no message
using the new interface to SRB JavaRMI to solve the auth problem
added hidden "action" field
minor efficiency improvement
minor property change
removed catalog jar file because not needed because source code is in src dir so is included as part of metacat.jar
updated ant build.xml file for efficiency
finished user auth & session tracking
hidden form item "action" is not needed
session expiration message pageit has a link that should go to new login page.
session expiration message page shown whensession expire or session has not been storedbetween different user requests.
changed char stream to byte stream
Fixed bug in DBEntityResolver so that it now properly delegates tothe system id found inthe database.Changed DBValidate to use DBEntityResolver, rather than the OASIScatalog, and to return validation results in XML format.
testing login
Fixed bug where TEXT nodes couldn't be longer than 4000 characters, whichis the maximum length of a VARCHAR2 field in Oracle. Now, if textexceeds the field length, I break the text up into a series of TEXTnodes each of the max field length, and the remainder in the last...
Added feature to now ouput COMMENTs and PIs when the document isread from the database with DBReader.
updated build file jar references
fixed html file parameters
removed jar file because it is too dynamic
changed toresponse.sendRedirect(response.encodeRedirectUrl("/xmltodb/lib/index.html"));
binary additions for srb RMI client
Added srbrmi classes for authentication support
changed to use username/password entered on login
needed right <FORM ACTION="" ...> value
changes releted to login and session tracking
New- class that encapsulates session creation and user authentication
New- login page
added new javadoc documentation for new classes
Updated javadoc documentation.
Fixed bugs associated with the new UPDATE and DELETE functions ofDBWriter. There were problematic interactions between some staticvariables used in DBEntityResolver and the way in which theServlet objects are re-used across multiple client invocations....
Merged in substantial changes to DBWriter and associated classes and tothe MetaCatServlet in order to accomodate the new UPDATE and DELETEfunctions. The command line tools and the parameters for theservlet have changed substantially.
Fixed bug in DBWriter using the new SAX2 interface. Turned out it was a bug in xerces-1_1_1, which was fixed by Andy Clark after I reported it.
1) Simplified database connection creation by adding new utility routine in MetaCatUtil that reads configuration information from the properties file.2) Created MetaCatUtil.getOption() to retrieve options from properties file.3) Unified SAX Parser creation by specifying parser driver in the properties file and dynamically loading it using the XMLReaderFactory interface....
cleaned up code for getting options from the properties file, made the database connection inthe MetaCatUtil class use the properties file for the conneciton info
updated javadoc documentation
integrated new structured query facility (DBQuery) into the servlet demo (MetaCatServlet)
removed debugging code
fixed QuerySpecification to produce SQL that does UNION or INTERSECT set operations for query group combinations
finsihed basic functionality for structured queries based on the DBQuery and QuerySpecification classes
added code to build an index of the paths through the DOM tree to each node in the tree as the node is being inserted
db trigger xml_nodes_before_insert no longer in use
for safe nodeid generation
modified shell scripts to support new parser locations and syntax changes
completed work on creating structured query prototype in DBQuery and QuerySpecification classes
added missed conn.close()
continued work on structured query. Now QuerySpecification generates SQL for a given xml input, and DBQuery uses that SQL to send the query to the db
fixed string broken over two lines
documentation cleanup
minor modifications to fix problems introduced with AccessionNumber module
2 new properties added:defaultGlobalName=NCEASaccNumberSeparator=:
docid is varchar2(55)new table xml_acc_numbersclear out db trigger xml_documents_before_insert
docid is String
docid is Stringdocid is generated from AccessionNumber.generate() call
gen acc # in new connectionchanging to static methodsinclude action parameter
continued work on structured query -- now it reads the queryspec xml docuemnt and can digest its contents
continued work on developing structured query functionality using the QuerySpecification class -- incomplete still
minor changes to TextNode
fixed error in pathquery.dtd
added incomplete classes for structured query
added result-set filter to DBSimpleQuery to only return specified document type
added query language dtd and example file
changed getDocID() only to: return docid;
put checkURLConnection(systemId) beforeits register in db or using from the parser
rewrote DBSimpleQuery and associated classes to no longer use Oracle's hierarchichal query syntax -- now this should work with any JDBC compliant backend DB
assign rootnodeid, docid for every node in xml_nodes table by given document
to use single transaction
new class for registering of Accession numbers into metacat db
renamed DBSAXWriter to DBWriter
updated classpath to use jar file in shell scripts
reincorporated Title registration code for documents