verify that the sysmeta checksum value matches the computed checksum value when calling create()
include sysmeta for uploaded BIN data that comes through the legacy Metacat servlet API
check for null pointers when adding system metadata/creating records during cn.create()
removing unneeded class (never used)
allow urls with "v1" in them
cleaned up mock tests on hzObjectPathMap. split out code for mocking a datastore into MockObjectPathMap.
remove unused/old D1 SCHEMA downloads and build tasks
initialize Hazelcast from the custom configuration when initializing the Metacat service.
use shared hazelcast properties location on the CN
handle entryAdded and entryUpdated the same - update the entry if it exists, otherwise create it
handle entryAdded (to hzSystemMetadata) to store sysmeta to local store when it is not already present
make isScienceMetadata() method public/static to be called throughout Metacat
only create ObjectFormatId when we actually have the parameter (downstream we rely on it being null or not when constructing the query)
exercise the shared hazelecast system metadata map and custom loader/store by inserting normally and also directly into the map. both mechanisms allow up to read the same system metadata (only tested on single local instance)
add code to handle new entry when it is not on the local member of the sysmeta cluster
clean up imports - randome quicktime package had been included
test hzSystemMetadata Map and custom loader
comment out processCluster connections that use hzClient until that is finalized
use HashMap, HashSet instead of the Tree* classes that require Identifier objects implement Comparable
copied default hazelcast configuration from the jar into, to get instances to talk to each other.
configuring hazelcast tests
do not add obsoletes and obsoletedBy elements if their values are null (jibx chokes on the emptiness)
use both guid and docid when creating access row - then either mechanism can be used when retrieving the access rules
check for null session before looking at subject
further refactoring and start of unit tests for hazelcast elements
use pending replication task queue to check if node is authorized for replication. moved from old ReplicationService code
save system metadata and/or science metadata and/or ORE objects to the local CN if needed.
small code cleanup - removed unused instantiations of DBUtils.
fixed logic wrt localID and docid. Implemented new method in IdentifierManager to getAllGUIDs from identifier table for implementation of loadAllKeys in ObjectPathMapLoader.
further development of ObjectPathMapLoader.
new class for refreshing the hazelcast map with metacat. Initial commit.
return the test Identifier so other tests can piggyback
check session != null before checking authorization
Add stub methods in CNodeService that implement the Hazelcast EntryListener interface: entryAdded(), entryRemoved(), entryUpdated(), and entryEvicted(). Add a listener to the hzSystemMetadata map so the CNodeService can respond to those events and create appropriate CNReplicationTask objects for distributed execution across the CN cluster. Again, stubs only so far.
Minor cleanup - tabs to spaces.
Enable CNodeService to access 1) the hzNodes map defined in the DataONE process cluster by becoming a Hazelcast client (hzClient) to that cluster and 2) the hzSystemMetadata map defined in the DataONE storage cluster by becoming a member to that cluster (using direct Hazelcast calls). Added fields for maintaining the DataONE cluster properties.
Add properties for strings used to connect to the DataONE storage and process Hazelcast clusters. The storage cluster is defined in the hazelcast.xml config file, and we list the names of the systemMetadataMap and the tasksIdNamespace in order to connect to these structures. When creating CNReplicationTask objects, use the task id generator to get a unique task id.
Add in the Hazelcast Id generation namespace and an IdGenerator instance for task ids. Hazelcast will produce cluster-wide unique ids for the "task-ids" namespace, to be used when creating CNreplicationTask objects.
Add the hazelcast client jar so Metacat can connect to the DataONE storage cluster that initializes the hzNodes shared node map and other structures as needed.
Add a CNReplicationTask class that will be submitted to the CN storage cluster when there are changes to the object store involving system metadata, science metadata, and resource maps. When a new entry is added to the hzSystemMetadata map, a new data, science metadata, or resource map was added to the VO, and all CN cluster members need to be updated with the object and it's system metadata. This task is executed on each CN to replicate the information. If the event is an update to an existing system metadata entry, it may only involve a change to system metadata, or may involve a change to science metadata as well. The task will return with the PID of the object replicated, be it a sysmeta, scimeta, or resource object. Locking of the PID will be handled by the task.
Update test for getReplicationStatus to reflect API change.
Newest version of the D1 0.6.4 common jar.
Catch D1nodeService up to the DataONE 0.6.4 schema where there is no ObjectFormat.isScienceMetadata() method, but rather ObjectFormat.getFormatType() where type is currently one of 'DATA, 'METADATA', or 'RESOURCE'.
Modify HazelcastService to read configuration information from an on-disk file (not from a jar file). Added init() to start up the service (was calling doRefresh() before. We still need to decide if this is a refreshable service.
Add the dataone.hazelcast.configFilePath property to be used when MetacatServlet becomes a Hazelcast cluster member using HazelcastService. TODO: what are the consequences of restarting the service via doRefresh()? It's set to false for now.
move HazelcastService to D1 package
Adding a HazelcastService for Metacat to enable Metacat as a Hazelcast cluster member in DataONE. This will require the hazelcast.xml configuration file used for the DataONE cluster to be on the Metacat classpath.
changes for schema update (d1_common)
do not parse from last slash ("/") to the end when processing the request uri - otherwise things like format ids (text/csv) will be handled incorrectly.
added HazelCast MapStore and MapLoader implementation for SystemMetadata
use InvalidRequest when the PID is not found.
remove unused dataone properties
use 0.6.4 for node capabilities
use Permission.REPLICATE not EXECUTE
check with the CN if replication is allowed for the object in question for getReplica()
add getReplica() implementation. same as get() but with different logging. seems silly, but maybe I missed something important that distinguishes this method.
Rolling back inadvertent commit on Doh.
Incomplete - task : Getting started with your first Spring web application development project
Update MetacatPopulator to use the DataONE 0.6.4 schema and types.
Update tests to use the DataONE 0.6.4 schema and types.
Update classes to use the DataONE 0.6.4 schema and types. Major changes involve using BigInteger vs long in SystemMetadata.size, and using ObjectFormatIdentifier rather than Object format.
Update DataONE jar files to 0.6.4. Updated classes to follow.
Insert system metadata after the data object is inserted.
Fix bug in updateSystemMetadataFields() where guid is set from the wrong parameter in the prepared SQL statement.
latest D1 jars - changes include:updateSystemMetadata() impl for CNnew identifier methods (generate is its own method)removal of the resourceMap pointer from system metadata
remove ORE mapping from system metadata
Update the d1 common java jar to include the changes to BaseException, and update MNodeService.synchronizationFailed() to use the BaseException.getNodeId() method to report which node the exception came from.
include obsoletes and obsoletedBy for system metadatarepurpose the "provenance" table as the ORE mapping table for system metadata
updated jars after recent schema changes (no real change for us here)
use correct enum method
refactor Constants
refactor Constants and ServiceTypeUtil
use NodelistUtil
remove ServiceTypeUtil - replace with TypeMarshaller
use new "v1" types from DataONE
exclude non-test cases (d1)
remove CrudService -- replaced by MNodeService and CNodeService
handle more than "contains" searchmode when using the path index for queries
remove CrudServiceTest reference in main Metacat test (about to remove from svn)
-handle NotFound object format when generating system metadata-improve EML DML for null entity/attribute elements
use the ObjectFormat Id (not toString()) to check against the configured science metadata formats
reset object input stream (testGet)check for reserveIdentifier NotImplemented (expected)
merge changes from 1.9.5 branch that read site docs from SVN not a defunct LTER server
Return the new pid (not the obsoleted pid) on update(), and set the correct system metadata.
In D1NodeService.getLogRecords(), don't pass in null start and count params - set them to the defaults (0 and 1000).
MNResourceHandler.getObject() was making a call to ObjectFormat.getFmtid() when an object format was null. Check that it is not null before trying getFmtid().
In MNodeService.getCapabilities(), update the properties to match those in Flesh out the NodeHealth object, adding NodeState, Ping, and Status information. Flesh out the Synchronization object information, but for now, use mock values. TODO: This should be determined from configuration and on-the-fly information.
Use CamelCaps for properties for better readability.
include Mock version of looking up the base url for our own node - for testReplicate().still expecting a failure during MN.replicate() since we are trying to add the replica to the same MN from which it came.
allow alternative CNode implementations (subclasses) to be returned when D1Client.getCN() is called. The alternative is given in the Settings configuration via the D1Client.cnClassName property.MockCNode in Metacat is an example of such an alternative and is used when Metacat requires methods of a CN be present for unit testing.
In MNodeService.getCapabilities(), set the synchronization and replication properties of the node.
Added node synchronization and replication properties.
In MNodeService.getCapabilities(), set the serviceAvailable for each service supported.
Added service availability properties for each of the MN services.
In MNodeService.getCapabilities(), set the serviceVersion for each service supported.
Added service version properties for each of the MN services.
check reservation before create/update