmltables.sql is working, so it may fix the bug.
Modifications to LTER skin.
Renamed login.xsl to esa-login.xsl
if moderator is logged into metacat and no option for enable-editing is specified then enable editing by default
bug fix login.xsl. and modify the resultset to be called in esa.xml
Copy of resultset.xsl from style/common folder which will be modified for esa skin
Changes in login.xsl and moderator.html so that once the moderator logs in, the resultset is displayed
Fix for bug 2222. So that correct query is generated when searchmode is 'not-contains'.
Change the method to get access document docid and revision.
Fixed bug which can cause eml beta6 couldn't run access control.
New files and modification of esa.xml for the new moderation facility for esa skin.
Add rev in get data doc info.
Fixed a bug if one server failed in replication, it will cause another server failed.
Add code to guess the docid's revision in read action.
Remove some debug message.
Fixed bug couldn't delete xml_nodes when moving to xml_nodes_revision in replication.
If skin cfg specified access rights to be included for a certain set of users and groups, then those are entered in the access permissions given.
Fix for bug 2220. And check the cfg file if the eml documents generated should be publically readable or not.
Fix for bug 2220
Fix for bug# 2220
Change the code to make sure DocumentImpl class's constructor should have rev attached.
Remove this file.
Added an attribute to the metacat shapefile called area_coef which is a functionof the areal extent of the datapackage -- so a datapackage which was related toa global collection would have a large extent, whereas a 3-foot squared plotwould have a small extent. Also fixed a bug related to the ID field that was...
Added a function to strip out the whitespace that was around the boundingcoordinates retrieved from metacat, and also now writing the full set ofbounding coordiantes (east,west,south,north).
a test dataset with coordinate harvested from metacat october 1, 2005.
bug fix so that error is displayed if station or reserve is not selected
fix for the bug entered in previous fix
Fix for bug in QueryGroup. Didnt check if the QueryGroup returned empty string. E.g. in case of a % search.
Fixed javascript bugs
fixed the qformat.
Move the compile.path to init so it can get some property value.
Fixed bug in the trigger of xml_path_index table
Fixed bug which currentDocument maybe null.
Fixed bug which currentDocument may be null.
fixe bug which currentDoc maybe null.
Add code to transfer string to date type.
Add function transfer string to date.