- created transformResultset() which transforms an xml resultset document and displays it to the client useing DBTransform- renamed transformDocument() to createResultDocument() and modified its functionality to only return a restultset xml document- changed handleSQuery() and handleQuery() to use the new methods
Changed "xmltodb" to "html-path/style" so that the resultset.xslstylesheet could be found in various servlet contexts.
changed release version
Modified binaries to change classpath for metacat.jar under newbuild process.
Repository reorganization, and some file cleanup to make the XSL and CSSfiles portable to various installations of metacat (by using thebuild.xml file substitution in the XSL files). Removed "xsqltest" directorybecause it is no longer needed. Created new "style" directory inside of...
removed unneeded replace command
Added user and password to build.xml for filter substitution.
remove handleQueryAction() in favor of directly calling handleQuery() and handleSQuery() from doGetOrPost()
Cleared hardcoded paths for the location of .html files and usethe new "htmlpath" property from metacat.properties file
sorry, I needed new property "html-path" with value "/xmltodb" for me.Chad, for you should be I think "/berkley"
New "servletpath" and "installdir" properties
Set a filter for installdir property
set filtering="yes" attribute on the copy command of metacat.properties
Added decodeMouseAction(Hashtable) to decode the mouse click action outside of handleGetOrPost to allow for easy modification of images in a different application.
added new constructor to allow the creation of a metacatutil object that uses a properties file other than edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.metacat.
Fixed build.xml bug -- jar file was included recursively in itself, causingever-growing size of jar on install. Changed location of jar file that isbuilt (from build.dest to build.dir) to fix the problem.
added eml-resource to the catalog
Broke up handleQueryAction into handleQuery, handleSQuery, runQuery and transformDocument. handleQueryAction is now a base function which makes calls to each of these functions to create, run and transform a query from CGI parameters.
Added createSQuery() to handle structured queries of an arbitrary number of parameters. Also modified createQuery() to handle a null query in a graceful manner.
Added "release" keyword to all metacat source files so that the releasenumber will be evident in software distributions.
Updated build process to now use a copy of the source files so that keywordsubstitution can ocur before the build. This allows for substitution ofhardcoded values into the source before the compile. Currently, I amusing this feature to do the following:...
added Logout link
added Logout handling
clear lib dir from paths like xmltodb/lib/something.html
on "DELETE" added delete from xml_index table for a given docidbefore delete from xml_documents, b' of foreign key in xml_index(docid)to xml_documents(docid)
Changed exception handling mechanisms for DBReader
added createSQuery
broke up handleQueryAction into handleQuery, handleSQuery, runQuery and transformDocument
changed paths
changed getRootNode method from public to private
simple JavaScript to put focus on username field
replaced some deprecated methods with the new v2.2 of Java Servlet API
changed paths, b' of new dev server
no message
changing paths, b' of new dev environment
added HTTPSession.setMaxInactiveInterval(-1)for every new Session - never to expire
added "anonymous" user connection
updated properties file to reflect new db location
added web.xml configuration file for Tomcat Servlet engine
-Reorganized xmltodb module to support new install process for the newlinux server (dev.nceas.ucsb.edu). Added "build.sh" shell script thatcalls ant withthe proper umask set for installation. Use:
./build.sh install
to post a new copy of the servlet and its supporting files to the install...
rearrange html pages for login and metacat access
renamed index.html to metacat.html
it was smashed to 95 bytes only
removed old xmldbms source tree because it is no longer being used as a reference
moved srbProps file
maximumConnections added
more precise handling of the Connection Pool
minor config file update
doctype and docid attr added to xml_index table
Changes related to "getdataguide" action
doctype attr in xml_index table has been addedso changed the getDataGuide routine to select for paths by given doctype
DBSAXNode constructor simplified
Call to DBSAXNode constructor simplified
Added public method to return the rootnodeid of the document
Added support for "anonymous" user
added Pool of ConnectionsDBQuery, DBReader, DBTransform, DBUtil are created on every request and use the connections from the Poolsame with DBWriter and DBValidate
added "initialConnections", "incrementConnection" options used for the Pool of Connections
changed marine line
changed build documentation
Added "getdoctypes" and "getdataguide" action handlers
utility class for reading various of data from db
added MARINE installation instructions
Copies to replace corrupted class files
Added "Login Client" action for login from the Desktop Client
Added marine files to metacat package
using the new interface to SRB JavaRMI to solve the auth problem
added hidden "action" field
minor efficiency improvement
minor property change
removed catalog jar file because not needed because source code is in src dir so is included as part of metacat.jar
updated ant build.xml file for efficiency
finished user auth & session tracking
hidden form item "action" is not needed
session expiration message pageit has a link that should go to new login page.
session expiration message page shown whensession expire or session has not been storedbetween different user requests.
changed char stream to byte stream
Fixed bug in DBEntityResolver so that it now properly delegates tothe system id found inthe database.Changed DBValidate to use DBEntityResolver, rather than the OASIScatalog, and to return validation results in XML format.
testing login