- move moderatorComments into //additionalMetadata/metadata/ as per EML 2.1 (Bug #3679) - overlay skin-specific email properties on system-level properties (email hostname)
validate only required fields.
add the ability to validate that only required fields are populated.
Process affiliated ldap info
Add sections for the unaffiliated user configuration and add required field to appropriate fields
Fix problem with failing authentication for creating new accounts. (Bug #3725)
minor change to help nick test irccat
Enable debugging for LDAPweb.
DRY out login request code
Ensure that file permission is always set. If unset, it'll cause the EML document to be invalid.
Complete implementation of otherEntity editing and deletion, syncronizing changes to EML document. Now all elements which are created by the form can also be edited (Bug #3319). Also prevented associated party duplication on modification.
Fix typos in error messages.
only shift once; fix typo in writeFile
Fix issue with missing AdminDB parameters causing the registry script to fail (Bug #3741)
Remove outdated CGI related build properties.
standardize registry debug messages with 'Registry:' prefix
Further fixes for allowing editing with otherEntity objects, completed deserialization and copying of file metadata from existing data objects (Bug #3319). Still needs more work.
fix typo preventing guide pages from showing (Bug #3726)
The test was failing because it was reading the sitemap file into a buffer and the limit was being reached. Used the FileUtil string reader to get the file.
Move the logMetacat global
Only check user permissions for online data if the data already exists.
Get the metacat url from the SystemUtil.
Don't die if the xml-debug file can't be written to the temporary directory. Instead, write a warning. Include the directions for making the temporary dir writable to the apache user in documentation.
Include error checking for required distribution elements, which must be non-empty strings in EML 2.1 (bug #3721).
Add back the auth.base variable to metacat.properties. Use this variable when creating ldap distinguished name.
Update properties usage to be correct, use proper LDAP URL, move template function higher up to prevent prototyped subroutine definition issues.
Update moderators element to current token, fix undefined variable in ESA logic.
Try to create the backup directories before creating th ebackup files.
add security constraint sections to disallow access to *.cfg and *.properties files.
Add a section for skins testing
Add script for converting documents with docnames into the filename stored within the objectName field of the EML. This, along with changes in the 1.9 release should eliminate incorrect filenames (Bug #2566).
change dev-install target to be install target
Create a propertyService.getTestInstance method to facilitate unit tests
change metacatconfigure.html to metacat-configure.html
Add image for backup directory configuration screen
Add source build instructions
Add backup configuration page
comment out temp-dir property
Add external (backup) directory discovery methods.
Remove org configuration methods since they are not used. Get the backup configuration directories when doing a bypass. Implement the refresh method.
This service now holds a registry of active services. Refreshing of services must go through this class. Also holds some common values that are discovered via servlet context.
Implement refresh methods inherited from base class
Remove the configuration directory from the PropertyService constructor
Do not worry about creating backup directories here
Use configured backup dir when discovering data directories
Handle backup configuration action
Class to support backup directory configuration
Deleted this file. Organization level configuration is not used.
Renamed MetaCatUtil to MetacatUtil
Removed extra %> that showed up on page
Added backup directory properties
change db script description to run against metacat user instead of postgres user.
Moved cvsroot property up in the file since it is one that may need to be updated by developers.
Added files to create any version of database schema from scratch
Add section on what to do if db scripts fail during configuration utility
File describing how to run database scripts manually
fix internal link to postgres section
Add a section on testing against different db schema versions
Add information on CVS anonymous account
Move global connection variable setters into the constructor so they are retrieved every time we get a new dbConnetion object
Robustly handle file naming as per bug #2566 and the feedback of the scientific programmers (http://tinyurl.com/4n4jve).
revert the changes for: -- On update, check if the accession number exists in the db. If not, change the action to insert.
Quote filenames as per RFC2616 (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec19.html#sec19.5.1), this prevents filename truncation on Firefox for files with spaces within the names (part of #2566).
On update, check if the accession number exists in the db. If not, change the action to insert.
Added EML 2.1.0 test cases.
Change Inline to be inline in the test eml. Added debug statements.
Use a distributionSection object to hold a distribution and it's access.
move readerToString function to StringUtil class in utilities module.
Holds all the information for a single distribution in eml.
Change Inlinedatafilename to datafilename, since it can be the name of a regular data file
Add method to save transforming message into files.
Use a while loop to replace if.
Add code to go through eml201 document list to transform them to eml210.
Add a new class which will transform eml201 and eml 200 to eml210.
reference generic OS installation documentation
re-add line to delete source tar after distribution
move metacat-install to metacat-linux-install
Update with windows install documentation
Correct the pathing for the schema directories based on OS. Leave them in the database with linux style paths (forward slashes) since the values are also used to create urls.
add debug
Discover the external (backup) directory based on OS
Add debug statements
Add some windows specific instructions
add skin properties files so that first can be enabled as the default when configuring metacat in the admin interface.note: not checking in the modifcation to metacat.properties file - that will remain a deployment-specific change and not included in the standard distribution
created a deb-package target which builds a metacat debian package.
Add a release candidate number for packaging purposes.
Scripts to support a debian package build
Move these scripts to the debian directory
Remove old backup version
handle mixture of datapackages: some with demographic data, some without.takes advantage of the [new] StaticSelectionItem feature in the datamanager
readding DM library (again!)
why does SVN hate me?
include demographic data if present in the datapackageTODO: handle a mixture of datapackages when performing the union (i.e. cases when one package as demographic data and the other does not)http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3519
Add unit testing and build issues.