


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
335 08/10/2000 01:45 PM higgins

no message

334 08/10/2000 12:13 PM bojilova

changing paths, b' of new dev environment

333 08/10/2000 11:59 AM bojilova

added HTTPSession.setMaxInactiveInterval(-1)
for every new Session - never to expire

332 08/10/2000 11:56 AM bojilova

added "anonymous" user connection

331 08/09/2000 04:17 PM Matt Jones

updated properties file to reflect new db location

330 08/08/2000 05:40 PM Matt Jones

added web.xml configuration file for Tomcat Servlet engine

329 08/08/2000 05:39 PM Matt Jones

-Reorganized xmltodb module to support new install process for the new
linux server ( Added "" shell script that
calls ant withthe proper umask set for installation. Use:

./ install

to post a new copy of the servlet and its supporting files to the install...

328 08/07/2000 05:31 PM bojilova

rearrange html pages for login and metacat access

327 08/07/2000 02:44 PM bojilova

renamed index.html to metacat.html

326 08/07/2000 02:43 PM bojilova


325 08/07/2000 11:55 AM bojilova

it was smashed to 95 bytes only

324 08/07/2000 11:24 AM Matt Jones

removed old xmldbms source tree because it is no longer being used as a reference

323 08/07/2000 08:13 AM berkley

no message

322 08/04/2000 05:51 PM Matt Jones

moved srbProps file

321 08/04/2000 04:43 PM bojilova

maximumConnections added

320 08/04/2000 04:34 PM bojilova

more precise handling of the Connection Pool

319 08/04/2000 01:54 PM Matt Jones

minor config file update

318 08/04/2000 08:32 AM berkley

no message

317 08/03/2000 04:21 PM bojilova

doctype and docid attr added to xml_index table

316 08/03/2000 04:20 PM bojilova

Changes related to "getdataguide" action

315 08/03/2000 04:19 PM bojilova

doctype attr in xml_index table has been added
so changed the getDataGuide routine to select for paths by given doctype

314 08/03/2000 04:17 PM bojilova

DBSAXNode constructor simplified

313 08/03/2000 04:17 PM bojilova

Call to DBSAXNode constructor simplified

312 08/03/2000 04:15 PM bojilova

Added public method to return the rootnodeid of the document

311 08/02/2000 04:26 PM bojilova

Added support for "anonymous" user

310 08/01/2000 01:08 PM bojilova

no message

309 08/01/2000 11:26 AM bojilova

added Pool of Connections
DBQuery, DBReader, DBTransform, DBUtil are created on every request and use the connections from the Pool
same with DBWriter and DBValidate

308 08/01/2000 11:22 AM bojilova

added "initialConnections", "incrementConnection" options used for the Pool of Connections

307 07/28/2000 03:05 PM berkley

no message

306 07/28/2000 01:05 PM berkley

no message

305 07/28/2000 12:00 PM berkley

changed marine line

304 07/28/2000 12:00 PM berkley

no message

303 07/28/2000 11:30 AM Matt Jones

changed build documentation

302 07/27/2000 04:12 PM bojilova

Added "getdoctypes" and "getdataguide" action handlers

301 07/27/2000 04:08 PM bojilova

utility class for reading various of data from db

300 07/27/2000 03:05 PM berkley

added MARINE installation instructions

299 07/27/2000 10:14 AM higgins

Copies to replace corrupted class files

298 07/26/2000 03:26 PM berkley

no message

297 07/26/2000 01:48 PM bojilova

Added "Login Client" action for login from the Desktop Client

296 07/26/2000 01:40 PM higgins

no message

295 07/26/2000 08:28 AM berkley

Added marine files to metacat package

294 07/18/2000 11:40 AM bojilova

no message

281 07/13/2000 07:04 PM bojilova
  • empty log message ***
280 07/13/2000 06:48 PM bojilova
  • empty log message ***
279 07/13/2000 02:48 PM bojilova
  • empty log message ***
278 07/13/2000 02:31 PM bojilova
  • empty log message ***
277 07/13/2000 02:02 PM bojilova
  • empty log message ***
276 07/13/2000 01:48 PM bojilova
  • empty log message ***
275 07/13/2000 11:22 AM bojilova
  • empty log message ***
274 07/13/2000 11:21 AM bojilova

no message

273 07/13/2000 11:17 AM bojilova
  • empty log message ***
268 07/11/2000 10:26 AM bojilova

using the new interface to SRB JavaRMI to solve the auth problem

258 07/10/2000 11:35 AM bojilova

added hidden "action" field

257 07/04/2000 03:28 PM Matt Jones

minor efficiency improvement

256 07/04/2000 03:16 PM Matt Jones

minor property change

255 07/04/2000 03:14 PM Matt Jones

removed catalog jar file because not needed because source code is in src dir so is included as part of metacat.jar

254 07/04/2000 02:54 PM Matt Jones

updated ant build.xml file for efficiency

253 06/30/2000 06:09 PM Matt Jones

252 06/30/2000 04:53 PM bojilova

finished user auth & session tracking

251 06/30/2000 04:42 PM bojilova

finished user auth & session tracking

249 06/30/2000 12:05 PM bojilova

hidden form item "action" is not needed

248 06/30/2000 11:20 AM bojilova

session expiration message page
it has a link that should go to new login page.

247 06/30/2000 10:59 AM bojilova

session expiration message page shown when
session expire or session has not been stored
between different user requests.

245 06/29/2000 05:52 PM Matt Jones

changed char stream to byte stream

243 06/29/2000 04:27 PM Matt Jones

Fixed bug in DBEntityResolver so that it now properly delegates to
the system id found inthe database.
Changed DBValidate to use DBEntityResolver, rather than the OASIS
catalog, and to return validation results in XML format.

237 06/29/2000 02:03 PM bojilova

testing login

234 06/29/2000 01:05 PM bojilova

testing login

233 06/29/2000 12:08 PM bojilova

testing login

232 06/29/2000 11:42 AM bojilova

testing login

231 06/29/2000 10:54 AM bojilova

testing login

230 06/29/2000 10:45 AM bojilova

testing login

229 06/29/2000 10:40 AM bojilova

testing login

228 06/29/2000 10:28 AM bojilova

testing login

227 06/29/2000 10:03 AM bojilova

testing login

226 06/29/2000 09:50 AM bojilova

testing login

225 06/29/2000 09:37 AM bojilova

testing login

224 06/28/2000 04:47 PM bojilova

testing login

223 06/28/2000 04:19 PM bojilova


222 06/28/2000 02:33 PM bojilova


221 06/28/2000 01:17 PM bojilova


220 06/27/2000 08:14 PM Matt Jones

Fixed bug where TEXT nodes couldn't be longer than 4000 characters, which
is the maximum length of a VARCHAR2 field in Oracle. Now, if text
exceeds the field length, I break the text up into a series of TEXT
nodes each of the max field length, and the remainder in the last...

219 06/27/2000 07:36 PM Matt Jones

Added feature to now ouput COMMENTs and PIs when the document is
read from the database with DBReader.

218 06/27/2000 07:30 PM Matt Jones

updated build file jar references

217 06/27/2000 07:23 PM Matt Jones

fixed html file parameters

216 06/27/2000 05:47 PM Matt Jones

removed jar file because it is too dynamic

215 06/27/2000 05:00 PM bojilova

changed to

214 06/27/2000 04:58 PM Matt Jones

binary additions for srb RMI client

213 06/27/2000 04:53 PM Matt Jones

Added srbrmi classes for authentication support

212 06/27/2000 03:43 PM bojilova

changed to use username/password entered on login

211 06/27/2000 03:36 PM bojilova

needed right <FORM ACTION="" ...> value

210 06/27/2000 02:25 PM bojilova

changes releted to login and session tracking

209 06/27/2000 02:24 PM bojilova

New- class that encapsulates session creation and user authentication

208 06/27/2000 02:23 PM bojilova

New- login page

207 06/27/2000 01:49 PM Matt Jones

added new javadoc documentation for new classes

205 06/26/2000 09:50 PM Matt Jones

Updated javadoc documentation.

204 06/26/2000 09:31 PM Matt Jones

Fixed bugs associated with the new UPDATE and DELETE functions of
DBWriter. There were problematic interactions between some static
variables used in DBEntityResolver and the way in which the
Servlet objects are re-used across multiple client invocations....

203 06/26/2000 03:35 AM Matt Jones

Merged in substantial changes to DBWriter and associated classes and to
the MetaCatServlet in order to accomodate the new UPDATE and DELETE
functions. The command line tools and the parameters for the
servlet have changed substantially.

186 06/23/2000 12:09 PM Matt Jones

Fixed bug in DBWriter using the new SAX2 interface. Turned out it was a bug in xerces-1_1_1, which was fixed by Andy Clark after I reported it.

185 06/21/2000 07:20 PM Matt Jones

1) Simplified database connection creation by adding new utility routine in MetaCatUtil that reads configuration information from the properties file.
2) Created MetaCatUtil.getOption() to retrieve options from properties file.
3) Unified SAX Parser creation by specifying parser driver in the properties file and dynamically loading it using the XMLReaderFactory interface....

184 06/20/2000 07:57 PM Matt Jones

cleaned up code for getting options from the properties file, made the database connection inthe MetaCatUtil class use the properties file for the conneciton info