Use or to replace union
Add code to handle none-same value query term.
Initial checkin. Just a starting point for the FGDC Metadata xsl view.
Changed the metadata XSL target to use the new FGDC XSL file.
Resized the login frame.
The JSP "KNP Main View". Refactored some of the original code to other classes to work with the edu.ucsb.ucsb.nceas.metacat.clientview API.
The JSP "Client Login View". This view now uses the edu.ucsb.ucsb.nceas.metacat.clientview API, rather than interacting directly with the MetacatClient class.Refactored most of the original code.
Initial checkin. The JSP "Client FGDC Upload View". This view uses the edu.ucsb.ucsb.nceas.metacat.clientview API.
Initial checkin. The "Client View FGDC Helper", to provide FGDC specific methods for client views. This is an API class for the clientview package.
Initial checkin. The "Client View HTML Helper", to provide HTML specific methods for client views. This is an API class for the clientview package.
Initial checkin. The "Client View Bean Helper", to provide a controller for ClientView bean users. This is the main API class for the clientview package.
Initial checkin. The "Client View Bean Info", to complete the JavaBean architecture for the ClientView bean. This class can be used in java component building tools.
Initial checkin. The "Client View Bean", to provide the "model" in the MVC architecture. This JavaBean is used in client view JSP documents (the "Views")and the ClientViewHelper class (the "Controller").
Refactored almost all of the JSP API methods and fields to a new package (edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.clientview).
Initial checkin. This particular form probably won't be used, however, it is provided here as an example of using the new "Delete" API.
Removed the "action" param, and added the "qformat" param.
Revised the access query part.
Remove the subtree constrain in access query
Add new variable indicate if this query term in a union group.
Remove an method
Change some log.
Merge the getting return fields for both elements and attributes.
Get rid of back tracing part
Moved delete code out JSP and into
Fixed bug: successfully removes related sub Doc ID's from metadata.New functionality:1) Updates field in FGDC metadata Doc ID with new version of Doc ID, and2) Recurses sub-documents for deletion, when deleting an FGDC metadata Doc ID (deletes entire package).
Add debug in query method.
KNB default path query.
Changed the height setting for an iframe.
Changes include: 1) Separate "Search for Data" between public users and logged-in users, 2) Separate "Browse Data Sets" for public users and logged-in users,3) Ability to get a list of Doc Id's based on a specified scope, 4) Ability to select a data package or data file by selecting from a list of Doc Id's, 5) Ability to "Delete" data files,...
Several newly developed methods providing a JSP API into metacat. Most of the new methods were developed to support FGDC metadata.Some of the other new methods merely provide convenience to the JSP code. New methods include:nextVersion, getFGDCdistinfo, addDistInfoToFGDC, vectorToHtmlSelect, mapToHtmlSelect, htmlInput, getSessValue, setSessValue, query, getSelectQueryMap,...
Initial checkin. Convenient xhtml snippet to be included in a JSP file, to define several input parameters required by MetaCatServlet.Alternative to using javascript or repetitive html.
A path query from kepler
A sql to increase column size of queryresult_string in xml_queryresult table.
Replacing mutiple mkdir command by "mkdir -p".
Make the variables easilier edtible
New text file to store a number how many time we want to query metacat.
New script which will reboot the system after query. So this will keep memory usuage same.
Fixed bug that docid has no seperator in email.
Remove the rule that the access allow rule should equals three.
Added presentation slides on Identifiers for DevLunch. The issues outlined here are relevant to implementation of LSIDs etc in Metacat.
Modified method "doMetadataUpload". Improved file type parsing. Also changed call to "upload", to send Integer.MAX_VALUE as the file size,since file size is not available until read (i.e. "Content-Length", which is available, isn't the same as the individual file sizes)....
Code design document of the login process, as done in the KNB skin.
Change a log level. Sometime it confuses people.
changed web site to use new documentation paths. this break a lot of stuff because metacat won't return the subelements of an xpath query. this will have to be fixed through metacat
Metacat JSP API Additions. The new methods currently only handle inserts of new metadata files and related data files. It also handles instance creation and login support, witha few convenience methodes intended to be called by a JSP file.Update and delete support will be added. Also, the new methods currently only handle FGDC metadata files. More XML grammars will be added.
KNP skin customization. Initial checkin of new file. Called by the standard skin javascript protocol of "insertLoginBox()".This contains a non-modal "Login Form" and account management links. It also contains a web form for inserting a new metacat data package.
KNP skin customization. Added a call the the standard skin javascript protocol of "insertLoginBox()". This replaces the prior "Login Form" and "Manage Account" section, which have been removed.This code is now in the new SaeonLogin.jspx file.
Modified the iframeloginboxclass class. Customized for the KNP skin.
Added LOGINBOX_URL and IFRAME_LOGINBOX_CLASS. Customized for the KNP skin.
Add code restart postgresql and tomcat, and code to check those servers are ready or not
A script to call java client to query metacat. The restart tomcat and postgres part haven't done yet.
A query client to test metacat performance
Add more statement to output performance info in a file in delimitere format
Add statement to output search time to a delimitered file
Add a new method to output delimited debug info.
Add new porperty for delimitered ouput debug file.
Test query with attribute return field to measure metacat peformance.
Test query for measure metacat peformance.
Add formated output for time measurement.
Add new method to record the total search time to a file.
Add new method to write debug info to a given file.
Reset the spatial option to be true as default the value.
Add two porperties which control to write debug info to a file rather than log.
Add new box for inserting new resultset into xml_queryresult table.
Add a new box for inserting new resultset into xml_queryresult table.
Change the debug level for some statement
Fixed bug that search "soil" will cause an exception.
paging now works in a more normal manner. also fixed a bug where the last page would display too many results.
Add new box for executing getAttributeReturnValue.
Add new query box for executing getAttributeReturnValue.
Change the debug level for timing
Recovered some overwitten code.
updated the kepler skin to use paging. need to do a bit more work on this to make it behave more like other web applications
A png version of query flow chart/
Changed a wrong debug information.
flow chart of metacat query.
Fixed bug that search will get a error in adding relationship.
Add time debug information for query.
Modify the time debug message
Fixed bug that if Writer object is null, code will generate null exception
This update includes tech support emails for LTER and UCNRS.
Remove the access query for return field since we remove the partial tree access control in eml.
removed a bunch of commented out code
got a better version of paging working. still needs to be cleaned up and debugged more.
Fix bug that if there is a search value is different to others, the query wouold work.
Added a new class called Sitemap that is used to generate a series of XML documents representing the URLs of metacat documents following the sitemap protocol. The Sitemap class extends TimerTask so that it can be scheduled to run once a day or so. New configuration options were added to to control where the sitemaps are written and hw often they are updated. By default we do it once a day, as more often is overkill for search engines....
Added servlet mapping that allows PATHINFO to be passed to the metacat servlet for use in URL handling for READ action.
transfer to value to upper case.
Added new feature to allow metacat documents to be retrieved from a URL that does not use the query url syntax, instead embedding the docid and qformat in the url path, as in this example: http://localhost:8180/knb/metacat/test.1.1/knbThis format allows clients to read documents without entering a query URL, which will be used in a subsequent step to allow search engines to better index metacat content.
Decreased the debug message priority to 'debug' level for messages when reading an XML document.
Fixed bug that modified query wasn't add.
Add some new constance
Add method to handle union operator.
Added predicates to return paths.
Limited use of predicates in XPath return fields
Add event log for timed replication.
Add even log in replication.
Use a log.dir variable to replace tmp dir in replication log file.
Add new variable for replication log directory.
Somehow the change went to the head rather than branch. So i rollback the change in head.